
Raices y Alas: Roots and Wings 900 900 SVDP USA

Raices y Alas: Roots and Wings

Last week, a delegation of Vincentians met with other Catholics from across the country for the National Catholic Council for Hispanic Ministry’s (NCCHM) in Washington DC for the 6th National Catholic Congress Raíces y Alas. This year’s theme, Prophetic Voices: Being Bridges for a New Era, focused on pastoral responses and initiatives to the ministerial…

Contemplation: The Best Way to Give Help 940 788 SVDP USA

Contemplation: The Best Way to Give Help

A central principle of Catholic social teaching, necessary for respect of human dignity and a properly ordered social life, is subsidiarity. [CSDC, 185-186] Naturally, the organization, governance, and traditions of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul reflect this important principle, too. [Rule, Part I, 3.9] How does subsidiarity guide the practice of our Vincentian…

4-28-2022 Disaster Services Update 783 735 SVDP USA

4-28-2022 Disaster Services Update

Disaster Services Corporation is responding to the recent flooding and storm damage throughout Middle Tennessee. At least 22 people were killed, including many children. Up to 17 inches of rain fell in Humphreys County in less than 24 hours, shattering the Tennessee record for one-day rainfall. In a community used to tornadoes and seeking shelter…

Stores Corner: Staying in Contact With Your Customers is Critical 738 416 SVDP USA

Stores Corner: Staying in Contact With Your Customers is Critical

Customer loyalty and gift cards can be a positive add-on for a store. Having a Point of Sale (POS) system allows for ease in these types of special add-on programs in daily store operations. These programs create customer excitement and additional income opportunities, while capturing data at a granular level for deeper insights into the…

4-28-2022 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1363 1363 SVDP USA

4-28-2022 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

It surprises many people to learn that the function of advertising is not to create sales, but to build or drive traffic. Sure, that Buy One, Get One offer or sales price advertisement gets you into the store, but from there you still make a purchase decision on your user experience. In marketing terms, Promotion…

Contemplation – Our Wordless Witness 940 788 SVDP USA

Contemplation – Our Wordless Witness

Our Vincentian virtue of zeal is more than simply enthusiasm or evangelical fervor. It is, St. Vincent de Paul said, “a pure desire to become pleasing to God and helpful to our neighbor”. [CCD XII:250] Zeal, then, requires first our own interior conversion, and then our concrete action. As the first Rule explained, we must…

News Roundup 4-16 to 4-22 1200 1200 SVDP USA

News Roundup 4-16 to 4-22

With 100,000 Vincentians across the United States and nearly 800,000 around the world, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul provides person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering. Read some of their stories here: INTERNATIONAL AUSTRALIA: Charities commitment good news for Australians in need AUSTRALIA: Tackling Homelessness Through the Power of Alliance CANADA: Goderich Place donates over…

Daily Prayer April 18 – April 22 940 788 SVDP USA

Daily Prayer April 18 – April 22

Monday, April 18: Lord, my heart sings with gratitude Like the birds that sing each morning The song of the joy of creation The song of a brand new day Whether in sickness or health, In poverty or riches, I trust in You, my Lord, And I thank you for the day. Amen Tuesday, April…

4-21-2022 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 520 468 SVDP USA

4-21-2022 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

A priest, not a C.M., gave a homily, about service to others. Father’s final comments, “Remember the less fortunate, and when you see a needy person, look to see the face of Christ in their faces. In all we do, it is important to take care of the children and the elderly. That is what…

Serving in Hope Recognizes Divine Mercy Sunday 2130 2761 SVDP USA

Serving in Hope Recognizes Divine Mercy Sunday

Our latest issue of Serving in Hope is out now! This new quarterly newsletter dedicated to sharing inspiring stories of the ways the Society is making a difference in the lives of those we serve. Whether you’re a donor, friend, or Vincentian, you further the charitable mission of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul with…

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