Servant Leader

10-19-2023 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

10-19-2023 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1080 1080 SVDP USA

During my career in business and government service we often found ourselves talking in an internal shorthand that made perfect sense to us but was usually very confusing to new members of the team, and nearly everyone outside the team. These acronyms, as they are called, are so common and confusing that many times you’ll find an ‘acronym list’ at the beginning of reports, books, or reference material so that people reading it can understand what they mean!

The use of these acronyms becomes so prevalent that oftentimes we don’t even realize we’re using them. And that is not good for clarity and understanding when we are discussing things as a Conference or a Council.

Take the term, Home Visit, for example. We all know what it means, right? Well, maybe not. A new Vincentian working in the Food Pantry or the Thrift Store may not feel they are participating in Vincentian service because they have never walked into someone’s ‘home.’  A Vincentian visiting a neighbor in need at a homeless shelter, or on the street, may wonder if they are doing ‘Home Visits.’

Interestingly, the words ‘Home Visit’ never appear in The Rule.

What does appear? The words “Personal encounters or visits.”

‘Home Visit’ has become our internal ‘code’ for the human-to-human, Christ-centered ENCOUNTERS we have with our neighbors in need. Of course we do Home Visits, it is a bedrock and foundation of that Christ-centered human ENCOUNTER. But that does not mean it is the only way we encounter and help our neighbors in need. Every encounter we have, whether it be in a home, a thrift store, a food pantry, a kitchen, a medical clinic, a classroom, or under the tree in a park, is a human-to-human Christ-centered opportunity for us to live our Vincentian vocation and grow in holiness.

Peace and God bless,
John Berry
SVdP National President

10-12-2023 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

10-12-2023 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1080 1080 SVDP USA

A few years ago, we added to the Invitation For Renewal content a new item under the Governance learning session. This guidance on “first steps for Society leaders” has been highly requested as a workshop. Instead of limiting this to a few dozen meeting participants, I present it here instead for everyone to see. Why everyone? Because if you are not a newly elected leader yourself, then you are a follower of one and you certainly want to be helpful. If both you and the leader know the priorities, you can plow through the steps offered below and be confident that the Conference or Council is operating legally and with the infrastructure checked for moving forward.

If you have just been elected to a Presidential term at your Council or Conference, it may feel overwhelming. Where to begin? What needs to be done, and maybe done first? What compliance issues, for example, were left behind from the former President, or maybe not validated for (gulp) years? Instead of assuming that everything is in order and risking all sorts of problems, take the time to check, review and update to start your term on the proper footing. Please remember that a leader’s job is not to do stuff, but to get stuff done. Use your fellow members to divide and conquer the tasks below and speed up this process to focus more quickly and securely on serving others.

Here then, in no order, are the 14 first things you need to do as a Society leader pending any hanging-fire, emergency operational decisions. After each item, I suggest how often the information needs to be reviewed thereafter.

  1. Have your Articles of Incorporation been filed and located? (ONCE) Review this critical state document to be sure that you are still are “who you say you are” and in compliance. It may have been filed decades ago! This may only apply to your Council.
  2. Are your Bylaws current and adequate for your existing structure? (3-5 Years) Do your bylaws match your operations, including new Special Works or your board membership? Are you using the approved national sample bylaws appropriate for type of organization?
  3. Is your tax-exempt status current for every part of your organization? (Annual) Since 2017, most Councils have changed their federal status to be apart from the Church. Have the Conferences been included appropriately, or separated out by design? What about your stores and other Special Works? Who is responsible for filing the annual IRS Form 990 or 990EZ?
  4. Do you have current Liability insurance and Directors and Officers (D&O) insurance coverage? (Annual) Does your carrier have the board roster? Who has been paying these bills? Do Conferences need their own insurance, or are they under the Council’s coverage?
  5. Are the bank account signatories up to date? (Annual and after Elections) Are deceased leaders still on your bank accounts? Who should be allowed to sign the checks?
  6. Are officers keeping to proper terms of office and proper elections? (Annual) This needs to be monitored and held to, as it can quickly slip into improper over-staying as a President.
  7. Who will follow us? Succession planning begins now! (Always) A Vice President is not assumed as the “heir apparent” in the Society. A good leader is always cultivating future leaders. Don’t wait for the next election to get started!
  8. Are regular meetings being held, with Agendas? (Always) Does each meeting include the Society’s three Essential Elements? Are meetings held in compliance with the Rule’s minimum number?
  9. Are we following the Rule? (Always) Leaders must know and review this critical document to be sure we are operating properly as Vincentians and SVDP members. Consider reviewing Rule sections at your meetings.
  10. Do we have current annual and strategic plans? (Annual) These should be active documents for your organization to chart the future. Do we all agree on where we are going?
  11. Are we following an approved budget? (Annual) A budget is the annual plan in numbers. Has the leadership and membership approved your direction, and know the finances needed to get there?
  12. Do we have current job descriptions for our leaders? (Annual) Not just for staff, but also for volunteers? What can we change based on recent experiences?
  13. Do we have the appropriate governance policies for the Board, staff relationships, CEO Limitations? (Annual) Is the Board and staff on the same leadership page? How can this be improved? Check all the various policies you may need for your operations, including Safeguarding.
  14. Are we monitoring the financial health of the organization? (Monthly) Don’t let small problems become big ones due to neglect or indifference. Even small Conferences can have huge financial swings, so stay on top of the numbers together.

