
Black History Month: Good Trouble

Black History Month: Good Trouble 90 135 SVDP USA

Written by: Fr. Perry Henry, C.M. Provincial

Black History Month is the annual celebration of the achievements and essential role African American individuals and communities have played throughout the history of our nation. It traces its origin to “Negro History Week” the brainchild of the noted black historian Carter G. Woodson in the early 20th century. In 1926 the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History, an organization dedicated to researching and promoting achievements by Black Americans and other people of African descent sponsored a national Negro History week, choosing the second week of February to coincide with the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. The event inspired schools and communities throughout the country to organize local celebrations, establish history clubs and host performances and lectures.

Since then, the month of February has been set aside to remember, lift up, and celebrate the many achievements of African Americans throughout our nation’s history — much of which, sadly, has gone without notice in official telling of the story of our country. It is an inspiring and affirming story of faith and courage, resilience, and resistance.

The theme given to this year’s Black History Month is ‘Black Resistance’, inviting us to examine how African Americans have resisted historic and ongoing oppression. In setting the theme for this year’s celebration the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH) asserted that ‘By resisting, Black people have achieved triumphs, successes, and progress as seen in the end of chattel slavery, dismantling of Jim Crow segregation in the South, increased political representation at all levels of government, desegregation of educational institutions, the passage of Civil Rights Act of 1964, and in recent years the opening of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History in Washington, DC. Black resistance strategies have served as a model for every other social movement in the country, thus, the legacy and importance of these actions cannot be understated.’

This month I was honored and delighted to address the young people of my home parish of Our Mother of Mercy Church in the city of Beaumont in east Texas for their annual Black History Month celebration. I am the first and only African American priest ordained from the parish since its establishment as a mission church in 1927 and a full parish in 1937. The parish was established to serve the rapidly growing black catholic community, many of whom migrated from southern Louisiana, into the black subdivision of the city of Beaumont called the Pear Orchard.

I shared with them my own story of growing up in that same racially divided city where the Southern Pacific railroad tracks clearly defined the boundaries between black and white neighborhoods. The black community on the southern side of the track where I lived — with our own schools, churches, businesses, medical clinics, community organizations, and cemeteries — provided a safe, affirming, and nurturing environment for its residents. I also shared with them my own story of the discomfort and insecurity I felt deep inside on those occasions when as a youth I had to cross those tracks for routines as simple as picking up grocery items at the supermarket on the other side of the track. On those occasions I was always aware that I was moving into a space where I might not be safe or accepted.

Our community in the Pear Orchard provided that safe, affirming, and nurturing space for those of us who lived there. It also served as a space of resistance to push back against the forces of racial indignity, discrimination and injustice that pressed against blacks.

Since my childhood in the Pear Orchard our nation has made many advances in racial equality and justice, but the task isn’t completed. In setting the theme of ‘Black Resistance’ for this year, the ASALH acknowledged that for Black Americans “…every advance, improvement in our quality of life and access to the levers of power to determine our destiny has been achieved through struggle.” And our society continues to struggle to resist old and new racial challenges. I concluded my address to them by recalling the words of ex-congressman and civil rights activist, John Lewis, “Do not get lost in a sea of despair. Be hopeful, be optimistic. Our struggle is not a struggle of a day, a week, a month, or a year; it is the struggle of a lifetime. Never, ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble, necessary trouble.”

As we celebrate Black History Month this year, let us recommit ourselves to that noble struggle by getting into good trouble.

Contemplation — Hearts Filled with Joy

Contemplation — Hearts Filled with Joy 1080 1080 SVDP USA

The primary purpose of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is the spiritual growth of its members. We seek, by serving the poor, to see His suffering and to grow closer to Him and welcoming the neighbor into His love. All this suffering serves a purpose in God’s plan, but that does not mean we serve in sadness!

Vincentians receive many dimensions of God’s grace as a result of our home visits, but perhaps the most important dimension is joyful grace. We are like children who have just cleaned up their rooms without being asked, racing to tell our parents what we have done! We are bursting with pride not only because know this will please our parents, but because in the course of our cleaning we saw for ourselves that it was good.

