Daily Prayer

The Week in Prayers October 31 – November 4

The Week in Prayers October 31 – November 4 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Monday, October 31

Lord Jesus,
I praise Your name!
Grant Your blessing to all those in need.
Make me Your instrument
To ease their suffering,
So they may draw closer to You

Tuesday, November 1

O God, I am bound to You
Body and soul
By a faith that never dies

O Jesus, I serve You
In the neighbor
Sharing the hope of eternal life

Holy Spirit, I am on fire,
My heart you have set aflame
With the love of God for all.

Wednesday, November 2

O Lord, through my baptism,
I was born to the cross.
I bear it lightly
In the knowledge and faith
Of its redemptive power,
For I join with You also
In the Eucharist.
I live and serve in hope.

Thursday, November 3

Though burdens weigh me down at times,
Though I may wander and become lost,
Though my spirit may be restless,
I will find my rest in You, O Lord.

In my prayers and in my hopes,
In my works and in my neighbor,
My eyes upon the kingdom,
I will find my rest in You.

Friday, November 4

Lord, let every moment
Be a moment of conversion.
Help me to see You
In the experiences of the day
And the people I encounter.
Little by little,
Or all at once,
Transform my heart.

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

A Week in Prayers October 24 – October 28

A Week in Prayers October 24 – October 28 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Monday, October 24

Lord Jesus, make me small,
Make me the least
Make me the last
Make me the servant
Make me the one who follows
Let me be Your disciple.

Tuesday, October 25

Lord bless my small works of charity,
So that they may be like the seed
Whose roots are planted firmly
And whose branches reach skyward.
Though I may never see it grow
Help me plant the seed,
And bless the neighbors that I serve.

Wednesday, October 26

Lord Jesus,
Help me to suffer as You did,
With gentle resignation
To the will of the Father,
And love for Your people
Your neighbors, Your friends.
You turned the humility of the cross
Into the glory of the resurrection.
Lead us to glory, O Lord!

Thursday, October 27

O Jesus, my Jesus,
Alone on the cross,
How can I serve You today?
With humble devotion,
With love for the Father,
With troubles enough for the day.

O Jesus, my Jesus,
The way, truth, and life,
How can I serve You in love?
By serving my neighbor,
Loved as myself,
For the sake of the Father above.

Friday, October 28

God the Father,
Lord of all,
Give me the strength to serve.
Jesus Christ,
Son of God,
Show me the way of life.
Holy Spirit,
Come to me,
Light my heart on fire.

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

A Week in Prayers October 17 – October 21

A Week in Prayers October 17 – October 21 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Monday, October 17

Lord, lay Your hands
Upon my weary head
Give me peace in my heart
And strength for the journey


Tuesday, October 18

Lord, You have sent me in Your name
To bear wordless witness
Through works of charity
Help me to find Your blessed poor
And to bring them comfort and hope


Wednesday, October 19

O Lord, you have called me,
O Lord, You are here
Watching me always
Removing all fear
Walking beside me
Drying my tears
O Lord, I have sought You
O Lord, You are here


Thursday, October 20

Lord Jesus standing before me
In poverty and deprivation
With hands outstretched
To offer and to receive
I, Your lowly servant
Stretch out my hands to You
To join in Your poverty
To give for love alone
Receiving Your grace in humility
And gratitude


Friday, October 21

O Lord, I long to see Your face!

Greet me in Your doorway,
Greet me on the street,
Greet me in the face and heart
Of everyone I meet.

Greet me with Your poverty,
Your sadness, or Your fear.
I’ll see Your face at last, O Lord,
And know that You are here.


Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

A Week in Prayers October 10 – October 14

A Week in Prayers October 10 – October 14 940 788 SVDP USA

Monday, October 10

Lord, in Your glory,
Lord, in Your power,
You rule both heaven and earth.
Lord in Your mercy,
Lord, in Your love,
You heal my heart and soul.

