Monday, October 3
Lord, I have seen You
In the ones who stop,
The ones who serve,
The ones who show mercy.
With Your help
I will go and do likewise.
Tuesday, October 4
Lord, strengthen me in conviction.
Grant me the vision to see You
In the poor, the suffering, and the deprived.
Help me to nurture the seed of sanctity
That You planted in my heart
I seek only to do Your will.
Wednesday, October 5
Father in heaven,
Fill me with the joy
Of making Your will my own
I give myself to You fully
As You gave Your Son to me
Thursday, October 6
Lord Jesus, I stand before the door.
I pray that You hear me knocking,
For You have invited me here.
Like the neighbor who invites me,
To give and receive,
In the great hope
That cannot be destroyed.
Lord Jesus, I stand before the door.