Similarly, we have sat in the pew and listened to the words of Gospel of Matthew many times, and many times we have nodded along as Christ explains the Judgment of Nations. It all makes sense – serve the least among us, feed the hungry, welcome the stranger…probably most of us can recite it by heart. But as Army General Norman Schwartzkopf once said, “You almost always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it.”

And so we are filled with joy as we fulfill God’s will through our works. But our hearts are doubly filled with this joyful grace of God as we realize that we have encountered Christ Himself – exactly as he told us we would.

We go to the homes of the poor and, as Vincent explains, we “find God there!” [CCD IX:199] This is a source of wonder not because it is so surprising, but precisely because it is not. Christ’s word is fulfilled through our actions and our hearts are filled with joy!

When we think about finding new members to join with us in our Conferences, or to form new Conferences, extending this worldwide network of charity, no “recruiting pitch” should be necessary. We have been in the presence of a loving God and have in turn shared His love with others. This joyful grace fills us to overflowing – why would we not want that for all of our friends? Why would we not invite them to share in our joy? Why would we keep it to ourselves?


Do I hesitate to share this great joy of God’s grace with my friends?

Recommended Reading

‘Tis a Gift to be Simple

SVdP News Roundup February 11 – February 17

SVdP News Roundup February 11 – February 17 1080 1080 SVDP USA

With 100,000 Vincentians across the United States and nearly 800,000 around the world, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul provides person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering. Read some of their stories here:



A Week in Prayers February 13 – February 17

A Week in Prayers February 13 – February 17 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Monday, February 13

My God and my all,
By Your great love
You fill my heart with hope,
My mind with joy,
And my soul with peace.
All that I am and all that I have
Is Yours.

Tuesday, February 14

Lord, You return a hundredfold
My faith, my prayer, my love
With the abundance of Your graces
Sent down from heaven above.
With Your great love within me, God,
Which only grows when shared,
May all I do and say on earth
Become my living prayer.

Wednesday, February 15

Lord, open my eyes to see
Truth like the light of day.
Lead me, Lord to new Life.
Lord help me follow Your Way.

Thursday, February 16

I saw You, Lord Jesus,
Outside in the cold,
A lonely and shivering man.
I saw You there, hungry,
Without enough clothes,
Asking “Who do you say that I am?”
You are my Lord,
And You are my God,
I will serve the best way that I can.

Friday, February 17

Lord Jesus, give me my cross.
Let me bear it without complaint.
May the things of this world
Not distract me from following,
But remind me to serve as You did,
Humbly, gently, and selflessly.

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

SVdP Disaster Services Supports Buffalo Blizzard Victims

SVdP Disaster Services Supports Buffalo Blizzard Victims 1920 1080 SVDP USA

It was called “a once-in-a-generation event.” The major winter storm that impacted parts of the U.S. and Western New York. Buffalo and surrounding areas are used to experiencing severe winter weather, but nothing like the storm that took place last December. The weather event caused 51.9 inches of snow to fall, -30 degree wind chills, 80 MPH winds, and over 39 fatalities.

Thankfully, Vincentians were able to respond to the disaster related event and support those in need.

“The blizzard of December 23, 2023 literally blew in Friday morning, closing stores and implementing travel bans for the next 5 days in Buffalo and Erie County. With 75 mph wind gusts, home was the safest place to be. However, our friends in need, as well as many others lost power and food in their refrigerators just days before Christmas. By the time the city opened up, the need for assistance was obvious for Vincentian,” said Cheri Frank, President of Diocesan Council of Buffalo.

“We received a $10,000 Rapid Relief Grant from the National Council and provided 15 Conferences with financial assistance to give out food gift cards and deliver space heaters to those with no heat due to furnace problems caused by the storm. I’m pleased to report, that the funding helped over 300 families with food insecurities and 12 families with space heaters. Thank you to all those involved.”

02-16-2023 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

02-16-2023 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 900 900 SVDP USA

Dear Vincentian Friends,

Our mission statement says that we are “A network of friends inspired by Gospel values.” True to the vision of our principal founder, Blessed Frédéric Ozanam, our network of charity has come to embrace the whole world. Administering that global network and making it feel real to Vincentians is the work of the Council General International. To strengthen the bonds of this network, our tradition going back to our first President General, Emmanuel Bailly d’Surcy, has been for the President General to write an annual Circular Letter to all members.

