
Contemplation: God’s Gift, Wrapped in Humility 940 788 SVDP USA

Contemplation: God’s Gift, Wrapped in Humility

Have you ever seen somebody, puffed up with himself, stride into a room, clearly expecting to be the center of attention? Sometimes we hear people mutter, “He thinks he’s God’s gift to us…” It’s a shame that this expression is used as a derisive commentary on personal vanity, because, when you think about it, aren’t…

04-22-2021 News Roundup 1200 1200 SVDP USA

04-22-2021 News Roundup

Through the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Vincentians across the United States and around the world are finding spiritual growth by providing person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering. Read some of their stories here: INTERNATIONAL AUSTRALIA: Hybrid CEO sleepout brings homelessness back into view AUSTRALIA: Struggling renters told to leave Sunshine…

04-22-2021 Letter From Our Servant Leaders 600 685 SVDP USA

04-22-2021 Letter From Our Servant Leaders

We are in the liturgical season of Easter.  We have come through 40 days of Lent, ending in Holy Week with the observance of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter. During this past month, I have been pondering the intersection of our liturgical celebrations with what is going on in the world and what is…

Friends of the Poor Walk
Friends of the Poor Walk/Run: A Step Towards Eliminating Poverty 800 533 SVDP USA

Friends of the Poor Walk/Run: A Step Towards Eliminating Poverty

Now in its 14th year, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul’s Friends of the Poor® Walk/Run is an annual event that provides local Vincentian Conferences and Councils with an opportunity to raise funds and awareness to support neighbors in need. This year’s event will be held on Saturday, September 25, 2021. The nationwide event…

Contemplation: From That Time on, How Could I Not Love Them? 940 788 SVDP USA

Contemplation: From That Time on, How Could I Not Love Them?

Vincentians are called to serve the hungry, the homeless, the poor — all those who are suffering or deprived. Doing this work can sometimes lead us to discouragement, because we see so many problems we cannot solve, and we know that today’s groceries won’t satisfy next month’s hunger. And after all, who are we to…

04-15-2021 News Roundup 1200 1200 SVDP USA

04-15-2021 News Roundup

Through the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Vincentians across the United States and around the world are finding spiritual growth by providing person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering. Read some of their stories here: INTERNATIONAL AUSTRALIA: CEO sleep out for homelessness returns IRELAND: SVP records 20% increase in calls for help…

04-15-2021 Letter From Our Servant Leaders 150 150 SVDP USA

04-15-2021 Letter From Our Servant Leaders

The motivation not to speak up may be because one has nothing to say. It may, however, be because there is so much to say, but one represents so many different opinions. An emerging and dangerous trend in America is for corporate CEOs to write opinion pieces and jump on television to comment on political…

St. Vincent de Paul Pharmacy
Serving the Uninsured at St. Vincent de Paul Pharmacy 1920 2560 SVDP USA

Serving the Uninsured at St. Vincent de Paul Pharmacy

For the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, one pervasive challenge across the communities we serve is poor health management, often exacerbated by lack of access to prescription medications. The first pharmacy of its kind in Texas, the St. Vincent de Paul Pharmacy serves the uninsured whose household income is at or below 300 percent…

Contemplation – May I Have A Word With You? 940 788 SVDP USA

Contemplation – May I Have A Word With You?

Blessed Frédéric, layman and primary founder of the Society of St Vincent de Paul, is considered the primary role model for members of the Society. In his words and in his deeds Frédéric leaves us with an example of charity and virtue. At the same time, his words can remind us of our own frailty…

04-09-2021 News Roundup 1200 1200 SVDP USA

04-09-2021 News Roundup

Through the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Vincentians across the United States and around the world are finding spiritual growth by providing person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering. Read some of their stories here: INTERNATIONAL AUSTRALIA: Flood victims encouraged to access clothing and support at St Vincent De Paul on Lake…

help the needy
Will You Help the Friends of the Poor? 2560 1707 SVDP USA

Will You Help the Friends of the Poor?

At the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, many of our nearly 4,500 Conferences and Councils across the United States have felt the financial effects of COVID-19. Some are seeing up to a 300% increase in need for food alone! And with 10 million Americans currently behind in rent payments, we expect a similar increase…

SVdP National Council Welcomes Associate Director of Poverty Programs / Director of Immersion Program 150 150 SVDP USA

SVdP National Council Welcomes Associate Director of Poverty Programs / Director of Immersion Program

The National Council of the United States Society of St. Vincent de Paul is excited to welcome Heather Fullerton as the new Associate Director of Poverty Programs / Director of Immersion Program. Heather will work collaboratively with Councils and Conferences to enhance and expand the Society’s Systemic Change programming, with a particular focus on Immersion,…

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