
Contemplation — A Very Mysterious, Excellent Way

Contemplation — A Very Mysterious, Excellent Way 940 788 SVDP USA

During its first two decades, within the short lifetime of Bl. Frédéric, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul expanded rapidly, with Conferences established across France, throughout Europe, and even around the globe in Canada, Mexico, and the United States. Only four years after the founding, Frédéric remarked that “our little Society of St. Vincent de Paul has grown large enough to be considered a providential fact”. [Letter 160, to Lallier, 1837]

It would be a natural human instinct to take great pride in this growth, to shout out to the world about how great the Society had become! Frédéric instead advised that, rather than take pride in this, we should “seek to develop the spirit of humility. Grass grows rapidly, but it does not cease on that account to be insignificant; it does not say because it covers much ground, I am the oak.” [Baunard, 396]

In a similar way, we should avoid developing pride in the annual reports of our Conferences and Councils. We are of course required by tax laws and by basic accountability to our benefactors to offer such reports, and as the old Texas saying goes, “it ain’t bragging if you can do it.” This may be true for worldly accomplishments, but the virtue of humility reminds us “that we can achieve nothing of eternal value without His grace.” [Rule, Part I, 2.5.1]

We can no more take personal credit or pride from the numbers in our reports than a child can take pride in eating the meal his parents have provided. Humility calls us to accept our gifts with gratitude, with love, and with joy.

All our gifts, the ones we receive and the ones we give, are from God. Even the very founding, organization, and growth of the Society is from God alone. As St. Vincent explained to the Daughters of Charity in 1648, “‘There can be no doubt whatever that it was God who established you. It wasn’t [Louise]; she didn’t think of it. As for me, alas! it never occurred to me… it’s God himself who has brought you together in a very mysterious, excellent way…” [CCD IX:358]

As we assemble our reports and share them with our parishes and benefactors, we should always do so with “gratitude for having been chosen, frail and weak as we are, as instruments of so great an enterprise. It especially remains for us to render ourselves worthy.” [Letter 205, to Athaud, 1837]

After all, to say that the Society is “providential” is precisely to say that it is not our doing.


Do I know, deep in my heart, that all my works of charity are works of God alone?

Recommended Reading

Faces of Holiness

SVdP News Roundup August 6 – August 12

SVdP News Roundup August 6 – August 12 1200 1200 SVDP USA

With 100,000 Vincentians across the United States and nearly 800,000 around the world, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul provides person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering. Read some of their stories here:



Help us share the good news of the good work being done in your local Conference or Council! Email us at with the subject line Good News.

Daily Prayers August 8 – August 12

Daily Prayers August 8 – August 12 940 788 SVDP USA

Monday, August 8

Lord by Your grace
And the light of the dawn
I am given to see a new day
Help me to live it
With faith, hope, and love
Help me to follow Your way.

Tuesday, August 9

I love You, Father,
With the heart of a child,
I trust in You to provide.
My heart is full,
And I thank You, Father.
I seek to do Your will.

Wednesday, August 10

O Christ present among us,
You await me when I serve;
To visit the poor ten times a day,
And ten times a day to see You.
Your presence makes me
A cheerful giver.

Thursday, August 11

Lord, forgive me,
For the times I’ve been unkind,
For being less than gentle,
And mostly for the times
I failed to forgive.
Help me, Father, to forgive.

Friday, August 12

Lord in Heaven
Lord on earth
Lord within my heart
Guide me, mold me, heal me
Make me whole
With Your body and blood
Make me free in Your boundless love

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

Next Nominee for Youth Award Announced

Next Nominee for Youth Award Announced 2560 1280 SVDP USA

This year, the National Youth Committee hosted a Society-wide search for young people doing amazing work in their community. Vincentians from around the country nominated youth from their Councils for the new Alice Garvey Excellence in Youth Award which will be presented at the National Assembly in Baltimore.

“As a committee, we were blown away by the number of submissions and the incredible projects these youth were doing on behalf of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul,” said John Paul Brissette, National Youth Committee Member. “Each week leading up to the National Assembly, we will be shining the spotlight on the nominees and their stories. Our goal is to encourage and celebrate our youth involvement in SVdP with excerpts directly written by those who nominated them.

