
10-31-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

10-31-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1200 1200 SVDP USA

BOO! I am your scariest trick-or-treater! Yes, I’ve been told that I have a face for radio.

It’s that time of year, and today’s the day that we’re going to see the little gremlins coming to our door, yelling “trick or treat.” I can’t wait for it to get started. Much like our upcoming elections, it’s exciting and scary at the same time.

We are in the midst of a chaotic, tumultuous time in our nation. We need the Society of St. Vincent de Paul more than ever. No matter what the outcome of the upcoming elections, we will be called upon to be the face of Christ amidst the exuberance of winning, the depression of defeat, celebrations, anxieties, and anger. As Vincentians, we need to be the hopeful voice and the peaceful face.

Like you, I am weary of all the focus and hype surrounding the election. The never-ending television commercials, the mudslinging in social media, and the talking heads who continue to hype the contests. In the spirit of full disclosure, I am a political junkie, but even I have reached my limit. I am ready to cast my vote and wish that Election Day would be over.

Depressed yet? Fear not! On November 6, the Vincentian mission will be needed more than ever. Regardless of the election outcome, our calling is to See the Face of Christ and Be the Face of Christ: to help our friends, neighbors and family realize a better, brighter future with God’s help. We can be that model of Faith, Hope, and Charity to feed their souls. The good news is that we are well trained, Home Visit veterans, and we are ready for this challenge. If anybody can do it, we can!

I recently attended the National Board of Directors’ retreat. The experience was inspirational, filled my heart with joy, and prepared me to go out to spread the Word as part of the St. Vincent de Paul mission. Like my fellow Vincentians, I’ve had the opportunity to visit those with corporal needs and have had the blessing to be able to provide for them. The time will soon be here when we will all have many relationship opportunities to act: calming the emotional highs and lows, toning down the rhetoric while lifting up those around us.

Remember to put on your spiritual armor. Don’t forget that we need to be centered on our own inner peace first before we can help others. Consider this Bible verse as a prayerful way to prepare:

Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7)

Lastly, I strongly encourage you to vote, but just as important, to stock up on candy treats for all those happy little monsters, princesses, and superheroes coming to our doors. Happy Halloween!

Thank you for all you do in His Name — may God bless you,

Michael Pazzaglini
National Vice President, South Central Region

Contemplation: Our Vincentian Hearts

Contemplation: Our Vincentian Hearts 800 800 SVDP USA

By Timothy Williams, Senior Director of Formation and Leadership Development 

In his encyclical, Dilexit Nos, Pope Francis focuses on the importance of the heart to the practice of our faith; not merely the physical, biological heart, but the heart which is the core of our being, the union of body and spirit. Not surprisingly, he cites St. Vincent de Paul, who often taught that all God asks of us is our hearts. He also said that “as soon as a heart is empty of self, God fills it.” [CCD XI:281] His biographer Joseph Guichard even noted that St. Vincent began each day by crossing himself and saying, “My God, I give You my heart.”

St. Vincent’s actual heart is in the Chapel of the Miraculous Medal in Paris, but in Frédéric’s time, it was in a cathedral in Lyon, Frédéric’s childhood home, where it was an inspiration to him. Like Vincent, Frédéric recognized the centrality of the heart to our vocation, saying of our patron that he “is a life to be carried on, a heart in which one’s own heart is enkindled…” [175, to Lallier, 1838] Adding then, to Vincent’s teaching, Frédéric’s thoughts begin to define for us a Vincentian heart.

