Monday, January 24
Tuesday, January 25
Wednesday, January 26
Thursday, January 27
Friday, January 28
Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.
Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.
A priest was speaking to an audience of people devoted to helping the poor. “The poor don’t need to have you be their voice,” he said, “They have their own voices.”
This point is certainly debated, and the Society has a group named Voice of the Poor for a reason. While people in poverty indeed have their own voices, what they often lack is the access to places and people where those voices may be heard. The Society, from its Conferences and Councils, can be this access.
Speaking of voices, a truism is that Money Talks. If this is true, perhaps it is time we take stock of the various forms of “money” we may use as the Society to make good things happen.
If your Council has employees, then you are defined as either a small or large employer in your area. While you may not pay property taxes, your staff has economic impact through their wages, payroll taxes, maybe sales taxes, and spending choices. If you have more than 100 employees, you may very well be a major non-government employer in your town. Do others see you this way? Do you act like it when on the public stage?
Even if you have no staff, your Council (and many Conferences) are economic players locally. For example, collectively your Vincentians may be one of the largest customers at the utility companies. Do you use this leverage to get discounts, more favorable terms for the people we serve, or “a seat at the table” as a board member or advisory board voice to the companies and/or the oversight Commissions?
Anytime your Conference makes a purchase decision, some companies benefit and others don’t – that’s the power of the purse. Review how much you spend annually in rent, utilities, food and other supports, and think about how these expenses might give you an enhanced voice for the neighbors in need. This is a voice that others may already provide you, but more often than not, you need to demand it yourself. They think of individual transactions, while you may find strength and benefit in viewing these transactions as a total expense through one payor – the Society.
As friends, we complain about bad customer service to one another, and once in a while we even say something nice about a company or vendor who made our life a little easier. Whether it is done around a restaurant table or through the internet, this is now called “influencer behavior” that can make or break a company. By steering family and friends to, or away from, those who interact with the Society, we help those we serve through economic pressure that can change corporate behavior and responses. We may already do this, but it deserves to be intentional.
A friend of mine who leads a local nonprofit once related that at a weekly Rotary Club meeting, he realized that he was the largest employer present and oversaw one of the largest budgets. Yet many thought of his organization as “that nice little organization that helps people.” He became determined not to throw his weight around, but to remind his friends and the local government of his organization’s size, strength and most importantly, local impact. Changing perspectives improved the way he and his organization were treated.
We Vincentians often exhibit humility, and serve with little or no recognition. Yet collectively our dollars already make a local economic and caring difference. Let’s take this a bit further. Explore how our economic strength can bring the issues and solutions affecting the less fortunate to the table. You may be surprised to look at your Council’s annual report and see just how much money you devote to serving your neighbors. From fundraising dollars to events to store sales, and not even counting the value of volunteer hours, it is often formidable.
If Money Talks, we may have a bigger voice than we realize. How can we use it more effectively to help our neighbors? How can we use our spending power to introduce their voices, alone or collectively, where they need to be heard?
Yours in Christ,
Dave Barringer
“In appearing again before you after the great events that have taken place,” Frédéric said in a classroom lecture in 1848, “I am happy to say that, looking back over six years of lectures, I do not recollect one word which I shall have to unsay today.” [Baunard, 261]
For a man of so many words, both written and spoken, to be able to say this is testament to our founder’s embodiment of the virtue of simplicity – frankness, integrity, genuineness. [Rule, Part I, 2.5.1] Always saying in the first instance exactly what we mean relieves us of the need to “walk back” statements we have made.
In serving the neighbor, we should never avoid frankness; frankness builds trust. At the same time, we are called to act always with gentleness, and to judge the need, not the person. Vincentians “do not judge those they serve.” [Rule, Part I, 1.9]
Imagine a neighbor who just can’t seem to hold on to a job for very long, and constantly calls for more assistance. Would it be truly honest, truly simple, to say, “we can’t help you anymore”? After all, if the same neighbor were to call next year, having fallen a little short despite keeping a new job for a year, wouldn’t you need to “unsay” that statement in order to help again?
For that neighbor who can’t hold on to a job, we rarely know the reason, although we might suspect. But as St. Vincent reminds us, “Suspicions are often deceiving.” [CCD IV:85] Rather than walk away, or make an accusation based on our suspicions, why not ask, “Why do you think you are having trouble keeping jobs, and how can I help?”
It is rarely true that we really can’t help, but it is often true that we are not sure how best to help. Rather than avoid this truth, perhaps simplicity and friendship call us to explain that we are struggling to find the best way to help. By being honest, we keep the door – and our hearts – open; we show our trust, and hope for trust in return.
The best way to help is not always financial, so we “should never forget that giving love, talents and time is more important than giving money.” [Rule, Part I, 3.1] And there is no better way to offer our love than with simplicity.
How can I be more simple in talking to my neighbors in need?
With 100,000 Vincentians across the United States and nearly 800,000 around the world, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul provides person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering. Read some of their stories here:
Help us share the good news of the good work being done in your local Conference or Council! Email us at with the subject line Good News.
Connect, Learn, Pray and Advocate!
