With 100,000 Vincentians across the United States and nearly 800,000 around the world, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul provides person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering. Read some of their stories here:
- AUSTRALIA: A little kindness goes a long way
- CANADA: Anonymous donation supports hundreds of local families
- IRELAND: Ryan Tubridy in awe over incredible amount raised for St Vincent de Paul
- IRELAND: HRC students release songs on Spotify in aid of charity
- NEW ZEALAND: SVdP sets up Christmas toy shop
- UNITED KINGDOM: Kind Rutherglen school pupils hold gift bag collection to help needy kids
- ANDERSON, IN: Paying it forward: Despite COVID challenges, St. Vincent de Paul Society continues to help Anderson families
- ATLANTA, GA: Escaping the trap of extended stay motels
- BATON ROUGE, LA: St. Vincent de Paul serves hundreds of Christmas Day meals and gifts
- COLUMBIA, SC: Local church giving winter backpacks to people experiencing homelessness
- CONTRA COSTA, CA: St. Vincent de Paul of Contra Costa announces new cycle of paid job training starting Jan. 6
- COVINGTON, KY: St. Vincent de Paul NKY Launches New Fund with Horizon Community Funds
- GULFPORT, FL: Gulfport’s Sail Market Studio and Boutique supports local artisans, fight against homelessness
- LEONARDTOWN, MD: Many helped support walk for those in need
- MADISON, WI: Christmas message from Bishop Donald J. Hying of Madison
- MESA, AZ: St. Vincent de Paul kitchen in Mesa gives helping hand to those in need
- NEEDLES, CA: Food boxes for families
- NEW ORLEANS, LA: New Orleans Homeless Shelter Receives $750K for Retrofit
- PHOENIX, AZ: St. Vincent de Paul set to feed more than 4,000 people on Christmas
- TYLER, TX: St. Vincent DePaul volunteers help East Texas families with their food pantry
- WILKES – BARRE, PA: St. Vincent De Paul Kitchen gives out Christmas meals
Help us share the good news of the good work being done in your local Conference or Council! Email us at info@svdpusa.org with the subject line Good News.