Daily Prayers May 23 – May 27

Daily Prayers May 23 – May 27

Daily Prayers May 23 – May 27 940 788 SVDP USA

Monday, May 23:

Come Holy Spirit, breath of God
Like the wind on the water,
That fills the sails;
Like the breeze in the forest,
That rustles the leaves;
Like the powerful gusts,
That drive the storm;
Like a quiet sigh,
From the depths of my soul;
Live within me, speak to me,
Fill me with the Truth.

Tuesday, May 24:

Dear Father, dear Spirit, dear Savor of Man,
How can I serve You today?
With all of my heart,
With all of my mind,
With all of my strength,
With all of my spirit,
With all of my joy.

Wednesday, May 25:

Holy Spirit, breathe upon me
Fill me with the Divine love
That shares itself without diminishing
Nourish me with the Truth
So that I may make Christ known
By the works I offer in His name

Thursday, May 26:

Father in Heaven
Lord of all time
Thank You for this moment
You have given me
Help me to live it wisely
From birth to death
With the joy and hope
Of Your Kingdom to come

Friday, May 27:

Yours is the kingdom, O Lord,
I rejoice in Your life and Your light.
You are present to me
In the wind and the sea,
And the smile on the face of a child.
Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director. 

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