Daily Prayers

Weekly Prayers February 28 – March 4

Weekly Prayers February 28 – March 4 940 788 SVDP USA

Monday, February 28:

Heavenly Father, hear my voice
Raised up to you in prayer;
My words of thanks,
My song of praise,
My cry for help,
My silence.
Help me, Lord to hear the poor,
Their words, their songs,
Their cries, their silence,
And answer them with love.

Tuesday, March 1:

Lord, in Your hands
I place my burdens
In Your will
I place my trust
In Your name
I place my very self
In Your Kingdom
I place my hope

Wednesday, March 2:

Lord, I cry out from the depths of my soul,
From the depths of my soul, to You.
From my pride, help me find humility,
May my works be done for Your sake
From my heart help me offer my very self
For the love of my Father in heaven

Thursday, March 3:

My Lord and My God,
Help me to let go
Of the things that will not last;
To instead seek Your kingdom;
To serve what is not fleeting,
My brothers and sisters,
My neighbors,
And You.

Friday, March 4:

Lord Jesus, fill me up
With the love that welcomes,
The love that gives,
The love that sacrifices;
The love that can be poured out
Without being depleted,
Shared without being divided,
Received by being given.
Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director. 

Daily Prayers Week of February 21

Daily Prayers Week of February 21 940 788 SVDP USA

Monday, February 21:

Father, receive me,
Broken and small
Hear the words of my prayer
Father, forgive me
Make me whole
Bring me to new life in You

Tuesday, February 22:

St. Peter, pray for us
That our faith may be a rock
Upon which we stand
Our works bearing witness
To Christ’s church in the world
And the love of the Father for all

Wednesday, February 23:

Help me, Father, to hear the cries
Of the lonely and deprived
Give me strength and give me time
To serve them as You have served me
Send me, if it is Your will

Thursday, February 24:

Lord, awaken me
With Your whispered words,
Open my eyes
To Your gentle light.
Refresh me, renew me,
Give me Your strength.
Bring me from night
Into day.

Friday, February 25:

Lord hear our prayer
For Your children in Ukraine
At war or in the shadow of war.
Protect them from harm,
Especially the unarmed,
The weak, the small, the helpless.
Protect your children from fear
With the light of Your eternal hope.
Bring peace to their hearts,
And if it is Your will,
Bring peace in Ukraine.
Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director. 

Daily Prayers Week of February 14

Daily Prayers Week of February 14 940 788 SVDP USA

Monday, February 14:

For all I seek to find,
For my direction on the path,
You are the way, Lord Jesus.
For all I seek to know,
In my heart and in my mind,
You are the truth, Lord Jesus.
For all I seek to be,
In heaven and on earth,
You are the life, Lord Jesus.

Tuesday, February 15:

Yesterday’s troubles forgotten,
Today is a shining gift.
I am surrounded by Your blessings,
And my heart is filled with joy
That my voice cannot contain.
I will sing Your praise, O God,
Until the morning comes again.

Wednesday, February 16:

I have heard Your word, O God,
With my mind and heart and soul.
Your word is my comfort but not mine alone.
Help me to share it not by talking,
But by doing as You taught
With all heart,
With all my soul,
With all my mind,
With all the strength of my arms,
And the sweat of my brow.

Thursday, February 17:

Who do You say that I am, Lord?
Am I one who kept Your word?
Am I one who shared Your love?
Am I a friend who serves?
Live within me, Lord.
Help me live as You have taught.
Make me last, not first.
Make me a friend who serves.

Friday, February 18:

Lord Jesus, I give myself to You
Each day and in all that I do
Through my prayer
May my faith be known
Through my joy
May my hope be known
Through my works
May my love be known
Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director. 

Daily Prayers Week of February 7

Daily Prayers Week of February 7 940 788 SVDP USA

Monday, February 7:

Blessed Rosalie Rendu,
Child of war, Daughter of Charity,
Good mother of all,
Pray for us, that God may grant us
The courage, compassion, and love
That you showed throughout your life.
May our works become our prayer.

