Daily Prayer

A Week in Prayers May 1 — May 5

A Week in Prayers May 1 — May 5 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Monday, May 1

Open my heart, Lord Jesus,
Empty me of myself.
Take away all that worries me,
And all that troubles my mind.
Take away all of my triumphs,
And all victories of this world.
Empty me of myself, O Lord,
That You may live in me,
And I may live in You.

Tuesday, May 2

Heavenly Father,
Your love is like the dewfall,
Covering the earth like a blanket
During each night’s darkness,
And rising in the growing light
To be the very air I breathe.
On this path, O Lord,
May Your light guide me
And Your truth lead me,
As I seek to follow Your way.

Wednesday, May 3

In everything I do, O Lord,
In everything I say,
Let me be Your instrument.
Do not let my own hesitation,
Selfishness, or worry
Stand in the way of Your love
Shining forth through my smile
My manner,
And my actions.

Thursday, May 4

Lord, help me to bear wordless witness;
To proclaim Your truth by living my faith.
May my neighbor come to know You
Through my acts of mercy and love,
In the name of Your son Jesus Christ.

Friday, May 5

O my Jesus, forgive me.
In Your mercy, make me whole.
Measure out Your mercy,
As I have measured mine,
Knowing, as I do, that it is You
I serve in the neighbor.

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

A Week in Prayers April 24 – April 28

A Week in Prayers April 24 – April 28 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Monday, April 24

Heavenly Father, hear my prayer,
Offered to You in faith.
Holy Spirit, live within me,
Strengthen me with hope.
Show me, Jesus, the Way and Truth,
Fill my heart with love.

Tuesday, April 25

Dear Lord Jesus,
Risen and scarred,
Light of eternal life.
Show me Your hands, O Lord.
Not so that I may believe,
But so that I remember
This, too, shall pass.

Wednesday, April 26

Lord in heaven
In Your name,
I will seek to serve.
Jesus Savior,
For Your sake,
I will give myself.
Holy Spirit,
With Your love,
I will light hearts on fire.

Thursday, April 27

Watch over me in this valley, Lord,
And I will have no fear.
Though trials and troubles surround me,
I know that You are near.

Await me on the mountain, Lord,
And call me from above.
Your fire within me, I will climb,
To join with You in love.

Friday, April 28

Fill me, Lord,
With the love that is ever-giving,
That multiplies as it is given,
The love that can only be a gift,
The gift that can only be gratuitous,
Patient, kind, and true.
Fill me, Lord, to overflowing.
Send Your love through me.

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

A Week in Prayers April 17 – April 21

A Week in Prayers April 17 – April 21 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Monday, April 17

Lord when I see Your face
How can I help but smile?
The face of hunger, the face of joy,
The face of need, the face of love,
The face of the neighbor,
Unique and unrepeatable.
Open my eyes to see You, Lord,
Open my heart to smile.

Tuesday, April 18

Lord Jesus, Your bore Your cross for me
Up the rocky path, buckling under its weight.
Open my eyes to see the struggling neighbor
Bending low under the weight of a cross.
Give my heart the strength to share the burden
And the love to wipe the neighbor’s brow.
Lead me on the way of the cross.

Wednesday, April 19

Father in heaven,
Hear my prayer;
Hear the groanings
Of my heart.
Hear me, Lord,
In the silence.
Answer me, Lord,
In Your mercy.
Answer me, Lord,
In Your love.
Answer me, Lord,
In the silence.

Thursday, April 20

I am in Your hands, O Lord,
Carry me where You will.
Lift me up from darkness,
Give me rest when I am weary,
And when my neighbor is in need,
Lord, let me lend Your hand.

Friday, April 21

Lord Jesus,
Help me guard against the false humility
That shows empty hands to the needy
Because I believe what I have to offer
Is not enough.
Teach me instead to find abundance
In five loaves and two fish.
Help me to share
My time, my possessions, and myself
With all who hunger.

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

Week in Prayers April 3 – April 7

Week in Prayers April 3 – April 7 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Monday, April 3

Lord, grant me the virtue of simplicity
In my life and in my words.
Animated by love of the Holy Spirit,
With full faith in the Truth of Your Word,
May my honesty reveal You to all.
And may I never be separated from You
By my own pretense or falsehood.