Tuesday, October 11

God of mercy,
Grant Your mercy to me.
God of hope,
Grant Your hope to me.
God of love,
Grant Your love to me.
Fill my heart, O Lord,
Fill my soul to overflowing.

Wednesday, October 12

Holy Spirit, live within me!
Fill my heart with love, joy, and peace.
Join my heart to those in need
With patience, kindness, and generosity.
Soften my heart to serve
With faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Thursday, October 13

Lord Jesus, with every step I take,
I seek to follow Your way.
With every prayer and action
I seek to know the truth.
Through Your great love and mercy,
I seek eternal life.

Friday, October 14

I praise Your name, O Lord,
I seek to do Your will
At all times,
Even, and especially,
When it is difficult.
And with You at my side
I will not be afraid.

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

The Week in Prayers: October 3 – October 7

The Week in Prayers: October 3 – October 7 940 788 SVDP USA

Monday, October 3

Lord, I have seen You
In the ones who stop,
The ones who serve,
The ones who show mercy.
With Your help
I will go and do likewise.

Tuesday, October 4

Lord, strengthen me in conviction.
Grant me the vision to see You
In the poor, the suffering, and the deprived.
Help me to nurture the seed of sanctity
That You planted in my heart
I seek only to do Your will.

Wednesday, October 5

Father in heaven,
Fill me with the joy
Of making Your will my own
I give myself to You fully
As You gave Your Son to me

Thursday, October 6

Lord Jesus, I stand before the door.
I pray that You hear me knocking,
For You have invited me here.
Like the neighbor who invites me,
To give and receive,
In the great hope
That cannot be destroyed.
Lord Jesus, I stand before the door.

Friday, October 7

Lord, in Your name
Help me to cast out poverty
To cast out hunger
To cast out suffering
To cast out doubt and fear
To cast out all that separates
Your people from You
Replacing it with hope
And with the love of God
Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

A Week in Prayers: September 26 – 30

A Week in Prayers: September 26 – 30 940 788 SVDP USA

Monday, September 26

Lord, I thank You
For the gifts You have given me
For all that I have
And all that I am
Given to be shared

Tuesday, September 27

Pray for us, St Vincent de Paul
That we may love God as You did
With the strength of our arms
And the sweat of our brows
Never hesitating to do the hard work

Pray for us, St Vincent de Paul
That we may always be gentle
With the neighbors we serve
Offering our smiles and good cheer
For in them we see and serve Christ

Pray for us, St Vincent de Paul

Wednesday, September 28

Lord Jesus, lead me
Away from worldly distractions
That tug at my sleeve
Or stand in my way,
Diverting my attention
From the kingdom.
Lead me, Lord Jesus,
I seek to follow.

Thursday, September 29

Lord, in Your name
I will seek out and find
The poor and the suffering
Lord, for Your sake
I will give my time, my talents,
My possessions, and myself
Lord, by Your grace
I will be a humble servant
And cheerful giver
Lord, with Your love
I will be filled
Even as I share it

Friday, September 30

Thank You, Lord,
For all that I am,
For the gifts I do not deserve,
Given by You
To be shared with all.
I will empty myself,
My Lord,
To be filled with Your light
And Your love,
Only to share that, too.
Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

A Week in Prayers September 19 – September 23

A Week in Prayers September 19 – September 23 940 788 SVDP USA

Monday, September 19

Who do You say that I am, Lord?
A servant, a neighbor, a friend?
Have I stopped for the victims
At the side of the road?
Have I offered food to the hungry?
Have I offered Your love
With the works of my hands?
Have I comforted all those in sorrow?
Have I done as You asked me,
In spite of myself?
Who do You say that I am?

Tuesday, September 20

How can I better know You, Lord?
Where can I see Your face?

In the lines of an old man’s face,
That mark his labor on this earth
In the laughter of a young girl’s eyes
Sparkling with mirth

In the sweat that earns
The family’s food
In the last breath drawn
In a hospital room

In these and more, I love you, Lord
Through these I serve You in hope.

