
Daily Prayers August 8 – August 12 940 788 SVDP USA

Daily Prayers August 8 – August 12

Monday, August 8 Lord by Your grace And the light of the dawn I am given to see a new day Help me to live it With faith, hope, and love Help me to follow Your way. Amen Tuesday, August 9 I love You, Father, With the heart of a child, I trust in You…

Next Nominee for Youth Award Announced 2560 1280 SVDP USA

Next Nominee for Youth Award Announced

This year, the National Youth Committee hosted a Society-wide search for young people doing amazing work in their community. Vincentians from around the country nominated youth from their Councils for the new Alice Garvey Excellence in Youth Award which will be presented at the National Assembly in Baltimore. “As a committee, we were blown away…

08-11-2022 A Letter From Our Servant Leader 1367 1520 SVDP USA

08-11-2022 A Letter From Our Servant Leader

Dear Vincentian Friends, Have you read any good books this summer? I just finished reading the newly published biography of Amélie Ozanam. It won’t make the list of New York Times bestsellers or any list of great summer reads, but I found it compelling. Amélie, as most of us know, was the wife of our…

Celebrating International SSVP Women’s Day 1200 628 SVDP USA

Celebrating International SSVP Women’s Day

On August 14, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul celebrates International SSVP Women’s Day. The date was chosen in honor of Amelie Ozanam’s birthday, and has been expanded to reflect the history and heritage of women who have served in the Society across the world. The first recorded “Women’s Society of St Vincent de…

Contemplation — Unique and Unrepeatable 940 788 SVDP USA

Contemplation — Unique and Unrepeatable

Vincentians “do not judge those they serve.” [Rule, Part I, 1.9] This simple admonition is readily accepted by members of the Society, given that all Christians are called to stop judging. But human nature being as it is, it can be difficult to practice non-judgmentalism when we find ourselves in a circumstance which seems to…

SVdP News Roundup July 30 – August 5 1200 1200 SVDP USA

SVdP News Roundup July 30 – August 5

With 100,000 Vincentians across the United States and nearly 800,000 around the world, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul provides person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering. Read some of their stories here: INTERNATIONAL AUSTRALIA: We can end homelessness? IRELAND: €1.5m funding for two groups working to alleviate poverty NATIONAL CINCINNATI, OH: Reds fans donate…

Daily Prayers August 1 – August 5 940 788 SVDP USA

Daily Prayers August 1 – August 5

Monday, August 1 Lord Jesus, help me to share all of Your gifts: The loaves, the fish, the love of the Father, Which multiply as they are shared, Which feed the body and soul, Which by Divine Providence, Are never diminished. Amen Tuesday, August 2 Lord Jesus, with me even when I wander, To hear…

Another Round of Nominees Announced for Youth Award 1728 864 SVDP USA

Another Round of Nominees Announced for Youth Award

This year, the National Youth Committee hosted a Society-wide search for young people doing amazing work in their community. Vincentians from around the country nominated youth from their Councils for the new Alice Garvey Excellence in Youth Award which will be presented at the National Assembly in Baltimore. “As a committee, we were blown away…

08-04-2022 A Letter from Our Servant Leaders 1363 1363 SVDP USA

08-04-2022 A Letter from Our Servant Leaders

At the national Invitation For Renewal (IFR) experience, we utilize a protected conversation environment in which the participants can share their joys and challenges, frustrations, victories, and concerns. At times we get some real doozies! This recent time though was different, and not in a good way. Several participants expressed that they were close to…

Contemplation — Our Few Visible Hours 940 788 SVDP USA

Contemplation — Our Few Visible Hours

“Vincentians,” our Rule reminds us, “should never forget that giving love, talents and time is more important than giving money.” [Rule, Part I, 3.14] Yet, faced with the overwhelming needs that some of our neighbors present to us, we sometimes ask ourselves how this can possibly be. How can my time, my limited talents, my…

Daily Prayers July 25 – July 29 940 788 SVDP USA

Daily Prayers July 25 – July 29

Monday, July 25 Lord, make me the last The smallest, the least So that I may serve and not be served Seeking first, and always, Your kingdom Amen Tuesday, July 26 Lord, give me ears that hear So I hear the cries of the poor Lord, give me hands that knock So I can knock…

SVdP News Roundup July 23 – July 29 1200 1200 SVDP USA

SVdP News Roundup July 23 – July 29

With 100,000 Vincentians across the United States and nearly 800,000 around the world, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul provides person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering. Read some of their stories here: INTERNATIONAL AUSTRALIA: St Vincent’s president calls on government to review immigration detention policy AUSTRALIA: St Vincent de Paul Society unveils Acknowledgement of…

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