Our works, he believed, should be guided not by cold reason, nor bureaucratic rules, nor even solely by the model of other Conferences. Instead, as he advised one new Conference, “It is better for you to raise your work by your own strength, under the inspirations of your heart, under the influence of local circumstances…” [90, to Curnier, 1835]

For Frédéric, the heart was the center of both faith and charity, for “the human heart easily allows itself to be captured by love and there is always much love there where there is much faith.” [145, to Velay, 1837] This love of God, charity, arises in our hearts through “God’s design… to implant religion in the mind through reason, and in the heart through grace.” [Baunard, 213]

Yet there is another vital aspect of the Vincentian heart: its union with other Vincentian hearts. Frédéric went so far as to say that “The principal goal of our association was to do everything with one heart and one soul...” [1457, Report on the Works, 1834] You can’t be a Vincentian without other Vincentians; our friendship is first “a union of hearts in Jesus Christ, our Lord.” [Bailly, Circ. Ltr. 14 Jul 1841] That friendship we share with one another, we extend also to the neighbor, serving for love alone; a love that arises from the light of the Holy Spirit in our hearts, and that seeks to unite us in communion with one another and with Jesus Christ.

This flame in our hearts inspires us to love God, as St. Vincent taught, “with the strength of our arms and the sweat of our brows.” [CCD XI:32] In our works, in our faith, and in our friendship, Vincentian hearts are united, and as Frédéric said, “When the heart and the hand are at work, how can we stop them?” [40, to his father, 1831]


How can I better allow myself to be led by the inspirations of my heart, in union with fellow Vincentians?

Recommended Reading

Dilexit Nos

SVDP Council Spotlight: Baltimore

SVDP Council Spotlight: Baltimore 1078 720 SVDP USA

As a single mother to a grown, autistic son, Sarah faced a heartbreaking reality.

Sarah had been commuting all the way across town for work. But then, she got divorced and that commute was no longer feasible. Her son couldn’t be left alone that long, so she had to choose between her job and caring for her son.

Unemployed and unable to pay the bills, Sarah and her son were evicted. Suddenly homeless and without support for her son, Sarah was living her worst nightmare.

When a friend told Sarah about St. Vincent de Paul Baltimore, everything changed. SVdP helped them find a new place to live and helped Sarah get a job close to home.

Sarah and her son are just a few of the thousands of people served by SVdP Baltimore each year.

More than 2,500 people are experiencing homelessness in the Baltimore region.

Families and individuals lose their homes for a variety of reasons, from unemployment to illness or soaring utility bills. That is why the Baltimore Council of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul offers a wide range of homelessness prevention programs and shelter services. Last year, SVdP Baltimore:

• Operated over 10 programs focused on housing and homeless prevention
• Provided 71,175 emergency shelter nights
• Helped hundreds of families with rapid rehousing, and supportive housing programs

St. Vincent de Paul has a national reach that extends from local Conferences to regional Councils, supported by SVdP USA’s overarching programming. Thanks to the generosity of donors who support our outreach at every level, we provide more than just basic shelter to families in need. Most importantly, through our work, these families are shown the abundant love of Christ.


Helping families on the brink of homelessness saint vincent de paul 2

What does the Grants Pass decision mean for SVdP USA?

What does the Grants Pass decision mean for SVdP USA? 1080 720 SVDP USA


This is concerning because criminal laws do not address the actual problem of homelessness — which has more to do with skyrocketing housing costs and inflation than regulating homeless encampments.

Thanks to our generous supporters, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul spends over $60 million each year on homelessness prevention programs. Our Vincentians make Home Visits, engaging with landlords and developing personalized assistance plans to help those at risk of losing their homes.

These temporary assistance programs work, and they reduce the economic and social strain of homelessness on our communities.

Most importantly, our programs save lives and restore dignity.

Households that receive just $2,000 in emergency financial assistance are 81% less likely to become homeless. In the wake of the Grants Pass decision, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul will continue working to address the root causes of homelessness with positive solutions.

Vincentian Spotlight: Jim Dodd

Vincentian Spotlight: Jim Dodd 1200 1200 SVDP USA

FEW WEEKS BEFORE HIS RETIREMENT, JIM DODD SAW AN INTERVIEW ON TV THAT CHANGED HIS LIFE. It was the executive director of St. Vincent de Paul Cincinnati discussing hunger and poverty at Thanksgiving.