If you can work as a team to feel confident about the status of each of these important items, your Council and Conference is poised for Vincentian action. This pause during a new election cycle is prevention against the entire organization stopping in its tracks when a bigger problem arises. Don’t assume anything, or wait until you are caught in expensive noncompliance; get it right, right from the start!

Yours in Christ,
Dave Barringer

10-5-2023 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

10-5-2023 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 900 900 SVDP USA

This past weekend, I was in New Jersey to attend the Sunday Night NY Jets game at the Meadowlands (sometime in the past I must have done something really bad to have been burdened with the unique torture of being a committed NY Jets football fan). While there I attended Mass at St. Joseph’s Parish is East Rutherford, NJ. Waiting for Mass to begin, I was looking over the parish bulletin.

I was struck by their Mission Statement, prominently displayed on the cover page. It read: “A community of communities where each person can encounter Christ and lead others to him. Our vision is what you do for the least one, you do for Me.” What a beautiful expression of faith, friendship, and service.

It certainly occurred to me that it was a statement that could apply to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. We are truly a community of communities; diverse in our backgrounds, cultures, ethnicities, ages, genders, and races, yet united in our faith and our commitment to serve the least of our brothers and sisters in Christ. We lead people to Christ not by our words, but by our actions. To paraphrase St. Francis, we “Preach the Gospel at all times through our service, and when necessary, we use words.”

I am truly honored and blessed to be able to serve you over the next six years as your National President. It is my hope and my prayer that I will have the opportunity to meet you all in visits to you or at National and Regional meetings. I want and need to hear from you about what you think and what you need from me, our new Board of Directors, and our tremendous National staff to support your efforts to live out our three essential elements of spirituality, service, and friendship.

To that end, and as I discussed in my inaugural remarks at the National Assembly in September (you can view the video here), I am asking us, as a Society, to embark on a two-year period of conversation, discernment, and prayer to look at our future and adapt to the changing world we are in. Our Rule calls us to periodically do just that. We will model our discussion on a synodality process. Synodality is a Greek word that comes from ‘journey’ and ‘together.’ We will journey together is a conversation and discernment that will guide us as we build a bridge to the future so that our community of communities can and will continue to encounter Christ through our service and help lead others to him through our example.

You will hear a lot more about this exciting journey in the months to come.

Peace and God bless,

09-28-2023 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

09-28-2023 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1367 1520 SVDP USA

Dear Vincentian Friends,

This is my last Servant Leader column as your National Council President. It has been my privilege to have served you in this role for the past six years. Thank you for your support and prayers.

The columns I have written over these years have been reviewed and edited by my friend Ernie Stetenfeld, who succeeded me as CEO of the Madison Council. When I retired, I asked if he would continue to edit my writing, which he has done faithfully. I am grateful to him for that favor. When he would send the review copy back to me, he frequently commented on what he liked about the column and always provided a “track changes” version. Sometimes, I would ask what it was he liked since there were more red changes than the black original in his revisions, to which he responded that “it had good bones.” Thank you, Ernie; you made me look good.

