A Midyear Meeting to Remember in St. Louis

A Midyear Meeting to Remember in St. Louis

A Midyear Meeting to Remember in St. Louis 2560 1707 SVDP USA

Vincentians from all across the United States gathered together March 5-8 in downtown St. Louis at the Midyear Business Meeting of SVdP USA. While in attendance, leaders learned about governance, leadership, advocacy, and finance, while renewing and deepening shared spirituality and friendships with one another. More than 200 leaders were in attendance, representing all nine regions and hundreds of SVdP Conferences.

National President John Berry welcomed members with his Presidential Address on Thursday with this speech. He began his address in this way: “Every night, more than a half a million people in America experience homelessness. Imagine walking past them knowing they are someone’s mother, father, or child. As Vincentians, we cannot simply walk by — we are called to act. As Vincentians, and as Christians, we understand our profound responsibility to act boldly in service to others.”

Other highlights included Director David Garcia’s update on the SoCal wildfire relief efforts, Archbishop Andrew Bellisario CM’s spiritual retreat, a Good Governance workshop with John Hallissy, and a Finance Presentation by Ed McCarthy.

To make our meeting times together more effective, SVdP USA is moving away from the Midyear Meeting starting in 2026. Instead, SVdP will focus on regional meetings and meetings of other affinity groups, including Executive Directors, Stores, Spiritual Advisors, Conference Presidents, and more.

See below for highlights of last week’s Midyear Meeting, and view video presentations here.

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