Tuesday, April 4

Lord Jesus, in my heart of hearts,
Deep within my soul,
In every fiber of my being,
Help me to follow Your way.

Wednesday, April 5

When I stand tall with undeserved pride,
Help me, Lord Jesus, to kneel.
When I am brought low by the things of this world,
Help me, Lord Jesus, to stand.
When I’m at a loss for the right words to say,
Lord Jesus, hear my prayer.

Thursday, April 6 (Holy Thursday)

Lord Jesus,
In Your infinitely creative love
You share Your true presence
In bread and wine.
May it remind me that through
The anointing of my Baptism,
I also am sent
To bring glad tidings to the lowly,
To heal the brokenhearted,
To comfort those that mourn,
Not to be served, but to serve.

Friday, April 7 (Good Friday)

Lord Jesus, lead, and I will follow,
Taking up my cross daily,
And bearing its weight gladly,
No matter how difficult.
For the pathway is narrow
That leads to the Kingdom
But it is marked
By the sign of the cross.

Saturday, April 8 (Holy Saturday)

Lord Jesus,
Fully divine and fully human,
You fully revealed my nature
And my calling
Through Your life on earth.
You fully paid the price for my sins
By Your suffering
And death on the cross.
Lead me into Life, Lord Jesus.

Sunday, April 9 (Easter Sunday)

Roll away the stone, Lord Jesus,
So that I may follow Your way!
Roll away the stone, Lord Jesus,
Your truth is as bright as the day!
Roll away the stone, Lord Jesus,
Like the weight of all sorrows and strife!
Roll away the stone, Lord Jesus,
Lead me from death into life!

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

A Week in Prayers March 27 – March 31

A Week in Prayers March 27 – March 31 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Monday, March 27

Lord Jesus, Savior,
Help me to carry my cross daily
As I seek to follow You.
When I sweat, cool my brow;
When I stumble, lift me up;
For the cross is mine alone,
But I am Yours.

Tuesday, March 28

Holy Mary, pray for us,
That we may hear the cry
Of God’s suffering children.
May He lead us to them
With food for the hungry,
Drink for the thirsty,
Comfort for the mourning,
And the love of Your Son,
Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, March 29

Heavenly Father,
My life is Your gift
To do with as I will.
May I in turn give freely
Of my time, my talents,
My possessions, and myself
To my neighbors in need
To do with as they will.

Thursday, March 30

Heavenly Father,
In the silence I await You.
Feed my soul,
Which hungers for Your Spirit,
Which thirsts for Your Word.
Fortified by the strength of Your love,
Send me forth to do Your will.

Friday, March 31

Heavenly Father,
My heart murmurs prayers
Without words.
My soul awaits Your answer
In the silence.
Lord, do not burden me
With everything I want.
Free me instead
To serve You fully
In body and soul,
In word and in deed,
Tireless in Your love.

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

A Week in Prayers March 20 – March 24

A Week in Prayers March 20 – March 24 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Monday, March 20

To do Your will at all times, Lord,
To serve You in the poor,
To let You in to dine
When you knock upon the door.

To see You and to serve You,
With zeal and without fear,
My efforts do not tire me,
My heart is filled with cheer!

Tuesday, March 21

Help me, Lord,
To trust in Your providence,
Abandoning my own will,
Desiring nothing
But to do Your will.
Help me to become holy.

Wednesday, March 22

I will go and serve, Lord,
In Your name and for Your sake.
Outside of my home and comfort,
Outside of my selfish desires,
Outside of myself, my God.
For the love of the neighbor,
In the name of my Savior,
I will go and serve.

Thursday, March 23

Let me be Your light, Lord,
Let me be Your hands.
For thine is the kingdom,
And mine is the mission
To serve for Your love alone.

Friday, March 24

Lord, in my sadness,
Grant me Your comfort.
Lord, in my comfort,
Grant me Your joy.
Lord, in my joy,
Grant me Your peace.
Lord in my peace,
Teach me to comfort.
As You have comforted me.

