
Daily Prayers May 23 – May 27 940 788 SVDP USA

Daily Prayers May 23 – May 27

Monday, May 23: Come Holy Spirit, breath of God Like the wind on the water, That fills the sails; Like the breeze in the forest, That rustles the leaves; Like the powerful gusts, That drive the storm; Like a quiet sigh, From the depths of my soul; Live within me, speak to me, Fill me…

05-26-2022 A Letter from Our Servant Leaders 1368 1387 SVDP USA

05-26-2022 A Letter from Our Servant Leaders

It is difficult for us to process the recurring news about mass shootings whether we try to do so as Americans, Catholics, or as family members. As Vincentians, however, perhaps we can add constructively to the conversation and to the question of “What can we do?” This column won’t address the Second Amendment or gun…

Espiritualidad, Amistad, y Servicio con la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul 900 900 SVDP USA

Espiritualidad, Amistad, y Servicio con la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul

Fundada en París en 1833 por un grupo de estudiantes universitarios que fueron desafiados a poner su fe en acción, la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl es una de las organizaciones caritativas más antiguas del mundo. Casi 200 años después, honramos su legado a través de nuestros valores esénciales  de Espiritualidad, Amistad, y Servicio.…

Contemplation – The Whole Secret 940 788 SVDP USA

Contemplation – The Whole Secret

“My kingdom does not belong to this world,” Christ said to Pilate, when asked if He was “King of the Jews”. Indeed, He went on to explain, if it were, there would be armies of angels fighting to free Him from His earthly captivity. In this, Christ modeled for us what St. Vincent de Paul…

News Roundup May 14 – May 20 1200 1200 SVDP USA

News Roundup May 14 – May 20

With 100,000 Vincentians across the United States and nearly 800,000 around the world, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul provides person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering. Read some of their stories here: INTERNATIONAL AUSTRALIA: St Stanislaus’ College students reach out to Vinnies winter appeal NATIONAL DALLAS, TX: Free Pharmacy in Dallas Celebrates Major Milestone…

Daily Prayers May 16 – May 20 940 788 SVDP USA

Daily Prayers May 16 – May 20

Monday, May 16: Holy Spirit live within me, Strengthen me in my weakness, Help me to grow in holiness. Fill me with the joy And the hope Of the Kingdom. Amen Tuesday, May 17: Lord, send me Send me to those who no longer cry out to You Who feel abandoned, forgotten, and alone Make…

05-19-2022 Disaster Services Update 836 627 SVDP USA

05-19-2022 Disaster Services Update

SVdP-USA Disaster Services Corporation (DSC) has deployed a Rapid Response Team this week to respond to the wildfires that are aggressively spreading across New Mexico. The fires have burned more than 468 square miles over the last 42 days to earn the distinction of being the largest fire in the arid state’s recorded history. It’s also…

05-19-2022 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1368 1387 SVDP USA

05-19-2022 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

One of my earliest leadership roles was in the fourth grade. I started a Legion of Super Heroes club among my classmates, based on a popular comic book at the time. Each of us took on the identity of one of the heroes – there were about 25 of them, thus a “legion” – and…

Contemplation – Sufficient Graces 940 788 SVDP USA

Contemplation – Sufficient Graces

Servant leadership is the calling of every Vincentian, and term-limits for Conference Presidents ensure that every three to six years, somebody new will be invited to serve in that role. [Rule Pt III, St 2 & 12] The next time, it might be you. All too often, though, many of us pull back, insisting that…

¡Fue un placer verlos en Raíces y Alas!!  900 900 SVDP USA

¡Fue un placer verlos en Raíces y Alas!! 

Fue un placer conectarnos con usted en Raíces y Alas, celebrando juntos nuestra alegría y fe católica. Vicentinos con la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl ponemos nuestra fe en acción, siguiendo a Cristo a través del servicio a las personas necesitadas y dando testimonio de Su amor Somos una red de amigos, inspirados en…

News Roundup May 7 – May 13 1200 1200 SVDP USA

News Roundup May 7 – May 13

With 100,000 Vincentians across the United States and nearly 800,000 around the world, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul provides person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering. Read some of their stories here: INTERNATIONAL AUSTRALIA: Professor Luke O’Neill asks people to join charity Sleepout in support of homelessness services AUSTRALIA: Chris Christofi: The man on…

Daily Prayers May 9 – May 13 940 788 SVDP USA

Daily Prayers May 9 – May 13

Monday, May 9 Beloved St. Louise, motherless child, Your own trials led you to your vocation Pray for us that the Lord may lead us To follow your example, To trust in His Providence, To seek to do His will, To serve his poor and suffering. Amen Tuesday, May 10: God of my fathers, God…

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