This week, we would like to introduce our next nominee:

Amy Lee – Los Angeles

Amy started volunteering near the end of elementary school because her parents were already Vincentians. She began delivering food to homeless shelters. When Amy entered high school she became more engaged with the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. She began to encourage her friends to join and volunteer with her, she succeeded. Amy and her friends began collecting and delivering socks, shirts, pants, and daily necessities as well as serving the homeless at meal sites. In 2019, Amy attended a Vincentian retreat to grow in spirituality with her fellow Vincentians. Her service earned her the 2019 President’s Service Award. In 2021 she attended another Vincentian retreat as well as the San Pedro district annual meeting. I know she will be a member that will continue to volunteer in the future to the best of her ability that is why I nominate Amy Lee for the Alex Garvey Excellence in Youth Award.

08-11-2022 A Letter From Our Servant Leader

08-11-2022 A Letter From Our Servant Leader 1367 1520 SVDP USA

Dear Vincentian Friends,

Have you read any good books this summer? I just finished reading the newly published biography of Amélie Ozanam. It won’t make the list of New York Times bestsellers or any list of great summer reads, but I found it compelling. Amélie, as most of us know, was the wife of our principal founder, Frédéric Ozanam. That is about all any of us knew about her until Matthieu Brejon de Lavergnée wrote this wonderfully detailed biography.

Amélie turns out to have been much more than a supportive spouse for a brilliant Sorbonne professor. All of us who love Frédéric will have our understanding of him enriched by seeing him through Amélie’s perspective. Her biography includes 50 pages of her letters, which are insightful and charming — and contain firsthand details of the couple’s life together that cannot be found elsewhere.

It is clear from this biography that Amélie was a true partner to Frédéric. He was not always an easy man to live with, but he was a better person for having her in his life. Those of us who value the legacy of our founder owe Amélie a debt for keeping the memory of him alive. She worked with several biographers and saved many of his personal artifacts that are now on display in our international headquarters in Paris. She was especially dedicated to preserving his writings; her efforts included overseeing several posthumous publications and writing many of his friends to have letters he sent them returned for preservation.

Amélie was 33 years old when Frédéric died. She never remarried and was often seen publicly in her mourning dress. She continued to lead an active social and family life, however. Her main task was raising their daughter, Marie, with the help of family and friends. Many of Frédéric’s friends would stay in touch with her, and she participated in several charitable activities in Paris.

I found reading Amélie’s letters included in this book touching — particularly so those written in the months when she and Frédéric were engaged but separated. He was teaching in Paris, and she was living with her parents in Lyon. Her writings are romantic, insightful, humorous and occasionally a bit confrontative.

We all need people in our lives who love, challenge and support us. In Amélie, Frédéric Ozanam had such a person. A quote from one of her letters to Frédéric serves as an appropriate subtitle for the book, “A heart with much love to give.”

Serviens in spe,
Ralph Middlecamp
National Council President

P.S.  In full disclosure, the National Council is the publisher of this book and — working with the author, Matthieu Brejon de Lavergnée — arranged for the translation of this work from French to English. I had the pleasure of reviewing the proofs with Raymond Sickinger and Timothy Williams, but seeing the final product in print exceeded my expectations. The book can be ordered from the National Council office.

Contemplation — Unique and Unrepeatable

Contemplation — Unique and Unrepeatable 940 788 SVDP USA

Vincentians “do not judge those they serve.” [Rule, Part I, 1.9] This simple admonition is readily accepted by members of the Society, given that all Christians are called to stop judging. But human nature being as it is, it can be difficult to practice non-judgmentalism when we find ourselves in a circumstance which seems to call for judgment.

Everyone,” C.S. Lewis once said, “says forgiveness is a lovely idea, until they have something to forgive.” [Mere Christianity] In a similar way, being non-judgmental sounds quite good in theory, but then we encounter the neighbor who has blown every penny of his tax refund on a vacation, and now needs help with rent; the neighbor who has bought food for his five dogs but needs our help to feed the kids; or the neighbor who paid the cable bill and now can’t pay for electricity.

“What were they thinking?” we ask ourselves, allowing ourselves in that moment to believe that we know best. More often than not, though, the measure by which we measure is merely ourselves, our own experiences and circumstances. It becomes easy to assign blame when we lose sight of the different experiences and circumstances that shape each of us, as if the person with one leg should be expected to keep pace with the sprinter, or the person with no hope to make plans for the future.