Renato Lima d’ Oliveira, our current President General, has preserved that tradition and recently released a Circular Letter that will be the final of his presidency. You can find the full text here: 2023 PGI Circular Letter.

Please take the time to read the letter. Renato covers many topics of interest to all. The 17 pages of this year’s Circular Letter are organized around seven topics. Brother Renato, who will be leaving his position on September 9th, has given the text a farewell tone, while at the same time sharing reflections on his seven years in office. The letter would be a good topic for discussion at one or two of your Conference meetings.

I am grateful for the tireless servant leadership of Brother Renato, who constantly demonstrates a deep commitment to serving the poor and to growing in holiness. Below, I include a small sample from the beginning and end of his letter.

Serviens in spe,

Ralph Middlecamp
National Council President

Excerpt from International President General, Renato Lima de Oliveira’s Circular Letter

Praise to our Lord Jesus Christ! Once again, I am delighted to write, for the seventh consecutive year to my dear fellow members of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul around the world, as well as to new members, volunteers and staff at our various projects, Councils and Conferences. May our Blessed Lady show us the path of charity promoted so well by Saint Vincent de Paul.

This year, 2023, I end my term of office as the 16th President General International of our International Confederation, an honor for which I was never properly prepared. Only with God’s help was I able to reach the end of this path, with many successes on the basis of our 10-point strategic plan, thanks to the dedicated work of the International Board and the Superior Councils. …

So as I always say: the writing of a Circular Letter is a gift from God for any President General. I hope that members of our Society can reflect on the sections of this Circular Letter, and I count on you for any comments, criticisms and suggestions, by e-mail: …

The Lord Jesus accompanies me throughout my life, in both joyful times and in the difficult times. The good God protects me every day, washes away my flaws, corrects my mistakes, calms my heart, reduces my anxiety, cares for my family, and makes our plans for life prosper. So I always ask the same thing: pray for me, that I may continue in this fine mission as President General for you all.

I also ask prayers from now on for the 17th International President General who will take up their role on 9 September 2023. To my successor, whoever it may be, I promise I will be a loyal and discreet servant, always available when called upon for any task. I urge my successor to remember that our best response to critics is forgiveness, service, love and goodness, giving to God all the difficulties we experience. Only thus will we gain the Paradise which we so long to reach some day.

I wish to express my deep gratitude to the Board of the Council General, who have helped me govern the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul in the past seven years. As well as the Board, some 100 members belong to the various departments, committees, vice-presidencies, working groups or missions of the Council General. And at our head office, located in Paris, we rely on our well prepared and experienced members of staff. For Father Andrés Motto, our beloved spiritual adviser, I have no words to thank him for the advice he has given us. I also have to express my special thanks to all the territories forming our Confederation. Without the support of the Superior Councils, it would be impossible to be a good President General. A warm embrace to everyone, and see you soon!

Brother Renato Lima de Oliveira
16th President General International

Contemplation — A Ministry of Presence

Contemplation — A Ministry of Presence 1080 1080 SVDP USA

It is a deeply ingrained tenet of our charism that Vincentians are doers. We don’t just talk about serving, we serve. At the same time, we must always remember that we are not called to action for action’s sake, but for our growth in holiness. The more selflessly we serve, the more it benefits our own souls – the central irony, you might say, of our vocation.

It is easy to seek ways to more “efficiently” distribute assistance, either because the needs are truly great, or because we have personally become tired, but whatever the reason, when we turn our focus to the groceries or the light bills, we lose sight of Christ’s face.

In the earliest days of the Ladies of Charity, there was a proposal that the ladies might find somebody else to cook the food to be brought to the Hôtel-Dieu, but Vincent could see that once we parcel out part of our charitable works, an unfortunate chain of events is likely to follow, because when we relieve ourselves of the obligation to cook, “you will never again be able to restore this practice”; if you hire out the work, it will become too expensive, soon you will conclude that whoever cooks the food should deliver it, and “in this way your Charity will be reduced to failure.” [CCD I:70]

The Ladies were not managing a hospital cafeteria, they were bringing the love of God – the literal meaning of the word “charity” – to the suffering poor. It was their presence, members of the France’s upper class, welcoming the poor into this great community of faith, reminding them that God had not forgotten them, that was the real work.