Ernie is just one of a whole cast of Vincentians that I was privileged to serve with during my term. We had an excellent Board of Directors, and I am especially grateful for the work of the Executive Committee: Vice President Brian Burgess, Treasurer Jim Dodd, Secretary Guadalupe Sosa, and CEO David Barringer. In addition to the Board, we have been well served by our many committees and the staff at our National Office. As David Barringer pointed out in this column last week, in spite of having to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, we accomplished a lot in the past six years because of this great team.

Certainly, the next few years will be crucial to the future success of our organization. The Society in the United States is well-positioned to succeed under the leadership of John Berry and his newly appointed Board of Directors. I have confidence in his leadership and the ongoing guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Please use the tools we have made available so that we build upon a firm foundation. The most important of these resources are the Standards of Excellence. Continue to use them to be sure we have good governance of our Society and are following the best practices they detail. We also have dozens of excellent training materials available, as well as a revised Vincentian Pathway tool to help our members access the guidance they need most. Please use these materials; if you do, we will have a stronger organization — one better prepared to welcome new members and to serve our neighbors in need effectively and compassionately.

Some have asked what I will do with my newly acquired free time. I hope to enjoy having fewer commitments, less email and fewer meetings. As was announced at the National Assembly several weeks ago, however, our new International President General, Juan Manuel Gómez, has appointed me as the Vice President of the International Council General. I am grateful for his trust in me to contribute to the success of the International Council, which will involve continuing my work with international twinning and disaster aid. Beyond that, I suppose my work, like that of any vice president, will include “other duties as assigned.”

As I wrap up these six years, I look back on the importance of Vincentian friendship. The friendships I have found in the Society over 35 years have sustained and inspired me. Those friends are now spread all over the world. I hope your vocation in the Society is built on what is now very well-articulated in our new Mission Statement. We are: “A network of friends, inspired by Gospel values, growing in holiness and building a more just world through personal relationships with and service to people in need.”

This Mission Statement reveals the heart of how our founders understood the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Living in separate cities four years after founding the Society, Frederic Ozanam wrote this to his friend and cofounder Auguste Le Taillandier: “As each of us grows older, may we also grow in friendship, piety, and zeal for good!”

That is also my parting wish for each of you, my friends: “As each of us grows older, may we also grow in friendship, piety, and zeal for good!”

Serviens in spe,
Ralph Middlecamp
National Council President

09-21-2023 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

09-21-2023 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Just as Summer inevitably turns to Fall, our beloved Society’s leadership changes at the end of September each year with new local Council and Conference President elections at the end of respective three-year terms.

At the national level, the term of the National President and his/her Board is six years. The current National Council’s Board of Directors began their Board service in 2017. It concludes with that of the National President, when Ralph Middlecamp’s six-year term ends on September 30. Since 2017, well, what a ride! Allow me to share with you just some of the accomplishments made possible through policy development or direct actions taken by this Board.

  • They strengthened support of local Councils though enhancements of our Model Bylaws, Standards of Excellence, and a new Safeguarding policy.
  • They engaged more members in national service through regions, committees, and task forces.
  • They expanded recruitment, leadership inclusion, and Conference support for under-represented ethnic communities and young adults.
  • They shepherded six years of profitable National Council financial success and stability, including the policy formation of how to use restricted funds and operating reserves while simultaneously growing fundraising and operational support. Along the way, we increased financial and leadership support for the global Society, and supported three new national subsidiary organizations.
  • During the global pandemic, the Board went remote for three National meetings – and doubled our attendance! They also pivoted all of us first to remote activities and then back again to in-person services and gatherings. Along the way they supported growth from 20 to more than 100 national webinars annually.
  • The Board provided budgets and policies to rebuild our national public and member websites, and created oversight for better document management and online security systems.
  • Finally, this board sold our national office to buy a new building just a block away that doubled our staff workspace, added a larger, interactional boardroom and a beautiful Vincentian chapel. This was accomplished without asking for any membership dues assessments or even a capital campaign, a rare feat among nonprofits!

There is more, but you get the idea. This has been a high-functioning board of directors working on your behalf to support and strengthen the Society in the United States. We recognized the Board members at the closing banquet of our National Assembly, but a few words can’t express the gratitude they are owed for shepherding the National Council over the past six exciting years of the Society.

