
Contemplation — Our Few Visible Hours

Contemplation — Our Few Visible Hours 940 788 SVDP USA

Vincentians,” our Rule reminds us, “should never forget that giving love, talents and time is more important than giving money.” [Rule, Part I, 3.14] Yet, faced with the overwhelming needs that some of our neighbors present to us, we sometimes ask ourselves how this can possibly be. How can my time, my limited talents, my simple words of compassion, possibly ease these great burdens?

Consider these words, written in appreciation of a Vincentian who was dedicated to visiting the homeless in his community – in parking lots, in food lines – meeting them where they were. Because of his attention to their words, their persons, she said, “We get to breathe different when he’s around because we know he cares. [He is] a sign of relief for the few visible hours we have. Our gratitude for him taking the time with us gives hope to a lot of us who have no one to depend on. Some stand straighter with more confidence and willingness to take on the challenges of the day or sometimes the week.”

No work of charity is foreign to the Society. That is because, as important as they are, utilities, rent, and even food are only the works, not the charity. Our presence and our love will always be more important than our works because our presence and our love are the reason for the works.

We are created as social beings. We can’t live or develop our own potential without our relationships with others, because our relationships with other people are representative of our relationship with God. [CSDC, 110] The material deprivations of poverty and homelessness can be relieved, and should be relieved, but our “passion for the full flourishing and eternal happiness of every person” [Rule, Part I, 2.5.1] calls on us to offer our hearts along with the bread.

Our ministry is person-to-person, equal-to-equal, an encounter, not a transaction, because “something of the glory of God shines on the face of every person”. [CSDC, 144] That glory shines, if we choose to see it, not only during those precious “few visible hours” of the lonely, the suffering, or the deprived, but in every precious, visible hour that all of us share together on this earth.

Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Give a man your heart, you invite him to the feast.


How can I better form relationships based on trust and friendship with the neighbor?

Recommended Reading

The Rule, Part I, 1.1 – 1.12

Daily Prayers July 25 – July 29

Daily Prayers July 25 – July 29 940 788 SVDP USA

Monday, July 25

Lord, make me the last
The smallest, the least
So that I may serve and not be served
Seeking first, and always, Your kingdom

Tuesday, July 26

Lord, give me ears that hear
So I hear the cries of the poor
Lord, give me hands that knock
So I can knock on their door
Lord, give me eyes that see,
So I can see in them your face
Lord, give me a heart that loves,
So I can offer heaven’s embrace

Wednesday, July 27

Help me, Lord,
To live in Your peace
And to bear all that I am given
Help me, Lord,
To seek first Your kingdom
And not the rewards of the world.

Thursday, July 28

Guided by Your hand, O Lord,
And sheltered from the storm,
I raise my voice to you
In joyful praise.

Friday, July 29

Lord Jesus, be with me in my pain,
Not to relieve it but only to know
That to suffer is my humble offering
That I accept along with all my gifts
And that I will leave behind in this world
As I seek first and always Your kingdom
Lord Jesus, be with me in my joy!

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

SVdP News Roundup July 23 – July 29

SVdP News Roundup July 23 – July 29 1200 1200 SVDP USA

With 100,000 Vincentians across the United States and nearly 800,000 around the world, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul provides person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering. Read some of their stories here:



Help us share the good news of the good work being done in your local Conference or Council! Email us at with the subject line Good News.

Next Round of Nominees Announced for Alice Garvey Excellence in Youth Award

Next Round of Nominees Announced for Alice Garvey Excellence in Youth Award 1728 864 SVDP USA

This year, the National Youth Committee hosted a Society-wide search for young people doing amazing work in their community. Vincentians from around the country nominated youth from their Councils for the new Alice Garvey Excellence in Youth Award which will be presented at the National Assembly in Baltimore.

“As a committee, we were blown away by the number of submissions and the incredible projects these youth were doing on behalf of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul,” said John Paul Brissette, National Youth Committee Member. “Each week leading up to the National Assembly, we will be shining the spotlight on the nominees and their stories. Our goal is to encourage and celebrate our youth involvement in SVdP with excerpts directly written by those who nominated them.

This week, we would like to introduce our first two nominees:

Aaron Wohlberg – SVdP St Charles Borromeo

Aaron has been a member of the St. Charles Borromeo St. Vincent de Paul Conference as a Mini Vinnie for two years. As a Mini Vinnie, Aaron has dedicated himself in service to the St. Vincent de Paul Society. As a Mini Vinnie Aaron has served our Conference in many ways. He has helped with the Backpack Program for two years. The Backpack Program provides weekend meals for 50 children in the Orchard

Farm School District. The Assistant Principal of Aaron’s school described Aaron as, “Willing to help wherever needed without being asked.” His Troop Leader describes him as, “Respectful and helpful to the older scouts and adult leaders.”