And so it remains for us today. From time to time, circumstances may require us to compromise on our person to person service, meeting virtually or by telephone, but this will always be a compromise, a half of a loaf – better than no loaf at all, as the saying goes, but never equal to the whole loaf. We are called to “grow more perfect in love by expressing compassionate and tender love to the poor and one another.” [Rule, Part I, 2.2] Officers at all levels of the Society are expected to “visit the poor as often as possible.” [Rule, Part III, St. 12] We recognize, as Bl. Frédéric said, “ that visiting the poor should be the means and not the end of our association.” [Letter 182, to Lallier, 1838]

Vincentians serve for love alone, in the “hope that someday it will be no longer they who love, but Christ who loves through them.” [Rule, Part I, 2.1] Anybody can deliver a pot of soup, but we’re not Door Dash, we’re the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, and ours is a ministry of presence.


Do I sometimes let my focus on the material needs cause me to lose focus on the person?

Recommended Reading

Mystic of Charity

SVdP News Roundup February 4 — February 10

SVdP News Roundup February 4 — February 10 1080 1080 SVDP USA

With 100,000 Vincentians across the United States and nearly 800,000 around the world, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul provides person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering. Read some of their stories here:



A Week in Prayers February 6 — February 10

A Week in Prayers February 6 — February 10 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Monday, February 6

Heal me, Lord, in Your mercy,
Make me free in both body and soul.
May I rise in Your love every morning
And sleep in Your peace every night
And through all of my waking hours
May I serve You with all of my strength.

Tuesday, February 7

Pray for us Blessed Rosalie Rendu!
May our faith, like yours, be fearless;
A beacon in turbulent times.
May we live your example in serving
By offering first our hearts.
Pray for the Society, Blessed Rosalie,
As you’ve prayed for us from the start.

Wednesday, February 8

O Lord, in Your promise is joy,
For Yours is the word of life.
You fill my heart,
And You fill my soul,
And I overflow with Your light.

Thursday, February 9

Lord Jesus, Your voice cries out,
Insistent, persistent, unceasing,
From the mouth of the stranger,
The orphan, the widow,
The beggar, the neighbor in need.
Grant me patience for each interruption.
Knowing that my time is Yours.
Help me always to answer You gently.

Friday, February 10

I give my heart to You, O God,
In gratitude and love
Make my will Yours
So that Your great love
Will shine upon my neighbor
Through my works

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

Black History Month — Resisting the Plague of Racism

Black History Month — Resisting the Plague of Racism 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Written by: Pam Matambanadzo, National Multicultural and Diversity Committee Chair

We continue our reflection on Black History month and its theme for 2023 – “Black Resistance.”

Last week Connie and Wayne challenged us to reflect, relate and release. 

Do you feel you can relate? As a Vincentian, are you open to accompanying those living on fringe of society, going beyond the charity (meal or shelter) we offer? Are you playing a role towards ending the generational struggle that Black Americans continue to carry? Are you seeking justice?

Many Black Americans will collectively continue to resist the plague of racism. However, for meaningful change to occur, it requires “all hands-on deck” approach as one Society. As fellow Christians we are inviting you to journey with us as we explore the many policies put in place at the end of slavery that are still around today in one form or another. These policies act as barriers to entry – keeping families in a cycle of poverty.

After your reflections last week, and this week – do you feel you have a better understanding of the plight of Black Americans? If no, what steps have you taken towards filling in your knowledge gap?

On the third Thursday of each month the Voice of the Poor Committee has webinars that you can utilize. Topics range from how to set up an advocacy committee at your Conference or Council and other times we delve into policies and issues. This month (February) our topic is New Congress; New Opportunities. In March, 2023 Jack Murphy and Wayne will be covering redlining and the discriminatory practices in housing. Please come and join us.


  1. Berkley Institute breaks down institutional racism in a video:
  2. USCCB Open Wide Our Hearts: Pastoral Letter on Racism:
  3. Harvard paper on Massachusetts Racial Disparity:
  4. Reflective Examination of Conscious: Examination of Conscious .pptx
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