We also say goodbye, well sort of, to our National President Ralph Middlecamp as his term ends. The good news is that after six years of exceptional, Vincentian servant leadership to the Society in one country, we now share Ralph with the rest of the world. Upon the election and recent installation of the new Council General International President, Ralph has been appointed International First Vice President! This is great news for all of us, as the U.S. Council participates very actively in the work of the global Society. Ralph can keep us informed and up to date on spiritual, service, financial and other opportunities.

Every national Board builds upon the work of those who served previously. New National President John Berry and his newly-appointed Board of Directors will have their own initiatives and goals, with a strong National Council to continue to strengthen in service to you as its members. Finances and staff are strong, and we have relatively few urgent challenges. It’s a great time to re-assess our Society presence, culture and operations (more on this from John soon), and take time to listen, really listen, to our members and the world around us. Thank you, Ralph and our outgoing Board, and with John and our new Board, we can’t wait to get to work!

Yours in Christ,
Dave Barringer

09-14-2023 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

09-14-2023 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Every year in the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is an opportunity for new goals, leadership transitions, and reflection on our successes and challenges. At this year’s National Assembly in St, Louis, we did all this and more as we celebrated “Where It All Began” with a pandemic-delayed 175th (now 178th) anniversary.

The biggest set of changes is the transition from one National President and Board of Directors to a new set of national officers. John Berry, our National President as of next month, succeeds Ralph Middlecamp, who has led the Society faithfully and effectively through six years of pandemic, economic, and social uncertainties and what all of this has meant for the Society.  John has selected a new Board of Directors, which was ratified by the National Council at our annual Business Meeting held this week. We are now poised with talent for leading in the immediate future.

But what will that future bring? President-Elect John asked all of us to be part of a national listening process as we determine what the Society needs to be to remain true to our Mission and Three Essential Elements in a changing world. Much more to come on this, to be sure!

It is easy to forget that while around 750 Vincentians attended the National Assembly, more than 80,000 or so did not attend. They need to know a lot of what was discussed in St. Louis. Watch for videos of Ralph’s farewell address and recognition of his service at the closing banquet, John’s inaugural member address that lays out his hopes for his upcoming term, and other videos of our general sessions and workshops. These take some time to isolate, edit, and post, etc., so be patient as we release these in the coming weeks. They will each be announced in the e-Gazette as they become website links that you can share with your Council and Conference.

Three general sessions deserve your viewing. Bishop Donald Hying provided another seminal spiritual reflection for us in his last appearance as our National Episcopal Adviser. (He will be succeeded under President Berry’s term by Archbishop Andrew Bellisario from the Archdiocese of Anchorage-Juneau. More on this soon!)  St. Louis Council’s Executive Director/CEO John Foppe delivered a powerful, personal, and inspiring talk to the Assembly based in part on his book, “So What’s Your Excuse?” and Vincentian Father John Rybolt, a foremost authority on the life of St. Vincent de Paul, provide insights on St. Vincent’s varied imagery through the years and thoughts on how Vincent would approach today’s challenges. Coming soon!

A new Ozanam Institute online learning program was launched during the week. More on this elsewhere in the e-Gazette – don’t miss it!

A highlight for many who attended was the Installation Mass for the new President and Board at the “New Cathedral” of St. Louis. While many had been to St. Louis previously, most had never seen the enormous basilica filled with beautiful mosaic tiles including images of our Society founders. And as St. Vincent de Paul is one of three of the city’s patron Saints, his image appears in both mosaic and statue in the Basilica. It was a beautiful and inspiring event!

The National Council enters the 2023-24 year with a profitable 2022-23, an annual budget passed this week, and money in the bank for new initiatives as determined by you and the new Board.  Our three subsidiaries – Disaster Services Corporation, SVDP National Stores and SVDP National Foundation – are healthy and poised for growth and success in their respective missions.  National committees are being re-formed under new and existing banners to reflect our Essential Elements and other priorities. National staff will add a second Stores Director to support new and existing local stores, and an HR professional to assist the National Council and its subsidiaries to manage employee benefits legally and effectively for employee satisfaction and retention.

Nearly a third of the Assembly’s participants were first-timers. Plan now to join them and hundreds of others at our next National Assembly in Phoenix, August 14-17, 2024.

Yours in Christ,
Dave Barringer

08-31-2023 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

08-31-2023 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Next week, your National Council will perform two of its most important obligations when it meets in St. Louis. We want all of our members nationwide to understand the impact of these decisions, even the impact on your local Conference. Wow, sounds pretty ominous, doesn’t it?