His eyes still well up as he recounts the moment he comprehended the suffering of people within his own community. “When you encounter situational poverty, you learn quickly that but for the grace of God it could be me in their shoes,” he says. “The loss of a job . . . a health emergency . . . things like that happen all the time.”

Jim made a gift and started working in the food pantry. Shortly thereafter he became a Vincentian.

Seventeen years later, his understanding of the ministry has changed. “Like many Vincentians, I started out just wanting to help people,” he says. “But soon I figured out that it was actually helping me grow spiritually.”

That spiritual growth stems from loving one’s neighbor. “As a Vincentian, we strive to see the face of Christ in those we visit. Well, sometimes that’s a hard thing to do!” Jim says. But the encounter must not become “transactional.” Jim recounts stories of helping a woman re-draw her mortgage to stave off foreclosure, and of working with a mother who’d become homeless with her three daughters to find stable housing and support.

The problem of poverty isn’t going away, Jim admits. But by supporting SVdP’s future efforts through legacy giving, Vincentians can ensure that struggling neighbors will receive the personal support they need.


10-24-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

10-24-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1200 1200 SVDP USA

My Vincentian Journey: Finding My Place in the Plan

God has a plan for all of us. He knows how we fit into His plan long before we do. Sometimes our own plans for life might not go the way we expect, and we may even feel confused or alone. I have learned that if we trust God and look for ways to be of service to Him, He will guide us. I never thought my life would look the way it does today, but I am grateful! When I was lost, I turned to God, tried to act with love, and found my purpose and direction by serving others. Each challenge in my life prepared me in some unique and important way for my calling as a Vincentian, illuminating a part of the path God laid out for me.

Growing up, my parents were very involved in church and set good examples of service. My mother brought me along when she took food to families going through hard times. We shared support and friendship with them while visiting their homes, casually but in a way very similar to the Home Visits that Vincentians do. I remember bringing toys to poor communities as a part of my time in the Girl Scouts. When we needed help, our neighbors and friends were there for us as well. These early memories remain with me as guiding examples of Christian charity and neighborly love. God prepared me to become a Vincentian from the start!

When I left my little island, Puerto Rico, to attend college in California, I felt alone for the first time. I was in the big city of LA, surrounded by strangers who only spoke English. I was looking for friends and saw an opportunity to meet people at community service projects on campus. I got involved by joining a group that needed Spanish speaker to help students seeking political asylum at my university. Some of the students I served there are still very close friends to this day! I learned much about the needs of those seeking political safety in the USA. I also gained experience in case management and helping others navigate complicated government processes. When I thought I was alone, God was there guiding me towards new lifelong friendships. I connected with clients and God opened my eyes to the immense blessing of growing up in the sheltered safety and stability of a loving family in Puerto Rico. No longer naïve, I became an activist for the poor and powerless.

When I graduated, I entered the world of financial planning. I quickly threw myself completely into the financial world. It was challenging to be a Latina woman on Wall Street, but it became my plan to rise up and become a financial planning superstar. I felt independent, invincible, and unstoppable. Then an accident left me paralyzed from the neck down. I went from running towards my career goals to having to learn how to walk again. But God sends us angels in challenging times. My “roommate” at the hospital prayed, cried, and laughed with me. Her Christian devotion helped me learn to love and believe in God again. We still share a deep relationship founded on God’s love, and support each other through the hard times. The man who helped me learn to walk again would eventually become my husband. Without knowing it, I met the best example of Vincentian values ever: supportive, loving, accepting, compassionate, and free of judgement. When I felt most lost and thrown off course, God put angels in my life that exemplified faith, love, devotion, and compassion.

