A Week in Prayers January 30 – February 3

A Week in Prayers January 30 – February 3

A Week in Prayers January 30 – February 3 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Monday, January 30

O Lord, my heart is restless
Until it rests in You.
I stumble in the darkness
‘Til Your light the day renews.
In illness or in suffering,
A stranger, or alone
Help me seek Your Kingdom,
For this world is not my home.

Tuesday, January 31

When I am fearful, Lord, give me peace.
When my body is failing, Lord, give me peace.
When I am alone, Lord, give me peace.
When my mind is troubled, Lord, give me peace.
Deep in my heart, Lord, give me peace.

Wednesday, February 1

Lord Jesus,
May the light of Your love
Shine upon me
From the face of the neighbor
In need
And may I in serving
Be a sign of Your hope.

Thursday, February 2

Through the darkness of night,
I sleep in peace,
O Lord, with my faith to sustain me.

Through the troubles of day,
My heart is at rest,
O Lord, with my hope to sustain me.

Through all of life’s trials,
There is joy in my heart,
O Lord, with Your love to sustain me.

Friday, February 3

Thank You, Lord,
For the beauty of Your creation,
The living image of You,
Unique and unrepeatable,
Standing before me hungry,
Sitting before me alone,
Huddled against the cold,
Inviting me into Your presence.
Help me, Lord, to find You,
Lead me, Lord, to serve.

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

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