Monday, August 1
Lord Jesus, help me to share all of Your gifts:
The loaves, the fish, the love of the Father,
Which multiply as they are shared,
Which feed the body and soul,
Which by Divine Providence,
Are never diminished.
Tuesday, August 2
Lord Jesus, with me even when I wander,
To hear Your voice in the darkness,
I shall be found.
Lord Jesus, who walked upon the water,
To follow Your word with faith
I shall not drown.
Wednesday, August 3
Lord, in my hour of need
I cry out to you
In faith
Lord, in Your answer
You fill my heart
With hope
Lord, let me be Your answer
To serve my neighbor
For love
Thursday, August 4
Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior,
Who do You say that I am?
Am I one who was faithful?
Am I one who was hopeful?
Am I one who served for love?
I am a building stone
Upon the rock.
Lord, who do You say that I am?
Friday, August 5
In Your image, O Lord,
You have formed me.
How can I but follow Your way?
In my service, O Lord,
You transform me.
So I take up my cross every day.
Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.