Daily Prayers June 6 – June 10

Daily Prayers June 6 – June 10

Daily Prayers June 6 – June 10 940 788 SVDP USA

Monday, June 6:

Holy Mary, Mother of the Church,
Pray for us,
That humility overcomes pride;
That selflessness overcomes ego;
That gentleness overcomes anger;
That love overcomes all.
In the name of your son Jesus Christ

Tuesday, June 7:

Holy Spirit, set my heart on fire.
Let Your light shine
Through the works I do
In the name of the Father.
Lord, let Your face shine on me
As I work with joy
Always to do Your will.

Wednesday, June 8:

Father, hear my prayer!
Be my refuge, show me the way.
In You I place my hope,
In You I place my trust,
For You I live my life.

Thursday, June 9:

Father, in silence I listen
To learn Your will for me …

Friday, June 10:

O Lord, I long to see Your face
In the lonely and forgotten,
I will seek You.
O Lord, I long to see Your face.
In the hungry and the poor,
I will serve You.
O Lord, I long to see Your face.
In those who weep and mourn,
I will comfort You.
O Lord, I long to see Your face.
In the least of these,
You await me.

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