Daily Prayers July 25 – July 29

Daily Prayers July 25 – July 29

Daily Prayers July 25 – July 29 940 788 SVDP USA

Monday, July 25

Lord, make me the last
The smallest, the least
So that I may serve and not be served
Seeking first, and always, Your kingdom

Tuesday, July 26

Lord, give me ears that hear
So I hear the cries of the poor
Lord, give me hands that knock
So I can knock on their door
Lord, give me eyes that see,
So I can see in them your face
Lord, give me a heart that loves,
So I can offer heaven’s embrace

Wednesday, July 27

Help me, Lord,
To live in Your peace
And to bear all that I am given
Help me, Lord,
To seek first Your kingdom
And not the rewards of the world.

Thursday, July 28

Guided by Your hand, O Lord,
And sheltered from the storm,
I raise my voice to you
In joyful praise.

Friday, July 29

Lord Jesus, be with me in my pain,
Not to relieve it but only to know
That to suffer is my humble offering
That I accept along with all my gifts
And that I will leave behind in this world
As I seek first and always Your kingdom
Lord Jesus, be with me in my joy!

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

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