With 100,000 Vincentians across the United States and nearly 800,000 around the world, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul provides person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering. Read some of their stories here:
- IRELAND: SVP Handover Running of Carlow Homeless Service
- IRELAND: Taoiseach expresses ‘concern’ over rising homelessness figures
- IRELAND: SVP car draw raises more than €275k to help struggling families
- BEND, OR: City of Bend plans for several shelters, houseless services; Division Street site may open early
- BOISE, ID: CellCore Biosciences Supported St. Vincent Christmas Toy Store to Provide Christmas Gifts for Families in Need
- COVINGTON, KY: St. Vincent dePaul seeks artists to create works of art with thrift store finds for its unique fundraiser
- EXETER, NH: Exeter community goes above and beyond to help others
- MARINETTE, WI: Clean Out the Closet for Good Drive Begins Today
- PHOENIX, AZ: Rebecca: From sleeping in the car to a studio apartment
- PHOENIX, AZ: St. Vincent de Paul leaders celebrate CEO’s quarter-century of service
- PITTSBURG, PA: Society of Saint Vincent de Paul helps homeless community
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