Each year at the end of January, Catholic leaders gather in Washington, D.C. for the Catholic Social Ministry Gathering (CSMG). For the past 30 years, this has been a must-attend event! I was fortunate to attend the last two in-person events in 2019 and 2020. As I reflected on how best to share the experience, I realized that a large part of what ignited me was the gathering in one place. There is something to be said for stepping away from our daily grind to connect, learn, pray, and advocate for others. This year, as we did last year, CSMG will be meeting virtually.
While, yes, it does not have the same level of impact as traveling to D.C., nor the wealth of knowledge gained in the weeks leading to the gathering – the planning, scheduling, and getting to know like-minded people that I would not otherwise have met – the Hill visits (Capitol Hill) themselves are structured in such a way that you are not randomly seeing any representative. When we do the Hill visits you visit your representative as a constituent.
I have been able to apply all the things I have learned through the CSMG to issues that come up locally. You see, living in Chicago we have a huge homeless population. While we may say the poor will always be with us the situation becomes hard to look at when the temperature dips as it has done. I know that my Conference alone cannot solve the problems of homelessness. Using what I learned preparing for my Hill visits with CSMG, I was able to confidently send an email to my alderman asking if he might spare some time to talk about the plight of our neighbors sleeping in tents under the viaducts and on the lakefront. We center a large part of the work we do towards wrap-around services for those homeless, but we are well aware that alone, the problems are insurmountable.
When doing Home Visits, we pray to ask the Holy Spirit to be with us so that it is with Christ’s eyes, ears, and heart that we see those we visit. In a continuation of the same process, when we advocate, we leave ourselves behind so that we are only speaking for those we serve. Our work as Vincentians affords us an opportunity to know the plight of the poor in the many ways we serve. We should not shy away from putting a face to the statistics that our legislators use to develop policy.
Pope Francis in his book, “Let Us Dream: The Path to A Better Future,” refers to the pandemic as our “Noah Moment.” We are being tested. We have an opportunity to help shape the world and rebuild a more just world. Since we continue to climb “the stairs to the poor man’s garret, sitting by his bedside, feeling the same cold that pierces him,” it is now time for us to be the vessels that carry the message.
Please consider joining us at the 2022 Catholic Social Ministry Gathering. Let’s connect, learn, pray and advocate together.
Pam Matambanadzo
SVdP National Board Member
With 100,000 Vincentians across the United States and nearly 800,000 around the world, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul provides person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering. Read some of their stories here:
Help us share the good news of the good work being done in your local Conference or Council! Email us at with the subject line Good News.
Daily Prayer for Monday, January 10, 2022
Lord Jesus,
Grant me the virtue of gentleness
Help me to listen with patience
To act with kindness
To offer my heart to all
Written by National Vincentian Formation Director, Tim Williams.
The Rule informs us that the Vincentian virtue of selflessness is “dying to our ego with a life of self-sacrifice; members share their time, their possessions, their talents and themselves in a spirit of generosity.” [Rule, Part I, 2.5.1] To share generously is surely virtuous behavior, but as St. Vincent always emphasized, it is the internalization of virtue that is most important.
True selflessness is more than simply sharing. As St. Louise explained, in order for our service to be pleasing to God, it must proceed from a good heart, with no thought to our own pleasure in giving, or to our own reputations. Without this self-denial, “our actions are empty noise. In them there is only self-love; and such self-love banishes the pure love of God…” [Sp.Writings, 536]
Bl. Frédéric echoed this notion of self-love driving out God’s love. He explained that there are two kinds of pride: to be overly satisfied with ourselves, and to be consumed with our own shortcomings, even to the point that we fail to act because we believe ourselves inadequate. “Thus,” he wrote, “love grows weak and self-love hides beneath this trumped-up austerity of our regrets.” [160 to Lallier, 1837]
Recall that our Rule says that selflessness begins with “dying to our ego.” Ego is the Latin word for I. We die to ourselves. As the Apostle declared: “I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me.”
The opposite of selfless, then, is not selfish, but self!
Our success, our money, our comfort, however great or small, are God’s gifts to us. As the story of the rich young man illustrates, it can be devastatingly difficult to give them away; so difficult, in fact, that even Christ’s disciples wondered how anybody could make it to heaven.
But beyond our possessions, our very selves are also God’s gift, and also are meant to be given away. Selflessness, as St. Louise expressed it, is to give “Him my full consent to operate in me by His power whatever He willed to see accomplished.” [Sp. Writing, 270]
Virtue begins with doing but ends with being. By emptying ourselves of self, we empty ourselves also of the doubts that can keep us from doing God’s will. We cannot will ourselves into heaven. We can only seek to make God’s will our own, and for God all things are possible.
What am I hanging onto? What am I keeping to myself?
With 100,000 Vincentians across the United States and nearly 800,000 around the world, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul provides person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering. Read some of their stories here:
Help us share the good news of the good work being done in your local Conference or Council! Email us at with the subject line Good News.
Daily Prayer for Friday, January 7, 2022
Through the troubles of the day,
Through the darkness of the night,
I place my faith in You, Lord.
Down the long, uncertain path,
Through both storms and sun,
I place my hope in You, Lord.
Thankful always for Your gifts,
Given to me to share,
I place my love in You, Lord.
Written by National Vincentian Formation Director, Tim Williams.