
02-11-21 News Roundup

02-11-21 News Roundup 1200 1200 SVDP USA

Through the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Vincentians across the United States and around the world are finding spiritual growth by providing person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering. Read some of their stories here:



Help us share the good news of the good work being done in your local Conference or Council! Email us at with the subject line Good News.

02-04-21 News Roundup

02-04-21 News Roundup 1200 1200 SVDP USA

Through the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Vincentians across the United States and around the world are finding spiritual growth by providing person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering. Read some of their stories here:


Help us share the good news of the good work being done in your local Conference or Council! Email us at with the subject line Good News.

Friends of the Poor Grant Program Opening Soon!

Friends of the Poor Grant Program Opening Soon! 1804 2100 SVDP USA

Friends of the Poor® Grant Program
North Central and Southeast Regional Cycle Opens February 12

The National Council of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul invites Conferences and District Councils to apply for grants of up to $5,000.

Deadline February 28!

$240,000 is being awarded this fiscal year.Grants are targeted to specific, current emergency assistance needs of the poor, above and beyond available resources. Preferred interest areas are: rental/housing assistance, utility assistance, food, clothing, transportation, baby/children needs, and medical. No systemic change projects.

Applying is simple. Download the application from the National Council Development Toolbox FOP Grant tab.

Grant Award Requirements:

  •  A Conference must be Aggregated and the District Council must be Instituted.
  • If you have received a grant within the last 3 years, you are not eligible to apply.
  • Grant funds are expected to be exhausted within 6 months.
  • A Grant report is due within 6 months outlining in detail how the funds were used.

Please note: Your Friends of the Poor® Grant Application will not be considered unless all the application requirements are completed using the most recent version of the application and emailed to Gerri Sample at the National Council by February 28.

The National Development Department coordinates the Friends of the Poor® Grant Program. The total annual funding varies and is based on funds raised. Grant applications are awarded by an independent peer review committee.

For More Information, Contact

Gerri Sample
(314) 576-3993, ext. 211

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