11-07-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

11-07-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

11-07-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1200 1200 SVDP USA

The other day, I was speaking to one of our Vincentians and she asked me, “Hey, what ever happened to VisionSVdP?” I must say I was a little taken aback by the question, and I asked her why she was asking. I told her that VisionSVdP was going full speed ahead and that we were in the final two months of Phase I, with many local Conferences and Councils holding listening sessions (as a matter of fact, my own Conference just held our listening session at the end of October). She said, “OK, but you haven’t been saying much about it lately. Maybe it’s time for an update?” Great idea! So, here we are.

Over the last year, you have heard and read about VisionSVdP, our “family conversation” that we are using to answer the call in our Rule to ‘Adapt to a Changing World.’ I first spoke about this after my Installation as National President in St. Louis in October 2023, and I have written about it often in the e-Gazette Servant Leader column and other places. We officially kicked off VisionSVdP at the 2024 Midyear Meeting, and since that time, we have held literally hundreds of listening sessions at Regional meetings, Council meetings, Conference meetings, and the National Assembly in Phoenix.

In case you are new to the Society, or you’ve been hiding under a rock for the last year (only kidding), you might be asking, “What is this VisionSVdP he is talking about?” Let me start by telling you what it is NOT: It’s not a program, it’s not a strategic planning process, it’s not a reorganization, it’s not a fundraising campaign, it’s not a make-work effort for already burdened Vincentians trying to serve people in need.

Well then, WHAT IS IT? you ask. Well, it’s a conversation. A Synodal (from the Greek for “journeying together”) conversation about the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. What’s good about it? What’s not so good about it? What are we doing right? What might we be doing better? What are we doing that we don’t need to be doing? What aren’t we doing that we should be doing? What’s enriching your spiritual life as a Vincentian? What’s stressing your spiritual life as a Vincentian? Why are we getting older and greyer, even though we are trying to bring young people into our membership? Why can’t we move the needle on increasing diversity despite years of trying? Why are we still using pen and paper to complete casework forms when our grandkids are using tablets to do their homework in first grade?

Get it? A conversation guided by, blessed by, and driven by God through the Holy Spirit.

The next question on your mind is probably, “Why are we doing this?”

There are a lot of reasons! As I mentioned above, The Rule, written in 1836, call us to periodically ‘Adapt to a Changing World.’ In Part I, 1.6 The Rule says: “Faithful to the spirit of its founders, the Society constantly strives for renewal, adapting to changing world conditions. It seeks to be aware of the changes that occur in human society and the new types of poverty that may be identified or anticipated. It gives priority to the poorest of the poor and to those who are most rejected by society.”

The last few decades have brought changing conditions in the U.S. and around the world that demand we look at how we must adapt and renew. Those changes were accelerated and exacerbated by the pandemic and the economic challenges faced here and abroad. We must look at the Society in the light of the realities of today and tomorrow, and we must change where change is called for.

So, for the last eight months we have been talking, listening, and through it all, respecting every person’s views. That is Phase I, which will end December 31. If your Conference or Council has NOT held a Listening Session yet — you need to. Because EVERY VOICE MATTERS and we want to hear from you!

If you need help getting started, contact Jill Pioter at the National Council and she’ll get you everything you need.

Phase II begins next year. It’s the hardest and most complicated part. Because that’s when we start going through the thousands of comments we’ve received, then work on planning how we move forward. We are going to talk for a LONG TIME. We are going to talk about that planning for another year at least at every level in the Society — because EVERY VOICE MATTERS.

And then we’re going to assimilate it and put together an Action Plan.

We’re gonna talk together! A lot!


Peace and God’s blessings,

John Berry
National President

  • I enjoyed reading your writings today, and I like where you are going with the listening sessions. Thinking am I considered to be the poorest of the poorest?
    Like I told you before I have been needy but not off my own merit. You see I have a chronic illness that has prevented me from earning these last 3 years.
    Even so, while going through these trying times I learned that people , no matter what they position in life is, do not seem to care about your situation.
    At-least not as much as you care about your own situation. It`s been alot of mis-alignments and over-sights when it comes to matters, in the communities.
    Subjects like having proper shelters, warming centers and affordable housing within our communities here in the South. I think it would be a great thing if
    Georgia would concentrate more on Housing for Low income, No income, fixed income and disability housing and not go the cheap route. I think different
    Governments like HUD and others would be glad to get on board to help raise the Capital or funding, for a Shelter center that Feeds a dinner 5 days a week.
    One that will house over 150 people Men and women on separate floors. One that will feed anyone that comes in off the street during serving time at 5pm.
    It`s a big commitment. One that will run a warming center in the winter time, where homeless people can line up outside, come in and get a shower at 7pm.
    One that will give the homeless that are not yet processed in the centers program or have a bed a sleeping space for the night during the winter. Then they
    have to go back outside in the morning, until they are processed in the program. I witnessed a program like that in the Midwest, in Ann Arbor Michigan.
    the place was called the Delonis Center. They processed and worked they homeless community, straight into housing, with case worker the whole way.
    To me it was a fully operating, no secret, no none sense, from shelter to housing program. It1s just a thought!


    • It’s amazing how much we Vincentians do and do it freely, for free. Over the past months (we are new March 2024) we, my husband and I, have had little time to be with family and friends. There must be more ways to train on how to keep records and review how to enlighten our neighbors and friends who seek help from us to take up the reins in their own life. I know spirit is with us and looking to find some guidance. Also, how to enlighten county and state on the lack of their assistance. Please guide me to online training. Thanks
      My first vocation is to God and my family.

  • I believe the recent election of Trump (again) will result in mass deportation of our immigrant population. Families will be torn apart, with some American born children being left alone. As a society who cares for the poor and marginalized, what will Vincentians do? Sanctuary cities? Actively trying to mitigate this looming disaster? This is a game changer for us. No time to listen now….we need action.

  • The Rich & the Poor are among us. Most people think this just applies, Regarding Money, but there’s much more to do with our common definitions of two.
    For instance, one can be Wealthy, but Poor Mentally, or….Poor Financially, but Rich Spiritually, & Emotionally.

    One topic area, where some people need help, but none is forthcoming, is when it comes to Autism. Schizophrenia, or other Disorders, that have happened to some individuals, enough times, that they can’t hold onto a stable job. Why? Because the average person, who grows up normal, & thus, Can be Independent at age 18, or so, has No Understanding, or Patience for Poor, Abnormal, or Rejected People, like Ourselves.

    The above does Not make those, w/the above-named Disorders Strang, Mentally ILL, Stupid, etc. They may be very Intelligent, but just might not be able to learn / catch on, as fast as the average person.

    So please don’t forget about us, or toss us aside. Instead, how about being more Christ-like, & Understanding/ Accepting of us, or even helping us to Improve, if possible.

    Maybe, just Maybe, Life on Earth will be much better, for All of us. After all, Nobody is Better than Any1 else: We all have our gifted talents, or Different Problems. God Never Gives Us More Than We Can Handle!

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