A Week in Prayers January 23 — January 27

A Week in Prayers January 23 — January 27

A Week in Prayers January 23 — January 27 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Monday, January 23

Heavenly Father,
Let Your light shine upon me.
Help me to bear Your light
To share Your light
With all those in darkness.

Tuesday, January 24

Jesus, Savior and Lord,
You suffered in my name,
You gave Your life for mine.
I offer You this day
And the next one
And all the days I have
Not in payment, but in gratitude;
Not with grumbling, but with joy;
Not for penance, but for love.

Wednesday, January 25

Lord Jesus, in my blindness,
Remove the scales from my eyes.
In Your power and glory, Lord, lead me
With all the light of the skies.
Through new eyes I will see You beside me,
Or ahead, by the light from above,
The one that is suffering, forgotten, alone,
The one I will serve in Your love.

Thursday, January 26

Lord, in Your mercy,
Look not on those times
I served myself first,
Or trusted my prudence
Above Your Providence.
Make me Your instrument.
Not my will but Yours.
Not my love but Yours.
Not my life but Yours.

Friday, January 27

Lord, may Your Kingdom,
Like a mustard seed,
Be planted in my heart
To grow within me.
Fed by faith and bearing love,
To be planted again
In all who seek You.

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

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