Daily Prayers July 18 — July 22

Daily Prayers July 18 — July 22

Daily Prayers July 18 — July 22 940 788 SVDP USA

Monday, July 18:

Through calm and through storms,
In all times and seasons,
Your word is written on my heart, O God.
You are with me always,
And I will not be afraid.

Tuesday, July 19:

Lord, I do not pray for certainty
In the things of this world
But with certain faith
In the kingdom beyond this world
In the hope
Of everlasting life
And in the love
That gives of itself without diminishing.

Wednesday, July 20:

Lord plant Your word within me
As on rich soil
And may my works be the fruit
Yielded a hundredfold
In Your name
And for Your sake

Thursday, July 21:

Thank You, Lord for all You have given me
My ears to hear Your word, O Lord,
My eyes to see Your truth,
My very self to do Your will
With gratitude and joy.

Friday, July 22:

Lord help me to be gentle
Let Your love light my smile
Not hidden beneath a bushel
But shining before the world
Offering my heart to the neighbor

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

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