
2023 National Assembly Host City Night

2023 National Assembly Host City Night 1024 683 SVDP USA

National Foundation Honors Deacon Gene Smith With Founders’ Award

National Foundation Honors Deacon Gene Smith With Founders’ Award 1024 683 SVDP USA

At the Society of St. Vincent de Paul’s recent National Assembly in St. Louis, the SVdP National Foundation honored former National President Deacon Gene Smith with the Founder’s Award.

The National Foundation works to support the work of the National Council and strengthens the Vincentian network of charity through financial support and other endeavors. Their award recognizes Smith’s exceptional service and outstanding contributions to the National Council of the United States, Society of St. Vincent de Paul.

Smith served a six-year term as National President from 1999 to 2005. Among the hallmarks of his presidency, Smith let the Society through its first strategic plan, and helped implement the Society’s first formal mission statement. He also oversaw establishment of the Voice of the Poor Committee, developed “to uphold Catholic social teaching by researching, validating, documenting, advocating, and promulgating issues related to the condition of the poor and disenfranchised.”

Congratulations, Gene! We thank you for your service and devotion to the Society.

2023 National Assembly Day 2 Highlights

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Welcomes & Keynote

2023 National Assembly Day 1 Highlights

2023 National Assembly Day 1 Highlights 1024 683 SVDP USA

Morning Mass


Welcome Reception

Vincentians Show Christ’s Love

Vincentians Show Christ’s Love 1688 1125 SVDP USA

It’s been just over a year since Tasha called the St. Vincent de Paul Conference at Sts. Joseph and Paul Catholic Church in Owensboro, Kentucky. “It changed my life,” she says. “I was at the point of giving up. I was absolutely at my breaking point.”

After having made some bad decisions in her life, she was determined to make good decisions, especially because of her two boys. She was holding down a job at McDonald’s, as was her 16-year-old son Jamison, both of them working different shifts so one of them could be home with 10-year-old son Jaxon.

Try as she may, Tasha could not make ends meet. She and her boys were living at a local motel. It wasn’t the life she wanted for them, but at least it was a roof over their heads, and they were together. After living at the motel for more than a year, someone suggested Tasha call St. Vincent de Paul to see if they could help.

She was scared to call, afraid that they would not help her family. But Tasha put her pride aside and picked up the phone to call the Vincentians at Sts. Joseph and Paul Catholic Church.

The Vincentian who returned her call that day was named Braun. Desperate to get her family out of the motel and into secure housing, Tasha told Braun that she had enough money for one month’s rent, but the landlord was requiring a deposit of another month’s rent. She wondered if St. Vincent de Paul could help her with the deposit.

Braun told her, “Do not give up. There is a way for St. Vincent de Paul to help.” With the amount of the deposit, he called a couple of other local churches to see if they could contribute. After securing the deposit funds, he called Tasha and told her she could go ahead and move into her rented home.

More good news was to come for Tasha. Braun called her again and offered her a job at Kentron, a metal stamping company where Braun works. Tasha said “I could not believe it. I was so excited and could not believe this was happening to me.”

There were more challenges to come, but Tasha and Braun didn’t give up.

Remembers Braun, “She did not pass her physical the first time, but there were extenuating circumstances. Her car broke down, so she ran all the way to the doctor’s office in the rain and was so out of breath she could not pass the physical exam. We had her take it again and she passed with flying colors. She wanted this job, this opportunity to change her life.”

During her probationary period, Tasha got sick and had numerous doctors’ appointments and tests, but the company stuck with her. Another hurdle came when the home she had rented went up for sale, so Tasha and her family would have to move again. Fortunately, she found one she loved. Her landlord has even entered a contract for deed sale, which will allow Tasha to buy the home.

“This is the beauty of being a Vincentian: Being able to help break the bonds of systemic poverty,” says Braun.

