Out of an abundance of caution for everyone’s health, our 2021 Midyear Business Meeting, March 3 – 6 will be a virtual program. Registration opening soon! This year’s agenda will include a Spiritual Retreat, Workshops, Board of Directors and Business Meetings, Disaster Services Training, as well as a special event presentation and Virtual Vendor Showcase.
The annual Midyear Meeting is a Governance and training event designed for National Council Members (the Presidents of the Diocesan Council or “top” District Council per Diocese), Executive Directors and other current or prospective Council leaders. However the Midyear, especially a virtual one, is open to all interested Vincentians! Check out the agenda when available and attend the sessions and workshops where you have interest.
Voting at the National Business Meeting, to be held virtually on Saturday March 6 from 10 AM – 12:30 PM Central is restricted to National Council Members, but again anyone may attend the Zoom call.