Being a mother is not always easy. I traded the hustle and bustle of my Wall Street career for the challenge of juggling the demands of motherhood, community service, and my neck and my lingering back condition. Back in 2010, I again found myself very scared and lost. One son was fighting in the war in Iraq, the other was about to move away for college, and I had lost both my parents and my brother in rapid succession. While praying after Mass one morning, our parish pastor noticed me grieving alone. Father John sat with me for a while, then told me to follow him. We walked into the parish offices, and I found myself in a small room with files and supplies strewn about. I met a Vincentian who said they could use some help. I didn’t know at the time how much of an influence that Vincentian would have on my life and my spiritual journey.

I began my (volunteer) Vincentian service by translating for clients and supporting the casework of other Vincentians. I initially struggled and was not good at conducting interviews at all. My financial planning background caused me to instruct and command clients rather than listen and support them. They “fired” me from case management, leaving me very heartbroken and quite sad. I was very good at organizing the messy office, and a few weeks later Father John called me and insisted I go back to the offices and lend a hand. Some of the long-term Vincentians grumbled after I filed away their forms and organized all the file cabinets. Soon those that had grumbled began appreciating the increases in efficiency and process improvements, they asked me to stay and get more involved. Being “fired” taught me to use my strengths, and I helped improve the finances of the counsel as a whole and organized the offices to help case managers accomplish more. When I lost my family and my home was empty, God provided a new family and a new home in need of love and guidance.

Father John called to insist I represent my conference at the National Assembly meeting. There I saw examples of Vincentians “embracing the world in a network of charity and friendship. These examples of leadership and service drove me across the border from volunteer to Vincentian. My unique experiences as a Latina, a woman in finance, a mother, and a woman with disabilities all aligned to prepare me to be a unique voice for those in the community who lacked one. God helped me overcome all those challenges to prepare me for my role as a Vincentian.

Meditating on this journey has helped me appreciate God’s loving guidance and increased my gratitude for the angels He has sent to help me along this path. The challenges I’ve faced have not only shaped who I am but have also deepened my understanding of Christian love and compassion. Each step of the way, God placed the right people, the right experiences, and the right opportunities in my path, reminding me that we are never alone in our service or our struggles.

Every Vincentian has their own unique journey, marked by moments of grace, growth, and faith. Whether it’s organizing, visiting homes, or offering counsel, each one of us plays a vital role in this beautiful network of charity. Countless small humble acts of service combine to make meaningful impact in the world.

As we continue this path together, I encourage each of you to take a moment and reflect on your own Vincentian journey. What challenges or blessings have brought you closer to your mission? Let’s share these experiences, learn from each other, and deepen our commitment to serving those in need.

Please continue the conversation!

Yours in Christ,
Isabel Darcy
National Vice President, Southeast Region

Contemplation: Be a Moment for Others

Contemplation: Be a Moment for Others 800 800 SVDP USA

By Timothy Williams, Senior Director of Formation and Leadership Development 

Thrown from his horse and struck blind by a great flash of light, Saul of Tarsus then heard the voice of Jesus Christ, admonishing him for his oppression of the early Christians. Soon after, he would dedicate his life fully to Jesus Christ. We remember this event on the road to Damascus as the conversion of St. Paul. For most of us, our conversions are far less dramatic than Paul’s. Conversion takes a lifetime, the sum total of many small “moments of conversion” rather than a single flash of light.

The word conversion has its root in the Latin conversus, meaning “to turn around.” When we are converted our hearts turn towards God, but for this to happen, our hearts must be open to finding Him in the people and events of our lives. Our stubborn hearts are easily distracted by the pleasures and troubles of our material lives, but from time to time, God slips through in an encounter with a person, in an event that has special meaning in our lives, or sometimes just in a feeling that washes over us.

We don’t always recognize our moments of conversion when they are happening. It is sometimes only years later that we are able to look back on an event, maybe even a very bad experience, and understand how it set us onto a path leading towards God.