Tasha wants people to know, “There is a chance. There is hope that life can get better. But you must want to change your life. There is a power greater than us that can help if we want it to, and let it. My plans are to keep moving forward every day, to stay focused, to not give up, and to get up every day trying to do the right thing.”

SVdP Provides Help on the Long Road to Recovery

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Desiree, a hardworking mom of twin boys, was devastated when her car and home were severely damaged by a flash flood in their hometown of Waverly, Tennessee.

In the aftermath of the storm, a local Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was there to help, along with rapid-response grants from the National Council and aid from the SVdP-USA Disaster Services Corporation (DSC).

SVdP volunteers sprang into action to provide the family with new beds, furniture, and other household necessities. The Society was also able to help many other survivors by providing funds that helped with food, transportation assistance, home repairs, mold removal, and other damages not covered by insurance or other organizations.

“I just started crying because I wasn’t expecting this at all,” Desiree recalls with gratitude. “It’s very helpful knowing that we’ll have some beds and things to sleep on once we get back into our house. I thank God for getting us out of there and for the help we’ve been shown from complete strangers.”

Tragically, 20 residents lost their lives in the deluge, including one Vincentian volunteer of the St. Patrick-McEwen Conference. Hundreds of homes and businesses were swept away.

Many weeks after those dark clouds departed, the SVdP “silver linings” continued to shine on families in crisis. Cindy Barnes, a Vincentian volunteer, helped provide handmade quilts to a dozen victims of the flood. “My hope is that we can all just show each other that we care, that it matters to us that they’re suffering, and that we want to do what we can to help them.”

Thank you for empowering the Society of St. Vincent de Paul with the resources we need to provide Vincentian volunteers with financial support, spiritual formation, education, and the training they need to assist our most vulnerable neighbors effectively.

Bringing Help and Hope Through Disaster Assistance

Bringing Help and Hope Through Disaster Assistance 480 640 SVDP USA

Tornadoes. Floods. Hurricanes. Fires.

When a disaster strikes, you see neighbors pulling together to restore what was lost. But when entire communities are devastated, more help is needed.

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is ready to step in at a moment’s notice to provide both rapid-response and long-term recovery grants. Working closely with the National Council subsidiary Disaster Services Corporation (DSC), parish Conferences and regional Councils, the National Council supports efforts ensuring that families in critical need of help are served not just for a few days or weeks following an event, but for however long it takes to get them back on their feet.

This kind of assistance goes beyond emergency food, water, furniture, and temporary housing. It is a
response of compassionate friendship, of journeying with, so that the long road back to self-sufficiency for those who are suffering is not a path walked alone.

During the 2021 to 2022 fiscal year, the National Council responded to 13 U.S. disaster recovery efforts with assistance totaling over $467,000.

Your generosity makes it possible. You enable the National Council to respond to requests for aid from SVdP volunteers who are the hands, the face, and the caring heart of Christ in times of crisis.

In 2022, DSC coordinated with FEMA and other organizations across the South and Midwest, helping prepare rapid response teams and finding locations for parish recovery centers to distribute supplies for tornado survivors.

The news coverage moved on long ago. But DSC and the National Council continue recovery work
in communities hit hard by disaster. We are often onsite many months after the disaster strikes to
assist in the rebuilding of homes, jobs, and lives.

The National Council provided more than $70,000 in rapid-response and long-term recovery grants
to local Vincentians working with DSC after Hurricane Ida. Funds were distributed as gift cards and hygiene kits to neighbors in need of living essentials including food and water, medications, baby formula, and diapers. Some funds assisted with funeral expenses.

Dave Brucker, SVdP Council President in Tyler, Texas, said, “I saw an army of local Vincentians volunteering at parish-based recovery centers — many full time over a couple of weeks, and many with their own damaged homes with which to contend. All so generous of their time. Disasters are never a good thing, but disasters can serve to bring out the best in people, and I was so happy to see this … God bless SVdP and DSC for facilitating the parish-based recovery centers, the volunteers, and the survivors facing significant challenges.”