Kate Polakowski- SVdP St Andrew Conference of Sierra Vista, AZ

She has been involved in our St Vincent de Paul Council’s food drives, walks for the poor, Thanksgiving food basket distributions, and community food bank monthly commodities distributions. She serves the needs of the poor for 17 hours per week while completing her Associates Degree as a Certified Nursing Assistant. She puts into action in very many ways the Vincentian charisms of spirituality, friendship, and service.

07-28-2022 A Letter From Our Servant Leader

07-28-2022 A Letter From Our Servant Leader 1367 1520 SVDP USA

Dear Vincentian Friends,

A topic that I have talked and written about for the past few months is the need for our Society to increase our capacity to serve. We need to increase our membership, need to be better prepared to meet the changing environment we live in, and need to attract more supporters of our work. A key to this effort will be improving our communications about who we are and what we do.

A speaker at a past National Assembly observed that the Society is a wonderful example of the Gospel mandate to not let our left hand know what our right had is doing when we perform acts of charity. He reminded us, however, that the Gospel also tells us to not put our light under a bushel. I have shared this story before, but I repeat it because we need to walk the appropriate path between these two poles.

Frederic Ozanam was keenly aware that we are called to perform our acts of charity with humility and confidentiality, but he also reported the work his Council was doing in Lyon back to Paris, often on a monthly basis. We know that because we have letters of his with those reports, which sometimes included an apology if the report was sent too late to be shared at the meeting of the Council General.

I hope you looked at the 2022 Impact Report released by the National Council last week. It is an excellent example of a best practice I hope all of our Councils and Conferences will adopt. Formerly, we called these our Annual Reports. They were full of financial data and membership information. While that may be interesting to some people, what most people want to know is how did we make a difference in our communities and in the lives of those we serve. That is why we now provide an impact report.

When you read the report, you will see a few articles that provide statistics for volunteer hours worked or funds provided, but you will also find stories about how we made a difference in people’s lives. The report relates, too, some of what our members experience as they serve. As we focus on systemic change and advocacy, tables of data, and statistical charts fail to capture much of what we do.

Certainly, we must be very careful to protect those we serve. Even if neighbors in need agree to let us share their stories, let’s be sure we are not pressuring them to share their names and images. Confidentiality remains a strong and still-needed tradition in our Society.

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a light that we must not hide. Our Society gives help and hope to neighbors in need and offers our members the opportunity to put their faith into action. The light our Society shines provides much-needed hope to the communities we serve and real credibility for the community of Catholics to which we belong. If our pastors, fellow parishioners, community leaders and donors understand who we are and what we do, we will have a strong Society able to attract new members and supporters to better serve our neighbors in need.

Serviens in spe,
Ralph Middlecamp
National Council President

Contemplation — Let Us Go To the Poor

Contemplation — Let Us Go To the Poor 940 788 SVDP USA

After a year of debate with the Saint-Simonians in the Conference of History, defending the Catholic faith, Frédéric Ozanam and his friends were confronted with this challenge: “Even you, who pride yourself on your Catholicity, what are you doing to show the vitality and efficacy, to prove the truth of your faith?” [Baunard, 64]

It was a challenge Frédéric took to heart; it affected him deeply. After all, he said to his friends, having spent an entire year in vigorous debate, proclaiming the truth, defending the church; for all the educated arguments, for all the passion, “have we made one single conquest for Jesus Christ?” [Ibid, 65]

The Society was not founded to answer a challenge to feed or clothe or go to the poor. That was the answer to the challenge. The challenge was to prove the truth of our faith. Ozanam, man of letters, academic, brilliant speaker and debater, realized that words alone were not enough to do this, that we must act.

Today, we continue the timeless tradition of the home visit, responding to calls for help from our neighbors in need. But is there even more we could do – not just to alleviate suffering, but to prove the truth of our faith?

In so many of our communities, we see the homeless – asleep on a bench, huddling in a doorway, zealously guarding their few possessions. Are they the ones, in need and forgotten, that our Rule directs us to “seek out and find”? [Rule, Part I, 1.5] Do we hold ourselves back at times because we fear our outreach will be unwelcome, since we know we cannot alleviate all of their needs?

We are created to live in community. The greatest need of all people is to be part of a community, and there is none greater than the community of Christian faith. Whatever material offering we may have for the homeless, there is nothing greater we can give than our hearts, our friendship, a simple smile, and a greeting. All people are buoyed by human connections, but especially those who are most often treated as invisible.