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

A Week in Prayers March 6 – March 10

A Week in Prayers March 6 – March 10 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Monday, March 6

Lord be with me
For all my days
Hear my voice
Hear my heart
Calling out to You
Grant me Your peace, O Lord

Tuesday, March 7

Lord Jesus, I will follow,
In Your footsteps I will walk,
Humble, not exalted,
A servant, as You taught.

Wednesday, March 8

God of my fathers
Create me anew
Like the rays of the sunrise

Live within me, Lord Jesus,
Replacing myself,
With the life
And the light of the world.

Thursday, March 9

Lord I pray for those alone and outside,
Without comfort, without food,
With their lives entirely in Your hands.
Help me to see them and to know them.
Embolden and soften my heart.
Let me be Your hands.

Friday, March 10

My Lord and my God,
Light of the world,
Shine upon me in Your mercy.
In all that I do,
In all that I am,
Shine upon me in Your love.

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

A Week in Prayers February 20 – February 24

A Week in Prayers February 20 – February 24 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Monday, February 20

Turn my heart, O Lord,
Give me the faith that never doubts,
That never complains,
That never expects.
Give me the faith that knows,
The faith that loves,
The faith that is shared.

Tuesday, February 21

Lord bless those who are in need
Who thirst in the heat
Who shiver at night
Who ache with hunger
Who long for work
Whose voice is unheard
Let me be Your blessing

Wednesday, February 22

I praise You, Lord, in my heart,
I pray from the depths of my soul.
With the strength of my arms,
I profess Your truth.
With all of my back,
Every drop of sweat,
May my works be done
For Your sake.

Thursday, February 23

Lord Jesus, for my salvation
You have suffered, died, and risen.
Help me to serve
In memory of Your suffering,
Live in the light of Your sacrifice,
And share the hope of eternal life.

Friday, February 24

My Lord and my God,
I seek only the glory and the beauty
Of Your Word and Your works.
Your great light guides me, Lord,
So that I no longer wander lost
In this valley of tears,
But walk in hope and in joy
To You.

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

A Week in Prayers February 13 – February 17

A Week in Prayers February 13 – February 17 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Monday, February 13

My God and my all,
By Your great love
You fill my heart with hope,
My mind with joy,
And my soul with peace.
All that I am and all that I have
Is Yours.

Tuesday, February 14

Lord, You return a hundredfold
My faith, my prayer, my love
With the abundance of Your graces
Sent down from heaven above.
With Your great love within me, God,
Which only grows when shared,
May all I do and say on earth
Become my living prayer.

Wednesday, February 15

Lord, open my eyes to see
Truth like the light of day.
Lead me, Lord to new Life.
Lord help me follow Your Way.

Thursday, February 16

I saw You, Lord Jesus,
Outside in the cold,
A lonely and shivering man.
I saw You there, hungry,
Without enough clothes,
Asking “Who do you say that I am?”
You are my Lord,
And You are my God,
I will serve the best way that I can.

Friday, February 17

Lord Jesus, give me my cross.
Let me bear it without complaint.
May the things of this world
Not distract me from following,
But remind me to serve as You did,
Humbly, gently, and selflessly.

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

A Week in Prayers February 6 — February 10

A Week in Prayers February 6 — February 10 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Monday, February 6

Heal me, Lord, in Your mercy,
Make me free in both body and soul.
May I rise in Your love every morning
And sleep in Your peace every night
And through all of my waking hours
May I serve You with all of my strength.

Tuesday, February 7

Pray for us Blessed Rosalie Rendu!
May our faith, like yours, be fearless;
A beacon in turbulent times.
May we live your example in serving
By offering first our hearts.
Pray for the Society, Blessed Rosalie,
As you’ve prayed for us from the start.

Wednesday, February 8

O Lord, in Your promise is joy,
For Yours is the word of life.
You fill my heart,
And You fill my soul,
And I overflow with Your light.

Thursday, February 9

Lord Jesus, Your voice cries out,
Insistent, persistent, unceasing,
From the mouth of the stranger,
The orphan, the widow,
The beggar, the neighbor in need.
Grant me patience for each interruption.
Knowing that my time is Yours.
Help me always to answer You gently.

Friday, February 10

I give my heart to You, O God,
In gratitude and love
Make my will Yours
So that Your great love
Will shine upon my neighbor
Through my works

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.
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