SVdP Donors Help Hurricane Survivors With Long-Term Recovery

SVdP Donors Help Hurricane Survivors With Long-Term Recovery 1336 678 SVDP USA

Floridian Kelly Knopf survived last September’s Hurricane Ian, the state’s deadliest storm in nearly 90 years.

“It was quite traumatic,” she told a reporter about those earliest hours and days. “I don’t think our community was quite prepared [because forecasters] said it would go more over Tampa; but it ended up hovering over Fort Myers Beach. It was a save-your-life type of situation.”

That change in expected direction was enough to make it too late for some people to evacuate, especially those who lack family, funds, or reliable transportation at a moment’s notice. Fear kept others in their homes to ride things out.

But thanks to generosity from our donors, the Disaster Services Corporation of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul sprang into action. DSC delivered truckloads of protein food basics to the front lines. Vincentian volunteers distributed goods to neighbors at the epicenter of destruction. Hygiene kits and gift cards for essentials were given to families who lost everything.

“The Society of St. Vincent de Paul disaster relief people have been incredibly helpful with clothing, food, and whatever else they can,” Kelly said. “Getting people shelter and housing is hopefully next.”

Media coverage waned. But the Society’s dedication to providing critically needed aid didn’t. Gifts from friends like you kept us on the ground, helping people even as attention turned away from the disaster zone.

Thanks to the prayerful support and generosity of our donors, Vincentian volunteers continued to serve on the front lines. They delivered food, clothing, and other necessities. They helped survivors complete paperwork necessary to receive FEMA benefits. Councils helped with utility bills, furniture, household, and pantry items. They listened with patience and compassion and offered prayers for healing.

“It’s starting your whole life all over again. I mean, from nothing,” Kelly noted. “St. Vincent de Paul is a staple in our community, and hopefully they continue to help everyone do what’s next for them in their path in life … Having lots of kind people and friends become selfless enough to help you when you literally have nothing for yourself — that’s what keeps me hopeful.”

Gifts to the Society make all the difference in times like these. Because you respond with love and do what Our Lord calls you to do for those in need, people are surviving and returning to normal in Florida. Thank you!

SVdP Appreciation Luncheon: A Celebration of Vincentian Services

SVdP Appreciation Luncheon: A Celebration of Vincentian Services 1430 953 SVDP USA

St. Vincent de Paul of Seattle | King County recently hosted its annual Vincentian Appreciation Luncheon to celebrate the dedication of each Vincentian and their contribution in Christian service to their neighbors in need. Over 250 Vincentians from different Conferences throughout Seattle and King County attended the event.

During the luncheon, nine Vincentians were recognized for their selfless commitment to the mission by receiving the “Good Samaritan Award.” They were recognized for the irreplaceable impact of their time and energy to the communities they served.

The event began with a beautiful invocation by the Council’s new Spiritual Advisor and active Vincentian, Sister Georgia Yianakulis, S.N.J.M.

During the event, Council President Adelfa Moreno gave a warm welcome address. She urged everyone to work together, be open to change, and welcome new ways of addressing challenges. She said, “We are stronger when we work together, and I am convinced, that our mission and spirituality, is good news for the Church!”

The Keynote Speaker was Robert Mackin, a longtime Vincentian. He mentioned the story of St. Vincent de Paul’s founding and encouraged all attendees to read the SVdP King County Council’s Impact Report. The report showcases much of the great work accomplished by Vincentian volunteer members and Council staff who work together amidst many of today’s challenges. He highlighted that Vincentians were able to help 33,362 neighbors through 50 plus neighborhood last year alone.

St. Vincent de Paul of Seattle King County’s Executive Director, Mirya Muñoz-Roach, in her response thanked all attendees, “I want to thank each of you for the partnership in service – ensuring that our mission is strong – capable of bringing hope to every neighborhood where our ministry is fully alive!”