One responsibility of our membership representative body, called the National Council, is to elect a National President and to ratify the new President’s appointed Board of Directors for its six-year term of office. The Presidential election was held months ago, so that our new President-elect John Berry would then have months to prepare for his time in office and to consider his board appointments and their responsibilities. According to our Rule, the President appoints the board (most of them, anyway – the Regional Vice Presidents are elected by members of their regions) and these appointments are ratified by the membership. This Rule provision is included to assure transparency among our members and the public about who is on the National Board, and hopefully to give them comfort that the right people have been selected according to their skills and experiences both inside and outside of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Considering that these Board members will be asked to serve for up to six years, this is not a frivolous undertaking!

The second decision to be made next week is an annual one, to establish a National Council budget for the next fiscal year. Writing this as your national CEO, I feel we are relatively blessed among national organizations at budget formation time. First, despite crazy economic times and a pandemic period that disrupted so many parts of our lives, we have a working, stable membership dues (called solidarity) formula. It is based on the annual income of our member Councils and Conferences, calls for never more than six-tenths of one percent of local income already earned the year prior – sometimes less with excepted revenue categories – and funds less than half of the National Council budget. Second, we have grown non-solidarity revenues to support member services growth. This includes a direct mail fundraising program shared with local participating Councils, planned giving including bequests, and smaller fee programs such as catalogue/book sales. Third, through policy development and management practices we have invested windfall bequests and other gifts and any retained revenues to produce annual investment income that reduces the need for dues funding. Along with managing our expenses properly, we benefit from a strong annual budget that allows for sustainable operations and opportunity for program/services growth with only moderate risk.

There is much more to all this, of course, but the bottom line is that the National Council uses a membership-represented body, the National Council, to provide a representative leadership National Board of Directors, who then provides a strong budget request back to the National Council for its discernment and approval. By the way, the National Council sees the board appointments and the annual budget recommendation at least 45 days before it votes – no slipping things under the door at the last moment!

If you want a membership meeting full of angry shouting, accusations about hidden agendas or funds, and knee-jerk leadership and financial actions, I guess you will need to look elsewhere. (Please fill in your own joke here…) It’s just not in our Vincentian nature or the way we operate. We don’t apologize for being somewhat boring! However, if you want to see a stable, servant leader, membership-driven and led organization in action that has continued to move ahead for 175 years, I invite you to come to the Business Meeting. Or if you prefer, you can watch a video of the meeting that we will bring you soon!

Please thank your voting National Council Member (NCM), almost always the Arch/Diocesan Council President or the President of the oldest District Council where we don’t yet have an Arch/Diocesan Council. We ask, as I hope you do as well, for this NCM role to be taken very seriously. After all, they represent you among nearly 90,000 other US members. When they return from St. Louis after next week, ask what they heard, what they approved, and what they learned on your behalf.

Yours in Christ,
Dave Barringer

08-17-2023 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

08-17-2023 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1080 1080 SVDP USA

In a few weeks, hundreds of Vincentians from across the country will arrive in St. Louis for the National Assembly under the theme of “Where It All Began.” Thanks to the pandemic, our original 175th anniversary celebration will be two years later than scheduled.  Let’s take a look not only at where it all began, but also when it all began back in 1845 St. Louis.

St. Louis was a major city in 1845 thanks to its location on the banks of the Mississippi River and its uses for commerce, fur trading, and both military and civilian exploration of all points West. From its 1840 population of 16,469 the city would grow to 77,860 by 1850, becoming the eighth largest American city. The St. Louis Diocese covered a third of the country but with only 75 priests and 33 churches. By 1849, St. Louis would become the second archdiocese, after Baltimore, within the organized states of the Union. It was the only major Catholic presence west of the Mississippi.

St. Louis was considered the gateway to the West from the time of its 1804 launching of the Lewis and Clark expedition until at least the great railroad expansion after the U.S. Civil War. Steamboats and wagon trains regularly started from St. Louis, and much wealth was generated from fitting these expeditions from St. Louis merchants and wagon builders. The city would continue to grow, especially around the time of the 1904 World’s Fair and later decades. For Vincentian purposes, the “Old Cathedral” (the only cathedral in the city at that time) was completed in 1834 in a bustling mixed-use downtown of commerce, shipping, and residences. Today the Old Cathedral sits in a national park at the base of the famous Arch, built in the late 1950’s-early 1960’s. The entire five blocks from the cathedral to the river was razed of old warehouses for the arch’s construction, but the Old Cathedral was gracefully spared.