Just as each of us can find God in the people and events in our lives, so also we are the people in the lives of others; the actors in their events. How well do our actions point them towards God? Do we demonstrate His love by our own gentleness, by our selfless giving, by our friendship? Do we imitate Christ? Do we always see others as more important than ourselves? “Sometimes,” St. Vincent taught, “all it takes is a gentle word to convert a hardened person; a harsh word, on the contrary, is capable of upsetting a soul and causing in it a bitterness that could be very harmful to it.” [CCD XI:56]

Every person is made in the image of God, the imago dei, unique and unrepeatable, including us. It doesn’t matter whether others see us that way, it matters that this is who we are. When we act according to God’s will, when we love the way He taught us, we can become a light of hope, an instrument of His will. We can be, for others, a moment of conversion.

Just as we sometimes reflect on our lives, “re-reading” moments and seeing that God was there with us all along, so, too, can the neighbors we serve. It may not be during our home visit. It may not even be next week or next year. But if we are truly acting according to God’s will, then He is speaking through us, in our words and in our actions. One day, we can be the neighbor’s moment of conversion, not through our effort, but through our faith; not through our will, but through our hope; not through our plans, but through our love.


How can I better be God’s instrument as a moment of conversion for others?

Recommended Reading

500 More Little Prayers for Vincentians

10-17-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

10-17-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1200 1200 SVDP USA

Today, the world seems to be constantly shifting beneath our feet. The political turmoil surrounding the 2024 presidential election, the ongoing wars and conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine, the destruction wrought by Mother Nature by hurricanes and fires, and the relentless barrage of distressing news can leave us feeling overwhelmed and uncertain. In these challenging times, it is our faith that serves as an anchor, grounding us and providing the strength we need to navigate through the stormy seas of life.

The Bible tells us in Philippians 4:6-7, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” This passage reminds us that in the midst of chaos, we are called to turn to God in prayer, to lay our burdens at His feet, and to trust in His divine plan. It is through this act of faith that we can find peace, even when the world around us is in turmoil.

Faith is not just a passive belief; it is an active trust in God’s goodness and sovereignty. It is the assurance that, no matter how dire the circumstances, God is with us, guiding us, and working all things for our good. This assurance allows us to face the uncertainties of life with courage and hope. It is this faith that empowers us to rise above our fears and to be a light in the darkness for others.

One of the most profound ways we can live out our faith is through service to others. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a shining example of how acts of service can transform lives and bring hope to those in need. Our organization, inspired by the life and works of St. Vincent de Paul, is dedicated to serving the poor and marginalized, providing not only material assistance but also compassion and love. We know that when we serve others, we are serving Christ Himself. This service not only meets the physical needs of those we help, but also affirms their dignity and worth as children of God.

Service to others has a remarkable way of shifting our focus from our own worries and anxieties to the needs of those around us. It reminds us that we are part of a larger community, interconnected and interdependent. When we reach out to help someone else, we are reminded of the power of human connection and the importance of solidarity. This sense of community can be a source of great comfort and strength, especially in times of stress and uncertainty.

Moreover, serving others can be a powerful antidote to the feelings of helplessness and despair that often accompany difficult times. When we take action to make a positive difference in someone else’s life, we are reminded that we have the power to create change, no matter how small. This can be incredibly empowering and can help to alleviate the stress and anxiety that come from feeling powerless in the face of global events.

The work of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul and similar organizations is a testament to the transformative power of service. By providing food, clothing, shelter, and support to those in need, we are not only meeting immediate needs but also offering hope and encouragement. We are living out the Gospel message of love and compassion, and in doing so, we are helping to build a more just and compassionate world.

As we navigate these challenging times, let us remember the words of Jesus in John 16:33, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Our faith in Christ gives us the strength to face the troubles of this world with confidence and hope. It reminds us that, no matter how dark the night, the dawn will come, and God’s light will shine through.

Let us also remember that we are called to be the hands and feet of Christ in the world. Through acts of service, we can bring His love and light to those who are struggling. Whether it is through our work with St. Vincent de Paul, reaching out to a neighbor in need, or simply offering a kind word to someone who is hurting, we can make a difference.

