Daily Prayers April 4 – April 8

Daily Prayers April 4 – April 8

Daily Prayers April 4 – April 8 940 788 SVDP USA

Monday, April 4:

Father in heaven, giver of all things
By my faith and through my works
I thank you every day

Tuesday, April 5:

Alone in the darkness,
Lord, hear my prayer.
As one voice of many,
Lord, hear my prayer.
To seek out the lonely,
Lord, see my prayer.
To care for the neighbor,
Lord, see my prayer.
For Your love alone,
Lord, be my prayer.

Wednesday, April 6:

Lead me, Lord Jesus,
When I lose my way.
Lead me to serve in hope.
Free me, Lord Jesus,
From the shackles of sin.
Free me to live in Your word.

Thursday, April 7:

Lord, help me to be gentle,
To offer words of comfort,
To always act with mercy
Especially to people
That I feel do not deserve it.
Make me Your gentle instrument, Lord,
Not because I deserve it,
But to do Your work through me.

Friday, April 8:

I saw You today at the grocery store
Adding up prices with care
Unsure if you had enough for the week
I didn’t expect You there
I almost walked past You this morning
Have You done something new with Your hair?
You were sitting alone on a park bench
And I didn’t expect You there
I heard You at Mass this morning
Along with everyone there
Crying so loud in the back of the Church
And I didn’t expect You there
I pray to You, Christ, to forgive me
For passing You by unaware
Help me to always expect You
As You have expected my prayer
Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director. 

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