When the Society of St. Vincent de Paul held its first meeting on November 20, 1845 at the Old Cathedral, life was quite different than we might realize from today’s city and United States.

Nationally, John Tyler’s Presidency gave way to the election of James K. Polk. There were only 26 states in the Union; Florida was added in March of 1845, followed by the former Republic of Texas in December. The Texas addition sparked the Mexican-American War that year, over some disputed territory. The U.S. Naval Academy began in Annapolis in 1845. Newspapers in 1845 included the first usage of the term “Manifest Destiny” and the first accounts of a new game called baseball.

Published pieces that year included the autobiography “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave” and the first printing of “The Raven” by Edgar Allen Poe.

When our first members met, they met by candlelight or perhaps gas, as light bulbs would not be invented until 1880. They arrived by horseback or carriage, since the earliest cars didn’t come around until 1871. They may have had just a short meeting, since there were no indoor bathrooms back then (late 1840’s)!

In considering our Society’s beginnings, let’s remember that we are older than Goodwill Industries (1902), The American Red Cross (1881), and the Smithsonian Institution (1846). We pre-date basketball (1891) and tennis (1859), the Transcontinental Railroad (1869), the California Gold Rush (1848), and the women’s suffrage movement (1848). The Society of St. Vincent de Paul was not only established before the U.S. Civil War (1861-65), but during the war we even held our first National Assembly! (September 1864 in New York City).

We are only the 7th country to have a Society presence since our Paris founding in 1833. Irish Catholics had been welcomed years prior to the rich Missouri farmlands, and a gracious reputation preceded more Irish migration in the 1840’s. The great Irish Potato Famine occurred in our formative year, so there was intercontinental travel, by steamship, of clergy and laypersons who would help form the initial St. Louis Conference. The Ireland SVdP’s copy of The Rule was brought to St. Louis and guided our beginnings. To be established in 10 countries in just 12 years (Germany, Mexico and Scotland were also formed in 1845) from Emmanual Bailly’s and Blessed Frederic’s first meeting is surely an act of God.

As you consider joining us for National Assembly in a few weeks, or if you are coming at another time to St. Louis, please visit the Old Cathedral. Imagine what it was like, where and when, our St. Louis founders decided to use a Rule from abroad and get organized using their funds and Catholic faith to serve the city’s poor. If you need further inspiration, a statue of St. Vincent de Paul stands at the front of the cathedral. He is, after all, a patron saint of the city.

Yours in Christ,
Dave Barringer

08-10-2023 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

08-10-2023 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Dear Vincentian Friends,

In a few weeks many Vincentians will gather for the 2023 Assembly of the National Council of the United States. Our National Assembly theme will be “Where It All Began,” because we will gather in St. Louis within sight of the Old Cathedral, where the first Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in the United States met in 1845. It is not too late to plan to attend. Coming to a National Assembly will draw you deeper into this vocation as a member of the Society. That is what happened to me when I attended my first national meeting.

At our Assembly we gather to look backward and remember our roots, but — more importantly — we look forward, as well. We will celebrate our 178-year history here in the United States, and we will also celebrate the past six years of working with our current leadership team. More significantly, we will plan for the future as we install a new National Council President and officers.

We have prepared a well-rounded program that will strengthen your Vincentian spirituality, friendship, and service. An excellent team of presenters will provide more than 40 workshops to advance our knowledge and understanding of the Society and its mission. Our Friday Morning of Reflection will again be led by Bishop Donald Hying, who has blessed us as our National Episcopal Advisor for the past six years. Our keynote speakers and daily celebrations of the Eucharist will nourish us on our journey together toward holiness.

Meetings such as this are important gatherings for our membership. It is easy to just coast, doing the same work, with the same resources and people. In St. Louis you will be exposed new ideas, presented by some of the best speakers in our Society. Coming back with just one or two good ideas can renew you and your Conference. We will be better helpers to those we serve if we are continually improving our knowledge and growing spiritually.

