582,462 Americans experience homelessness every year.

Cost of living increases and inflation are pushing many families over the brink. In 2023 alone, 653,000 Americans experienced homeless. But there’s good news lining these dark clouds – when communities invest in homelessness PREVENTION programs they see a major decrease in homelessness.

In cities across the United States, St. Vincent de Paul chapters bring help and hope to the unhoused in our communities through rental and utility assistance, food pantries, charitable pharmacies, day centers, transitional housing for disabled and veteran persons, and more.

Headline here.

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More and more single-parent families stand on the brink of homelessness. One car wreck, hospital stay, or layoff can dislodge a family from a home and put them out on the streets.

SVdP provides support and stability, with the goal of permanent housing.

Just $2,000 in emergency assistance will keep a family in their home. Will you help?

In the NEWS

SVdP National President Featured in National Catholic Register 398 398 SVDP USA

SVdP National President Featured in National Catholic Register

“To address the homelessness crisis, we must encounter those on the brink.” So writes SVdP National President John Berry, in his latest op-ed for the National Catholic Register. Here’s an excerpt: “To understand why prevention programs are so critically needed, we must first understand why so many people are becoming homeless. According to Harvard’s Joint…

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The Home Visit: An Encounter with our Neighbor -Video- 1080 1080 SVDP USA

The Home Visit: An Encounter with our Neighbor -Video-

The Home Visit: An Encounter with our Neighbor Hear what three Vincentians – Kat, Ray, and Tim – have to say about their experiences during a Home Visit with a neighbor, and how that has shaped their time with the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Kat Brisette, SVDP Rhode Island: Home visits are one…

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John Berry: How Can We Help Families on the Brink of Homelessness? 1080 1080 SVDP USA

John Berry: How Can We Help Families on the Brink of Homelessness?

“Many…people at risk of homelessness today would have been, in simpler times, ‘the working poor,'” writes SVdP National President John Berry. “But as families and communities have broken down, the burden of providing has shifted onto frailer, lonelier shoulders. And as inflation continues to wreak havoc on families’ budgets, more and more single-parent families stand…

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