DSC Collaborates to Better Assist Disaster Survivors

DSC Collaborates to Better Assist Disaster Survivors

DSC Collaborates to Better Assist Disaster Survivors 946 860 SVDP USA

SVdP Disaster Services Corporation CEO, Elizabeth Disco-Shearer recently participated in a meeting with representatives from the Disaster Response Leadership Team with the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Organization. The focus of the meeting was “Orientation and Advocacy for Disaster Survivors.” This is a cause that is close to the hearts of both organizations. Throughout the meeting, various strategies were discuss to strengthen disaster relief efforts and amplify advocacy initiatives to ensure that disaster survivors receive the support and care that is so needed during difficult times.

Supporting disaster-affected communities is not only a charitable act, but a fundamental responsibility that requires collaborative efforts from multiple organizations and passionate individuals. DSC’s partnership with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance USA and the Presbyterian Office of Public Witness brings together a wealth of experience, knowledge, and resources, enabling DSC to be more effective in its work. Through the power of collective action and community involvement, a difference can be made in the lives of those who have faced the devastating effects of disasters.

To learn more about the mission of SVdP’s Disaster Services Corporation, visit www.svdpdisaster.org. Your support plays a crucial role in enabling us to respond promptly to disasters and advocate for better relief policies.

Let’s stand together in solidarity as we strive to build resilient communities and provide hope to disaster survivors.

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