It is we who are first evangelized by our encounter with Christ in the person of the poor. And it is we who are challenged to imitate Christ in this encounter; to prove the truth of our faith, just as Frédéric and his friends were once challenged to do. It was not, and is not easy, but the best proof of our faith remains unchanged: “We must do what is most agreeable to God. Therefore, we must do what Our Lord Jesus Christ did when preaching the Gospel. Let us go to the poor.” [Baunard, 65]


Where can I go to “seek out and find” the poor??

Recommended Reading

Faces of Holiness

SVdP News Roundup July 16 – July 22

SVdP News Roundup July 16 – July 22 1200 1200 SVDP USA

With 100,000 Vincentians across the United States and nearly 800,000 around the world, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul provides person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering. Read some of their stories here:



Help us share the good news of the good work being done in your local Conference or Council! Email us at with the subject line Good News.

Daily Prayers July 18 — July 22

Daily Prayers July 18 — July 22 940 788 SVDP USA

Monday, July 18:

Through calm and through storms,
In all times and seasons,
Your word is written on my heart, O God.
You are with me always,
And I will not be afraid.

Tuesday, July 19:

Lord, I do not pray for certainty
In the things of this world
But with certain faith
In the kingdom beyond this world
In the hope
Of everlasting life
And in the love
That gives of itself without diminishing.

Wednesday, July 20:

Lord plant Your word within me
As on rich soil
And may my works be the fruit
Yielded a hundredfold
In Your name
And for Your sake

Thursday, July 21:

Thank You, Lord for all You have given me
My ears to hear Your word, O Lord,
My eyes to see Your truth,
My very self to do Your will
With gratitude and joy.

Friday, July 22:

Lord help me to be gentle
Let Your love light my smile
Not hidden beneath a bushel
But shining before the world
Offering my heart to the neighbor

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

National Council Looking for Associate Vincentian Formation Director

National Council Looking for Associate Vincentian Formation Director 1200 628 SVDP USA

In order to better serve our growing number of Spanish-speaking Members, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, National Council of the United States, seeks an Associate Vincentian Formation Director who is a native Spanish speaker, well-grounded in Catholic faith and teaching, and a dedicated student of Vincentian spirituality and heritage.

Working closely with the National Vincentian Formation Director, the successful candidate will help to provide direction in the spiritual formation and training of the membership of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in the United States.

– Assists the National Vincentian Formation Director to ensure the National Council Office and its staff function in accord with National Council policy, the Rule of the Society, and as individuals who see Christ in those in need.
– Assists the National Vincentian Formation Director to ensure the Vision, Mission, Values and strategic plans of the Society in the United States are implemented professionally, on time, and within budget.
– Assists the National Vincentian Formation Director to recommend to the CEO and President plans for consideration and adoption for current and future programs or operations of the National Council and the Society as a whole.

Key Responsibilities:
– Provides Vincentian membership, with a special focus on Spanish-speaking Members, materials and resources relative to the primary focus of the Society: Vincentian Spirituality and Heritage.
– Takes initiative and collaborates in the implementation of National Strategic Plan Formation goal.
– Serves as staff for National Formation Committee and assists National Committee Chairpersons with programs, communications, and reports.
– Collaborates in the creation of Vincentian materials and training for Spiritual Advisors, with a special focus on Spanish-speaking Spiritual Advisors.
– Collaborates in the production of Spanish language materials for the National Ozanam Orientation program and the training of Ozanam Orientation Formators and Presenters.
– Collaborates with the Regional and Council Vincentian Formation Committees and plans, encouraging greater inclusiveness and support for Spanish-speaking Members and Leaders.
– Collaborates in the design and implementation of the formation programs for current and future leadership of the Society.
– Supports the National Vincentian Formation Director in creating and delivering on-line formation programs and supervising Formation resources posted on the website.
– Assists National Council with spiritual formation issues as they impact on publications, meetings, and other National activities.
– Is available when invited for presentations at days of prayer, retreats, Ozanam Orientation programs at Council, Regional, and National Meetings.
– Attends Regional, National and other meetings as directed by the Society’s leadership.
– Maintains confidentiality about any proprietary data and privileged information concerning SVdP, its staff, members, volunteers, entities and programs.
– Other assignments as determined by the National Vincentian Formation Director.