Wednesday, September 21

Lord of mercy, lift me up
Fill me with Your grace
Grant me the mercy
To serve and to love
As You have loved
And served me.

Thursday, September 22

O my Jesus,
For Your kingdom
I will labor.
In Your name
And by Your grace,
I will not waver.
From dawn to setting sun
The work of love is never done
For Your sake,
And for Your love,
And for my neighbor

Friday, September 23

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

Daily Prayers September 6 – September 10

Daily Prayers September 6 – September 10 940 788 SVDP USA

Tuesday, September 6

Heavenly Father, Lord of All,
Hold me in Your hand
Give me the faith
That moves mountains
The hope that
Turns night into day
The love that multiplies
Only when given away

Wednesday, September 7

Heavenly Father,
May neither my blessings
Nor my woes
Separate me from You
Make me Your instrument
Seeking first the kingdom
And serving the neighbor
For love alone

Thursday, September 8

Mary, Mother of God
And Patroness of the Society
Pray for us
That we may have the strength
To follow your example
Of humble obedience
And undying love
And that through your Son
Jesus Christ
We may be brought to new life

Friday, September 9

Pray for us, Blessed Frédéric Ozanam!
That we may share your passion for mercy, charity, and justice;
That we may bring the word of God fearlessly to the public square,
Promoting a civilization of love,
So that charity may accomplish what justice alone cannot.
Pray for us Blessed Frédéric Ozanam!
That we may dedicate ourselves to serving God in all parts of our lives,
Burning slowly, like perfume on the altar.
Pray also that we may follow your example of humility,
Going in simplicity where merciful Providence leads us.

Father in Heaven, we pray to You

For Your faithful servant, Frederic Ozanam,
Founder of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.
If it be Your will, may the Church proclaim his holiness a Saint!

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

Daily Prayers August 29 – September 2

Daily Prayers August 29 – September 2 940 788 SVDP USA

Monday, August 29

Thank You, Lord,
For all that You have given me
So that I may in turn give
To my brothers and sisters
In Your name

Tuesday, August 30

Lord Grant me the virtue of simplicity
So that I may always speak honestly,
With complete sincerity,
With no pretense or ulterior motive.
By Your grace may my words
Always deserve complete trust.

Wednesday, August 31

Lord, grant me the virtue of humility
Grant me the knowledge of the truth
That all that I have and all that I am
Is from You, through me, and for others.
By Your grace,
Use me to serve Your people
For Your glory and Your sake.

Thursday, September 1

Lord, grant me the virtue of gentleness,
A kindness that shines through my smile,
A patience that waits in silence
Good cheer that warms the heart
Of the suffering neighbor
Tireless good will that comforts the mind
Of the neighbor in need

Friday, September 2

Lord, grant me the virtue of selflessness
Empty me of selfishness
Empty me of self
So that it may be You
Who lives in me, and loves through me.
By Your grace, make me an instrument
Of Your Holy Will

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

Daily Prayers August 15 – August 19

Daily Prayers August 15 – August 19 940 788 SVDP USA

Monday, August 15

Holy Mary, Mother of God
Pray for me
That I may follow your example
Of humility, obedience, and faith
Following God’s will
And fulfilling His plan


Tuesday, August 16

Lord Jesus, empty me
Make me last
Take away my pride
Any gifts you leave me with
My talents, myself, my time,
I will share in gratitude
In Your name,
And for Your sake.


Wednesday, August 17

Let me labor, Lord, in Your vineyard
For a moment, if not for a day
I seek the reward of the labor
And not the reward of the pay
In Your providence I will trust fully
I do not fear hunger or thirst
I worry not whether I’m lowly
For I know that the last shall be first


Thursday, August 18

Lord Jesus by Your invitation
You have opened the door to the feast
In the clothing of faith I approach You
To dine where the greatest are least


Friday, August 19

I love You, O God, with all of my soul,
I love You for Your sake alone.
Your image shines forth
From each person I meet
And I love them for Your sake alone.
With all of my heart,
And with all of my strength,
I love You for Your sake alone.

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

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