01-15-21 News Roundup

01-15-21 News Roundup

01-15-21 News Roundup 1200 1200 SVDP USA

Vincentians across the country and around the world continue to serve their communities in the midst of the pandemic. Click the stories below to learn more about their work to help neighbors in need.


Ireland: Car draw raises €260,000 for SVP
New Zealand: Give it a Go: Helping out with the Vinnies’ goodwill efforts


Baton Rouge, LA: St. Vincent de Paul accepting clients as temps drop, in need of donations 
Cincinnati, OH: SVdP Cincinnati Ozanam Center for Service Learning to Host MLK Day 2021 for area High Schoolers
Medford, OR: St. Vincent volunteer receives community award
New Orleans, LA: SVdP New Orleans Hosting Systemic Change Symposium
Omaha, NE: Catholic social teaching on community: We were meant to live, grow and flourish together

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