My term as your National Council President ends on September 30; so this will be my last National Council Assembly as your president. We have had excellent committees and task forces working in the background for the past six years. I am grateful to all who have served on these groups and to their leadership. I look forward to the opportunities we will have at this meeting to witness the fruits of what they have done. That work will be passed on to new leaders with new ideas and energy.

It has been a pleasure working with our national leadership team for the past six years. There is much that we have been able to accomplish together. What I have valued most is the Vincentian friendship I have found everywhere I have traveled. I look forward to continuing these friendships as we pass the responsibility of servant leadership to a new team.

John Berry has been a friend for many years, and I know we are in good hands with him as our next National Council President. I ask you to join me in praying for John and his team of officers as we continue our journey as Vincentians in the United States of America.

I hope to see many of you in St. Louis.

Serviens in spe,
Ralph Middlecamp
SVdP National President

08-03-2023 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

08-03-2023 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1080 1080 SVDP USA

I once drove my AP English teacher Ms. Alvarez a bit crazy. She had just assigned us each to write a 2000-word essay on some subject I have blissfully forgotten. At a break, I privately asked her why we had a minimum word requirement. Could I submit fewer words if I conveyed my message in a shorter essay? After her shock subsided, she said that the word count was needed to make us better writers. I replied that I was actually more interested in being a better communicator. Wouldn’t making my point more concisely be a better career skill unless I had a job where I was paid by the word? She agreed to think about it, but meanwhile, start writing, bucko.

The next day she agreed to my odd request but warned that if I didn’t make my points well, then wasting those available words would lower my grade. Fair enough, I thought, and agreed to her other term that I couldn’t tell the other students about our agreement. Maybe she was the one getting paid by the word – ours!

As Vincentians we are blessed with a long and successful history. We benefit from the work, policies, and traditions that precede our Society experience. Yet we still owe it to ourselves, and especially to those we serve, to ask if any of it should change. I don’t suggest radical revolution, but thoughtful discernment into why we do what we do, and especially why “we have always done it this way.”

Indeed, every human advancement, innovation, and invention started with question “why,” or its corollary, “why not.” We learn the question when very young, asking “Why?” in response to every answer from our parents until natural curiosity is replaced with begrudging acceptance either of “Because I said so,” or “Never mind, just eat those carrots!” We slowly learn to just get along and agree to things the way they are.

Change often comes from major disruptions. New thinking is required to react to some new threat, such as competition or a lost resource.  Some brave souls on their own break the bonds of sameness and innovate or create. They must deal with those who fear and resist change, and those who agree with the change but don’t want to do any extra work required to effect it.  That’s why we say “Change is tough. You go first!”

Soon we will have a new National President and new National Council Board of Directors. Every year, between one-third and one-sixth of our Councils also have new local Presidents. Leadership change is a natural time in which to consider – not always change – how we operate, how we govern, and even how we pray as the Society. It’s a healthy process when we do it together. It can be disastrous when left to individuals! Operating through consensus gives us better opportunities to hear all views, and to understand the reasons why we operate as at present.

Often, radical change is unnecessary and more traumatic to the system than continuous improvement, or at least continuous evaluation. Our Councils and Conferences can usually absorb change more easily than experiencing a sudden stop and re-start. This is crucial when intending to keep serving our neighbors in need during any change cycle. They should not suffer from our change process; in fact, whenever possible we want them to be the beneficiaries!

Whether you are a leader or a member of your Conference, sit back with a cold summer beverage and ponder. What could we do better? How can the Society attract more members to grow spiritually, or serve more people in need, or create better opportunities for friendships when we meet? If these Essential Elements are too weighty at first, start smaller. How can we make our Conference meetings more effective, or fun? Why do we have that process to do whatever it is that bugs you right now? How can we be a better voice, or provide a better voice, for the poor?

How will we celebrate our asking? How do we make questioning a positive experience for ourselves and our fellow members? How can we together question backward to improve our Vincentian lives forward?

Please be cautioned that when exploring why we have such Society rules and customs, we might just find that our founders and later leaders had it right! Affirmation that we are doing the best we can is an important element of a successful evaluative process.

I usually aim for 800 words for these Servant Leader columns. This week I didn’t need them all. Please don’t tell Ms. Alvarez!

Yours in Christ,
Dave Barringer

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