Our Manual explains that our “nonjudgmental attitude excludes assigning guilt or responsibility for a person’s needs or problems.” [Manual, 62] As Blessed Rosalie also taught, we must “love those who are poor, don’t blame them too much…It is with such words that we dispense ourselves from the very strict obligation of charity.” [Sullivan, 211]

The astrophysicist Carl Sagan once said that “If you want to bake an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.” In this witty saying, he captures the similar truth that on one home visit (or many) we cannot fully know each neighbor’s “whole story.” We cannot know all of the obstacles they have faced, nor all the victories they have won.

On our home visits, we are called to judge the need, not the person, always with a view towards helping in the best way possible. The only way to do this is, as St. Vincent reminds us, is to “get in the habit of judging events and persons, always and in all circumstances, for the good. If an action has a hundred facets to it…always look at its best side… even though intelligence and human prudence tell us the contrary.” [CCD II:638]

Each of us is created in God’s image, unique and unrepeatable, formed throughout our lives by the people that surround us. May it be our love, not our judgment that helps form our neighbors – and ourselves.


Are there things that sometimes cause me to jump to a quick judgment of the neighbor?

Recommended Reading

A Heart on Fire: Apostolic Reflection with Rosalie Rendu

SVdP News Roundup July 30 – August 5

SVdP News Roundup July 30 – August 5 1200 1200 SVDP USA

With 100,000 Vincentians across the United States and nearly 800,000 around the world, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul provides person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering. Read some of their stories here:



Help us share the good news of the good work being done in your local Conference or Council! Email us at with the subject line Good News.

Daily Prayers August 1 – August 5

Daily Prayers August 1 – August 5 940 788 SVDP USA

Monday, August 1

Lord Jesus, help me to share all of Your gifts:
The loaves, the fish, the love of the Father,
Which multiply as they are shared,
Which feed the body and soul,
Which by Divine Providence,
Are never diminished.

Tuesday, August 2

Lord Jesus, with me even when I wander,
To hear Your voice in the darkness,
I shall be found.
Lord Jesus, who walked upon the water,
To follow Your word with faith
I shall not drown.

Wednesday, August 3

Lord, in my hour of need
I cry out to you
In faith
Lord, in Your answer
You fill my heart
With hope
Lord, let me be Your answer
To serve my neighbor
For love

Thursday, August 4

Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior,
Who do You say that I am?
Am I one who was faithful?
Am I one who was hopeful?
Am I one who served for love?
I am a building stone
Upon the rock.
Lord, who do You say that I am?

Friday, August 5

In Your image, O Lord,
You have formed me.
How can I but follow Your way?
In my service, O Lord,
You transform me.
So I take up my cross every day.

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

Another Round of Nominees Announced for Youth Award

Another Round of Nominees Announced for Youth Award 1728 864 SVDP USA

This year, the National Youth Committee hosted a Society-wide search for young people doing amazing work in their community. Vincentians from around the country nominated youth from their Councils for the new Alice Garvey Excellence in Youth Award which will be presented at the National Assembly in Baltimore.

“As a committee, we were blown away by the number of submissions and the incredible projects these youth were doing on behalf of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul,” said John Paul Brissette, National Youth Committee Member. “Each week leading up to the National Assembly, we will be shining the spotlight on the nominees and their stories. Our goal is to encourage and celebrate our youth involvement in SVdP with excerpts directly written by those who nominated them.

This week, we would like to introduce our first two nominees:

Kaitlyn Leder – St. Peter Conference Macomb, MI

In 2015, ten-year-old Kaitlyn Leder declared she wanted to join St. Vincent de Paul at St. Peter’s Church so she could help other people. So began her seven-year journey with us. Kaitlyn became an activist among her peers to build a poverty informed community. She approached the state representative for our district and convinced him to visit our pantry to witness our outreach initiatives to reduce the isolation of our neighbors and to help them find the tools to regain their financial and social comfort levels. Now a junior in high school, Kaitlyn continues to involve other students in our activities including organizing a Christmas food drive to benefit the pantry. We are proud of Kaitlyn for who she is and how she is selfless with her time and energy to serve the less fortunate. Kaitlyn embodies one of the goals of our ministry – to see the face of Jesus in those we serve.