The event provided a great opportunity for launching a new campaign, one that invites and welcomes new members to the Network of Friends! As part of this campaign to recruit and welcome new members, the values and virtues of Friendship and Joy were highlighted.

Mrs. Munoz-Roach recognized Mr. Jim Gauntt, former Council President for his example as a joy filled Vincentian and for his many years of service and leadership at SVdP of King County. In short, she encouraged all present to let “Joy be your most valuable recruitment tool!”

As part of the recruitment campaign was the official launching of the new short video “Listening is Loving” ( SVdP: Listening is Loving – YouTube ) which introduces the Vincentian Spirit of Friendship in action.

“Listening is Loving,” refers to how Vincentians serve neighbors in hope by showing love through thoughtful and reflective listening; and by doing so, we all grow spiritually!

SVdP Announces New Episodes of Our Faith in Action on EWTN

SVdP Announces New Episodes of Our Faith in Action on EWTN 1080 1080 SVDP USA

“Our Faith in Action: Today’s Society of St. Vincent de Paul” will release its final five episodes with a special weeklong event on EWTN Global Catholic Network. From February 6 – 10, one new episode will air each day at 5:30 PM EASTERN / 4:30 PM CENTRAL.

The series follows SVdP members, known as Vincentians, on their spiritual growth journey through service to people and families in need. From the Society’s traditional Home Visits (where we bring friendship and aid to neighbors in need), food pantries, and assistance with rent and utilities, to innovative health care, financial and mentoring programs, Vincentians see the face of Christ in those we serve.

In this series, Vincentians volunteer across the country to bring effective, personalized help to people in poverty and share their stories of Christ’s love along the way.

“We are proud to share Our Faith in Action. It’s been a real labor of love and collaboration between our National Council and local groups across the country,” said SVdP National President Ralph Middlecamp. “We hope that when viewers see what Vincentians do in their communities through these shows, they will want to put their own faith into action and come join us!”

The one-week event of Our Faith in Action: Today’s Society of St. Vincent de Paul will air daily on EWTN cable channels from February 6 – 10 at 5:30 PM EASTERN / 4:30 PM CENTRAL. Each episode will re-air the following morning at 2:30 AM EASTERN / 1:30 AM CENTRAL. Click here to find the EWTN channel in your zip code. Click here to view the program schedule, and click here to watch live.

Episode Descriptions

  • Episode 16: The Next Generation of Hope
    In this episode, join Vincentians in Rockville Centre, Louisville, and Austin as Young Adult Vincentians share their love of the Society with those in need, offer a one-stop shop for assistance, and visit a neighbor in need.
    (Rockville Centre, Louisville, Austin)
  • Episode 17: Heirlooms and Home Visits
    Episode 17, titled “Heirlooms and Home Visits,” travels to Minneapolis and Atlanta. We follow along as Vincentians use religious artifacts to support their work helping neighbors in need, and bring friendship and help along on a Home Visit, one of the hallmarks of the Society’s work.
    (Minneapolis, Atlanta)
  • Episode 18: Recycling and Revamping Homes
    In this episode, Vincentians in Austin, Fort Wayne, and Lane County Oregon walk alongside a neighbor in need as she navigates a new path, use their carpentry skills to help rebuild lives, and utilize recycling to create jobs, reduce waste, and better their community.
    (Austin, Fort Wayne, Lane County)
  • Episode 19: Helping Friends in Need Find Success
    Follow as Vincentians offer refuge via a housing program, help men transitioning out of incarceration, and support those in need in the Latinx community.
    (Louisville, Rockville Centre, Seattle)
  • Episode 20: Building Faith in People of All Ages
    Help Behind Bars” visits Wilmington and Minneapolis, where Vincentians serve their communities by offering support to incarcerated women and providing assistance via Home Visits, a hallmark of the Society’s work.
    (Wilmington, Minneapolis)

Five additional episodes of Our Faith in Action: Today’s Society of St. Vincent de Paul aired last November; you can catch up with them here!

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