
Contemplation – A Harmony Between Souls 940 788 SVDP USA

Contemplation – A Harmony Between Souls

Friendship is one of the Essential Elements of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Certainly, it is easier to work together when we all get along, but the friendship we are called to is of a very special character. This friendship is sacred, Bl. Frédéric wrote, it is “a harmony between souls.” [Letter 142,…

St. Anthony Messenger cover story
Society of St. Vincent de Paul featured in St. Anthony Messenger Magazine 360 480 SVDP USA

Society of St. Vincent de Paul featured in St. Anthony Messenger Magazine

St. Anthony Messenger magazine, an American Catholic family magazine published by the Franciscans of St. John the Baptist Province in Cincinnati, has selected the Society of St. Vincent de Paul as its March cover story. The wide-ranging, multipage article touches upon several key aspects of the Society’s work in serving neighbors in need, including our…

Contemplation – One Heart and One Soul 940 788 SVDP USA

Contemplation – One Heart and One Soul

The Rule tells us that “All decisions are made by consensus after the necessary prayer, reflection and consultation.” [Rule Part I, 3.10] And that, “In rare circumstances, if consensus cannot be reached the decision may be put to a vote.” [Part III, Statute 16] Doesn’t that just drag things out? Isn’t it faster to vote?…

Black History Month Series – Mother Mary Lange, OSP 191 264 SVDP USA

Black History Month Series – Mother Mary Lange, OSP

Racism is defined as systemic oppression of a racial group to the social, economic, and political advantage of another. Fortunately, this “pain of prejudice and racial hatred never blurred [the] vision” of Elizabeth Clarissa Lange, a free, French speaking, Black woman.  She walked into her vision around 1813, into Maryland from Santiago de Cuba (born…

02-25-2021 News Roundup 1200 1200 SVDP USA

02-25-2021 News Roundup

Through the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Vincentians across the United States and around the world are finding spiritual growth by providing person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering. Read some of their stories here: INTERNATIONAL CGI: Lenten Prayer Celebration for the Vincentian Family, February 28, 2021 IRELAND: Lockdown wedding after Cupid…

DSC House in a Box
House in a Box Program Provides Home Essentials for Michigan Flood Survivors 2560 1921 SVDP USA

House in a Box Program Provides Home Essentials for Michigan Flood Survivors

While the media focuses on the winter-weather disasters that recently impacted Texas and other Southern states, neighbors to the north are still recovering from a different disaster that hit one community almost a year ago. A historic 500-year flood that swept through Midland County, Michigan in May 2020 left thousands facing hardship. But thanks to a…

02-25-2021 Letter From Our Servant Leaders 150 150 SVDP USA

02-25-2021 Letter From Our Servant Leaders

Cardinal Robert Sarah, in his book God or Nothing tells this story: One day a professor was hired to provide training in efficient time management to a group of heads of major businesses. He had just one hour for the subject. He told them, “We are going to do an experiment.” From beneath a table,…

2021 Midyear Meeting
Don’t Miss the 2021 Virtual Midyear & Business Meeting! 1060 1401 SVDP USA

Don’t Miss the 2021 Virtual Midyear & Business Meeting!

Don’t miss the 2021 Virtual Midyear & Business Meeting March 3 – 6, 2021 It’s not too late to register for our 2021 Midyear and Business Meeting! The virtual program begins Wednesday, March 3 and ends Saturday, March 6. You’re also invited to join us Sunday, March 7 for a special presentation showcasing the Vincentian…

spiritual twinning
Black History Month Series – Spiritual Twinning, Part 2 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Black History Month Series – Spiritual Twinning, Part 2

Throughout Black History Month, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul’s African American Task Force wants to stress the importance of Vincentians coming together and sharing our faith. In the second of a two-part series, National Director of Formation Tim Williams shares with us the experiences some of the Spiritual Twinning participants from Holy Name…

spiritual twinning
Black History Month Series – Spiritual Twinning, Part 1 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Black History Month Series – Spiritual Twinning, Part 1

Throughout Black History Month, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul’s African American Task Force wants to stress the importance of Vincentians coming together and sharing our faith. In the first of a two-part series, National Director of Formation Tim Williams shares with us the background of the Spiritual Twinning Retreats between two Vincentian Conferences:…

Contemplation – The Smallness of Our Alms 940 788 SVDP USA

Contemplation – The Smallness of Our Alms

At times it can be frustrating to think that the assistance we give to a neighbor in need will not only be insufficient to lift them from poverty, but may not be enough even to get them through the next week. The efficient and plentiful distribution of goods and services isn’t our primary purpose, though.…

Black History Month Series – Sister Thea Bowman, Servant of God 204 254 SVDP USA

Black History Month Series – Sister Thea Bowman, Servant of God

“I like to tell folks that I have a little black nun inside of me,” Brother Mickey McGrath said in the introduction to his book This Little Light: Lessons in Living from Sister Thea Bowman. Brother Mickey, an artist, and a 50+ year old Irish American member of the Oblates of St. Francis DeSales, did…

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