Key Competencies
– Understanding of the mission, vision, and values of the Society.
– Ability to articulate Vincentian spirituality.
– Ability to analyze, clarify and problem solve.
– Ability to take initiative.
– Ability to address various audiences.
– Ability to plan.
– Ability to teach in areas of spiritual formation.
– Awareness of National, Regional and/or local needs.
– Experiential knowledge of Vincentian spirituality.
– Spiritual formation and education experience.
– Passion for the Vincentian heritage and spirituality.
– Conceptualization of the implementation of the Strategic Plan of the Society.
– Competent in developing measurable objectives.
– Willingness to function as part of a team.
– Ability to deal responsively with internal and external customers.

Skills, Knowledge, and Experience Requirements:
– Fluent in spoken and written Spanish; preferably a native Spanish speaker.
– Ability to understand the wider context and create meaning in translation to the target language.
– Ability to read, analyze, and interpret historical, spiritual, and theological texts, and to convey their meanings in language accessible to lay people of varying educational backgrounds.
– Ability to write reports, correspondence, and procedural manuals reflecting good policies and governance.
– Is a Catholic who understands the teachings and principles of the Catholic Church.
– Knowledge of and experience with the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.
– Knowledge and experience of Vincentian spirituality and heritage.
– Excellent oral and written communication skills.
– Comfortable and experienced as a public speaker.
– Education and organizational skills.
– Skills in multitasking.
– Computer skills
– Interpersonal relational skills.

Preferred Skills, Knowledge, and Experience:
– Degree in Pastoral Theology or related experience.
– 3-5 years in Lay formation experience.
– In-depth knowledge of the lives of St. Vincent de Paul, St Louise de Marillac, Blessed Frédéric Ozanam, and Blessed Rosalie Rendu.
– Currently a member of the Society or of a Vincentian Family organization.

– Being a Vincentian presence throughout the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.
– Provide assistance to Diocesan Councils and individual Conferences throughout the United States.
– Multiple interfacing within the Society regarding its relationship with God.
– Enhance the operational effectiveness of the National Council’s staff.
– Implement the challenge of Vincentian leadership for the formation of members.

– Supports the Rule (SVdP USA governance manual) and By-Laws of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.
– Adheres to policies and procedures of the Society and all pertinent legal regulations.
– Prepares and accomplishes annual performance objectives.
– Participates in annual self-evaluation and performance review.

Position descriptions are an overview of the duties, responsibilities, and requirements of the position. Employees may be required to perform other job-related assignments as requested.

First Round of Nominees Announced for Alice Garvey Excellence in Youth Award

First Round of Nominees Announced for Alice Garvey Excellence in Youth Award 2560 1280 SVDP USA

This year, the National Youth Committee hosted a Society-wide search for young people doing amazing work in their community. Vincentians from around the country nominated youth from their Councils for the new Alice Garvey Excellence in Youth Award which will be presented at the National Assembly in Baltimore.

“As a committee, we were blown away by the number of submissions and the incredible projects these youth were doing on behalf of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul,” said John Paul Brissette, National Youth Committee Chairperson. “Each week leading up to the National Assembly, we will be shining the spotlight on the nominees and their stories. Our goal is to encourage and celebrate our youth involvement in SVdP with excerpts directly written by those who nominated them.

This week, we would like to introduce our first two nominees:

River Vogelsang — Diocesan Council of Phoenix

River Vogelsang is currently a freshman in high school. He first joined the Mini-Vinnies in fifth grade at his middle school and served as his Conference’s president for two terms. Under his leadership, his Conference doubled in size and expanded service projects and activities. They participated in food serving, ministering to the homeless, food drives, and much more. River was the featured speaker at two Phoenix Diocesan Council board leadership retreats. Last year, River represented his District Council at the National Assembly in Houston. His dedication and commitment to serving the poor has touched the hearts of many long-time Vincentians. Few people his age have so fully and ardently embraced the mission and works of the Society. In the endearing spirit of our youth, he quietly emulates the essential virtues of St. Vincent de Paul. You only need to meet River to know that he is a true Vincentian, and to believe that, because of his efforts, and those of his youthful compatriots likewise infused with Frederic’s zeal, the future of our Society will be in good hands.

Madeline McMillen — Columbia River District Council Southwest Washington

Madeline and her mother, Wendy, reached out to the Society when she was just 13. Since age 11, she had been collecting toys at Christmas to provide to non-profits for distribution. In 2018, she chose to collect toys for SVdP. In 2018, she collected 725 toys, but that number has grown each and every year. In 2021, she collected 972 toys, a record number. In the past four years, she’s collected a total of 3,319 toys to give away to 4,513 children in 1,657 families through the SVdP Christmas gift program. Madeline has a helpful heart and shows leadership, dedication and perseverance. She has brought so much joy to families during the Christmas season.

Be sure to see the e-Gazette each week leading up to the National Assembly for more nominee highlights!

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