Tuesday, February 8:

God of mercy,
God of love,
Fulfill in me Your will;
My arms to bear the burdens,
My legs to walk the path,
My lips to speak the word,
My mind to share Your mercy,
My heart to share Your love.

Wednesday, February 9:

My heart is filled with Joy, my Lord!
My soul is filled with song!
Thank You for the gifts, my God,
That made me who I am.
Help me share them fully,
So I may be who I should be.

Thursday, February 10:

Lord Jesus, I place my faith in You
Enough to move mountains
Enough to plant seeds
Enough to touch Your cloak
Enough to be healed
Enough for the troubles of the day

Friday, February 11:

O my Jesus, let me see with new eyes
Remove the cares that blind me
Let there be light before me
Make me a new creation
So I may live and breathe and move
In Your name and for Your sake
Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director. 

Daily Prayers Week of January 31

Daily Prayers Week of January 31 940 788 SVDP USA

Monday, January 31:

Send me to answer
The cry of the poor
Lord, send me
To do Your will
Send me to comfort
The lost and forgotten
Lord send me
To share Your love.

Tuesday, February 1:

Lord Jesus, heal me
Of all that I suffer
Even, and especially,
The things only I
And You
Can see.
Lead me to comfort
And to heal
And to love
All Your children
The same way.

Wednesday, February 2:

Lord, You have prepared the way
Before me
So that I face it
With the joy of Your promise
And the hope of salvation
Light my heart on fire
And send me forth

Thursday, February 3:

Make me Your instrument, Lord!
Where there is sadness,
Send me, Lord, with joy.
Where there is suffering,
Send me, Lord, with mercy.
Where there is loneliness,
Send me, Lord, with love.

Friday, February 4:

My Lord and my God,
My hope and my peace,
My joy and my comfort,
My life and my light,
My heart and my soul,
My Lord and my God!
Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director. 

Daily Prayers Week of January 24

Daily Prayers Week of January 24 940 788 SVDP USA

Monday, January 24

My Lord and my God,
You have blessed me fully
You have called my name
I stand before You,
Arms outstretched
Wrapped up in Your embrace
Send me forth to do Your will

Tuesday, January 25

Lord, shine Your light before me
Show me the way
Bring me to life
Send me forth in Your name
To offer Your hope
To share Your love

Wednesday, January 26

Your word strengthens me, Lord,
In courage and in faith;
Your power enfolds me
In comfort and in hope;
Your peace grows within me
As mercy and as love.
All this I will share without fear.

Thursday, January 27

Your lamp, O lord, is before me.
Let me share Your light.
Your word is in my heart, O Lord,
Let me share Your truth.
Your blessings fill my life, my God.
Let me share my gifts.

Friday, January 28

Lord in Heaven,
Lord on Earth,
Lord within my soul
Help me to know the word,
You’ve written on my heart,
To do Your will
On earth as in heaven,
With all my heart and soul.

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director. 

Daily Prayers Week of January 17

Daily Prayers Week of January 17 940 788 SVDP USA

Tuesday, January 18

Heavenly Father, still my thoughts
Fill my mind with You
Lord Jesus feed my soul
It hungers for Your word
Holy Spirit, come to me,
Light my heart on fire

Wednesday, January 19

Lord, you are my rock,
Behind which I can shelter
From the storm;
Upon which I may step
In shifting sands,
Or rapid waters;
With which I will build
Without fear,
For Your glory,
For all time.

Thursday, January 20

Come to me Lord
When doubt and fear
Sometimes raise their voices
To fill the silence
Speak to me Lord
Your words of hope and love
Help me hear Your gentle whisper
In the silence

Friday, January 21

Look upon Your servant, Lord,
Before You, undeserving.
Clothe me doubly, Lord,
With Your gentle mercy,
Only so that I may seek
The ones who feel forgotten,
Undeserving, and alone,
To share the extra coat,
Your mercy and mine,
For love alone,
Your will be done.

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director. 

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