A Week in Prayers April 17 – April 21

A Week in Prayers April 17 – April 21

A Week in Prayers April 17 – April 21 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Monday, April 17

Lord when I see Your face
How can I help but smile?
The face of hunger, the face of joy,
The face of need, the face of love,
The face of the neighbor,
Unique and unrepeatable.
Open my eyes to see You, Lord,
Open my heart to smile.

Tuesday, April 18

Lord Jesus, Your bore Your cross for me
Up the rocky path, buckling under its weight.
Open my eyes to see the struggling neighbor
Bending low under the weight of a cross.
Give my heart the strength to share the burden
And the love to wipe the neighbor’s brow.
Lead me on the way of the cross.

Wednesday, April 19

Father in heaven,
Hear my prayer;
Hear the groanings
Of my heart.
Hear me, Lord,
In the silence.
Answer me, Lord,
In Your mercy.
Answer me, Lord,
In Your love.
Answer me, Lord,
In the silence.

Thursday, April 20

I am in Your hands, O Lord,
Carry me where You will.
Lift me up from darkness,
Give me rest when I am weary,
And when my neighbor is in need,
Lord, let me lend Your hand.

Friday, April 21

Lord Jesus,
Help me guard against the false humility
That shows empty hands to the needy
Because I believe what I have to offer
Is not enough.
Teach me instead to find abundance
In five loaves and two fish.
Help me to share
My time, my possessions, and myself
With all who hunger.

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.
1 Comment
  • Hello to: Tim Mullins from probably the least of the Vincentians, here. I truly enjoyed these prayers for mid-April and will use and re-use these in moments when I want to draw from the example of Our Lord and invoke His help for the daily encounters we face. (ie) in doing my little works in the little conference here, in the city
    of Lawrence, MA. at St Mary of the Assumption Parish. it helps. it also gives me practice writing in shorthand. I call it a kind of crossword puzzle that forces my memory to keep on thinking. I have played with shorthand (self-taught nyself) while working at Textron through my younger days as a Receptionist. if you don’t mind I will pray that you keep sharing prayers.
    again, thanks.

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