We need to hold fast to our faith in these turbulent times. Let us turn to God in prayer, trusting in His goodness and sovereignty. And let us commit ourselves to serving others, knowing that in doing so, we are serving Christ Himself. May our faith and our acts of service bring us peace and hope, and may they be a beacon of light to those around us.

Peace and God’s blessings,

John Berry
National President


Contemplation: A Communion of Vincentians

Contemplation: A Communion of Vincentians 800 800 SVDP USA

By Timothy Williams, Senior Director of Formation and Leadership Development 

Championship teams are often described as having a “culture of winning.” Our neighbors in generational poverty are sometimes described as living in a “culture of poverty.” Cultures are formed by shared beliefs – for the winning team, a belief that they are winners leads them to see everything they do as serving the cause of winning. A culture of poverty can form when we begin to believe that “good things are not meant for people like me,” and it becomes harder to take actions that we believe are hopeless. Beliefs drive behavior.

The Cultural Beliefs incorporated into the Rule in 2018 represent those things that all Vincentians believe, which in turn lead us to act in a certain way. Our belief in “One Society” for example, leads us to view all of our fellow Vincentians as a family with shared goals. [Rule, Part III, St. 2] Importantly, these cultural beliefs were not invented in 2018. On the contrary, they represent a set of common beliefs that go back to the founding of the Society – beliefs that move us to act as Vincentians, beliefs that make us who we are.

As the Society expanded, first by splitting the original Conference into two, and soon afterward by the founding of Conferences outside of Paris, Bl. Frédéric recognized that it was not enough for each local Conference to perform works of charity in isolation. To live our shared charism, to honor our God and our patron, it was necessary for new Conferences to “understand that their strength is in unity and that the entire uniqueness of their work lies precisely in its universality.” [182, to Lallier, 1838]

As the Society continued to grow, with new Conferences forming around the world, Frédéric emphasized that “To grow is not…important; there must at the same time be unity in proportion as the circle widens, each of its points connected with the center by unbroken spokes.” [137, to Janmot, 1836]

With members now in more than 150 countries, it remains true that ours is a community of faith that extends beyond the boundaries of each Conference, forming “a true and unique worldwide Community of Vincentian friends.” [Rule, Part I, 3.3] We recognize this with the process of aggregation, formally incorporating each Conference into the International Confederation of the Society. “Our moral strength,” as in Frédéric’s day, “comes from other conferences in Paris and the provinces. This solidarity raises us in the eyes of the world at the same time that it gives us confidence.” [137, to Lallier, 1837]

You cannot be a Vincentian without other Vincentians, for we grow in holiness together. In the same way, we cannot be Conferences without other Conferences, Councils without other Councils, and we cannot be a network of charity encircling the world in any way except together, in communion with all of our fellow Vincentians.


How do I stay in communion with my District, Diocesan, and National Council?

Recommended Reading

Apostle in a Top Hat

I Am a Vincentian (Spanish version) -Video-

I Am a Vincentian (Spanish version) -Video- 1080 1080 SVDP USA

¡Gracias vicentinos!

During this Hispanic Heritage Month, we give a special shout to our Hispanic and Latino American Vincentians, celebrating the special contributions and talents that they bring to SVdP Conferences across the country. Our Spanish-speaking and bilingual Vincentians are indispensable in serving our neighbors in need. ¡GRACIAS for all that you do!


Translation: Our Vincentians are saying “I Am _(name)_, and I Am a Vincentian.”



Erika Aldana, SVdP Long Island NY

Javier Lerch, PhD, National Homelessness Committee

Lalo Rodela, Formation Renewal and Delivery Committee

Claudia Ramirez, CEO of SVdP Contra Costa CA

Julie Bennett, CEO of SVdP Madison WI

Luis Gonzalez, CEO of SVdP North Texas / Dallas

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