A Week in Prayers May 8 — May 12

A Week in Prayers May 8 — May 12

A Week in Prayers May 8 — May 12 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Monday, May 8

Throughout the hours and works of the day,
And whatever I think I’ve achieved,
Before You, Father, I place all my needs,
And the needs of the neighbor I serve.
I knock on Your door, I ask for Your mercy,
But Your will, not mine, be done.

Tuesday, May 9

How would my prayer be different, Lord,
How would I call out Your name,
If I had all the things I would otherwise ask,
Would my prayer to You still be the same?

How would I pray from a foxhole, Lord?
How would I pray in the rain?
How would I pray in my desperation?
How would I pray in my pain?

How would I pray when I have all I want?
Would my prayer still be shouted out loud?
Or would I sit satisfied here in my pew,
And just mumble along with the crowd?

For all that I have, and all I have not,
May I sing out in praise of Your name!
Fill me with love and with gratitude, Lord,
So that all of my prayers are the same.

Wednesday, May 10

Help me to love You more, Lord Jesus,
To give You my heart and soul,
To serve in Your name and for Your sake,
To bear my cross and follow You.

Thursday, May 11

All that I have is Yours, O Lord,
My time, my possessions, my talents,
And even my life is Yours,
Given to me only to share.
And the gift of Your love
Which I share without limit
Still fills me to overflowing.

Friday, May 12

Christ my Lord and Savior,
I raise my eyes
And raise my prayers to You.
My feet are firmly planted,
As I work in Your Holy Name,
But my eyes are not cast downward
For my hope does not lie
In the things of this world.

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

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