Sterling Volunteers engages in volunteer research and its database of Vetted Volunteers is ready to serve

Sterling Volunteers engages in volunteer research and its database of Vetted Volunteers is ready to serve

Sterling Volunteers engages in volunteer research and its database of Vetted Volunteers is ready to serve 800 800 SVDP USA

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is excited to share that our valued background screening partner is able to assist with matching and mobilizing local volunteers to serve in communities across the country. Sterling Volunteers (formerly Verified Volunteers), is providing you with complimentary access to their new research report, the Volunteer Perspective: Industry Insights 2019 report.


For more information about Sterling Volunteers and/or a background check for your Conference or Council members, contact: Kimberly Chochon VICE PRESIDENT, PARTNERSHIPS Sterling Volunteers o: 212.736.5100 x3129 | m: 206.300.6315

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