Scotty Leonard – San Bernardino Needles SVdP

Scotty is a Freshman in Needles High School and is currently attending Special Education classes. Scotty understands that giving his love, his talent, and his time is more important than giving money. Scotty started volunteering in October 2021 and began working about 20 hours a month. Since and including January 2022, Scotty has worked between 80 and 100 hours every month, to date. In 2021, Needles St. Vincent’s provided a Thanksgiving Dinner and Christmas Dinner, to the entire community of Needles. We served over 600 meals on those two days with Scotty’s help. Young members keep St. Vincent’s young. Scotty sees with new eyes and is always looking ahead. A good leader must first learn how to follow, then he/she can lead. Scotty work experience with St. Vincent’s in the Needles, has exposed his true spirituality and respect for the poor. This has helped Scotty to grow as a leader.

08-04-2022 A Letter from Our Servant Leaders

08-04-2022 A Letter from Our Servant Leaders 1363 1363 SVDP USA

At the national Invitation For Renewal (IFR) experience, we utilize a protected conversation environment in which the participants can share their joys and challenges, frustrations, victories, and concerns. At times we get some real doozies!

This recent time though was different, and not in a good way. Several participants expressed that they were close to quitting – either their Society leadership role or their Vincentian experience entirely – before they journeyed to St. Louis to undertake a five-day, four-night immersion into the Society’s culture, history, and governance as well as into their own relationship with Christ. The experience “pulled them from the abyss” and, thank God, re-energized them to continue their Vincentian journey.

Okay, so 28 members and leaders got a positive shot in the arm. What about the rest of our 90,000 brother and sister Vincentians? How are they feeling these days, after months of isolation due to COVID, and extreme changes in how we conduct the Society’s services and businesses? If they have not been able to go to Mass, or to meet in person with their Conference, has this dampened or eliminated sense of fellowship affected them? Overall, how has their relationships with God and with their fellow Vincentians changed over the past two years? And what can any of us do about it?

Our focus throughout the pandemic, as always, has been primarily on the people we serve. We recognize their challenges before we see our own. After all, on average a family in poverty has fewer resources – financial, faith, and friendship resources – than we likely have. We knew that life would be tough for them as pandemic conditions changed, especially for people in need. Yet while we raced to act to keep up with our services, and even to create and nurture needed new ones, did we leave our own needs behind?

We have seen this in others, such as first-responders who kept serving in the hospital, police, and fire stations at the sacrifice of their own mental and physical health. Without asking for it, they were often celebrated in the community and nationally as the heroes they are, because everyone learned of their sacrifices and risks, often voluntarily taken. Vincentians, however, often work behind the scenes, humbly and in the “shadows.” They don’t seek recognition; in fact, they often actively avoid it! They would rather the attention be on the plight of the poor, the unemployed, the sick and others who need our help. “I’m good” they might say to anyone asking. But are they really?

We may have recently taken stock of our Society locally to ask how our programs are delivered, and if what we have always done still works in times of changing conditions, technologies and outside resources. Now we must also take dedicated time to ask how we ourselves are holding up. We may have been through a faith and volunteerism Hell, and it isn’t getting that much better very quickly unless we act. The first step is to recognize where we are, then we can do something about it.

What can we do as brothers and sisters? As always, we can pray together, share with each other, and get back to meeting in person not just to perform the Society’s business but also simply to be there for each other. We can share all those frustrations we have seen and experienced recently, and ask for help. Chances are that what you experienced was the same for others in the room. How can we support each other, and perhaps make it better? We start with our ears and our hearts, and then our heads and hands. Break out the tissues, the beer, the laughter or whatever it takes to have honest conversations about our Vincentian experiences.

We talk a lot, including in this space, about the continuing need to recruit new members. Can we honestly recruit truthfully and joyfully if we ourselves are beaten down and battered by life over the past year or more? Can we invite others to join us if we’re not sure ourselves if we can continue?

It may be easier to keep the members we have than to find new ones, but it will still require conscious effort. Let’s take time to retrench and renew. Don’t put it off, start now! Despite the challenges, we know deep down that there is still much to celebrate. There is much to look forward to in our service and commitment to each other and to God. We can and must take the necessary steps to re-discover the joy we had when we started.

God still lives in us. The Face of Christ is still within us and in each other. Step back to take a breath, to re-center and to check on our fellow Vincentians. We need to be okay before we can make it more okay for others. Whether to ask for help or to offer it, please reach out to a Society member today.

Yours in Christ,
Dave Barringer

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