
The VisionSVdP Prayer

The VisionSVdP Prayer 8335 2555 SVDP USA

The VisionSVdP Prayer

Come, Holy Spirit, open our eyes, our hearts, and our imaginations to Your inspiration as we embark on our VisionSVdP journey and seek to discern the Father’s holy will for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul and how it will adapt to a changing world.

Come, Holy Spirit, transform our doubts, ignite our zeal. Help us discern new and innovative ways to bring more people into the joy of service in the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.

Come, Holy Spirit, grant us the simplicity to share honestly with each other, the humility to serve a mission greater than ourselves, and the gentleness to listen to each other without judgment.


Oración de la VisiónSVdP

Ven, Espíritu Santo, abre nuestros ojos, nuestros corazones y nuestra imaginación a Tu inspiración Divina mientras nos embarcamos en nuestro viaje hacia la VisiónSVdP y lograr discernir en la santa voluntad del Padre, en cómo se adaptará la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl a un mundo cambiante.

Ven, Espíritu Santo, transforma nuestras dudas, ilumina nuestro fervor.  Ayúdanos a discernir con formas nuevas e innovadoras de llevar a más personas a la alegría del servicio en la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl.

Ven, Espíritu Santo, concédenos la sencillez de compartir honestamente los unos con los otros; la humildad para servir a una misión más grande que nosotros mismos; y la gracia de escucharnos unos a otros sin juzgarnos.


Prayer for Giving Tuesday

Prayer for Giving Tuesday 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Lord Jesus, by Your great sacrifice,
You offered the greatest love
That anyone can offer to another.
Help me to love.
Help me to give.
Help me to share of myself.

Lord Jesus, you healed the sick,
Gave sight to the blind,
And multiplied scraps to feed thousands.
Lead me to help.
Lead me to give.
Lead me to share what I have.

Lord Jesus, You call me to see You
In the hungry, the poor, the forgotten,
And all those who suffer.
Inspire me to hope.
Inspire me to give.
Inspire me to lift up the despairing.

With abundance, O Lord,
You have graced my life;
My time, my talents, my possessions,
My very self, the gift of life;
All this and more You have given me
Not to be hidden under a bushel,
But to shine forth upon all.

It is only through my sharing
Of all that I’ve received
That Your gifts remain as gifts.
May my sharing be my prayer,
May my giving be my thanks,
And through my love
May You be known.


11-15-2023 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

11-15-2023 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1200 1200 SVDP USA

Next week, we start what is the traditional year-end holiday season that extends through early January.

Thanksgiving, Advent, Christmas, New Years. Food, prayer, presents, parties, and football. Usually a lot of food, a lot of presents, a lot of parties, a lot of football. More than enough food and parties to cause a lot of us to begin that new year with another new diet. More than enough presents to tempt us to cut up those credit cards and swear off debt. And more than enough football…. well actually, there is never enough football.

But is there enough prayer? Is there ever enough prayer?

The thing about holidays and Holy Days is that they focus us on prayer, gratitude, and spirituality. But what about all those other days that aren’t Sunday Mass days or holidays? When it’s bitter cold in mid-February and the car is stuck under a snow drift, do we pray? Or maybe — do we curse? When it is 115 degrees with 89% humidity in August, do we pray — or do we curse? When it’s just a plain ole normal day where nothing especially went right or wrong, do we pray? Or do we just let it go by, untouched by our spiritual selves? I admit, I’ve been on the wrong side of each one of those questions more times than I wish I had.

St. Vincent de Paul said, “Give me a man of prayer and he will be capable of everything. He may say with the apostle, ‘I can do all things in him who strengthens me.’”

As Vincentians, we are women and men of prayer. And through that prayer, service, and friendship, we seek to grow in holiness and become closer to God and each other. Our meetings open and close with prayer. In our gatherings, we reflect and pray on scripture and other spiritual discussions. We sometimes pray with those we serve; we always pray FOR those we serve. Prayer is central to being a Vincentian.

So today, I pray that you and your families are blessed with happiness and peace this holiday season. I pray for those gone from us this past year who won’t be sitting around our Thanksgiving tables or won’t have presents under the tree. I pray today for an end to the war, violence, and hatred that has exploded across the globe. I pray today that civility, listening, and understanding return to our conversations and interactions in society. And I pray that those we serve find hope, healing, and relief from suffering.

And finally, I pray that when the holidays are over, the tree is back in the attic and it’s a normal boring Tuesday, that I pray. That day — and every day.

Peace and God’s blessings,

John Berry
National President

A Week in Prayers August 14 – August 18

A Week in Prayers August 14 – August 18 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Monday, August 14

Awaken me, Lord, from my slumber.
Lead me from night into day.
You are the Word of everlasting life,
Through Whom all my sins are repaid.

Tuesday, August 15

Mary Immaculate, pray for me,
That the Father may grant me patience.
Mother of God, pray for me,
That the Holy Spirit may grant me peace.
Queen of Angels, pray for me,
That Your Son Jesus Christ
May enter my heart, and I His,

Wednesday, August 16

Heavenly Father,
I set aside preoccupations,
I set aside myself,
To go and serve the neighbor.
This I do for You.
I set aside this worship,
But leave God only for God,
So my actions become my prayer.
This I do for You.

Thursday, August 17

Lord Jesus, awaken me from slumber,
Open my eyes and heart,
Lead me from darkness to light.
You are my strength in weakness,
My joy in sorrow,
And my life beyond life.

Friday, August 18

Lord in Heaven,
Lord on Earth,
Lord in my living heart,
In Your image
And by Your will
I live and move and am.

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

A Week in Prayers June 5 – June 9

A Week in Prayers June 5 – June 9 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Monday, June 5

Jesus Christ, Son of Man,
Through Your endlessly inventive love
You remain present
In the bread of the Eucharist
And in the person of the neighbor.
Heal my soul, O Lord,
So that I may be worthy to receive You
And to serve You.

Tuesday, June 6

Holy Spirit, Breath of God,
Present in the quiet hours,
Like the morning mist
Above the grass.
Fill me with every breath.
Remain present to me,
Just as the mist remains
When made clear
By the Light of the World.

Wednesday, June 7

Heavenly Father, I give You my heart.
Without hesitation,
Without reservation,
I pour myself out before You.
In the neighbor, O God, I will serve You,
In Your name,
And for Your love alone.

Thursday, June 8 

Help me to live my faith, Lord,
In every part of my life.
May my daily work glorify You.
May my family life be in Your name.
May I serve the neighbor for Your love.
May even my sleep be a prayer,
So I awaken each day in Your light.

Friday, June 9

In the name of the Father,
I rise from sleep
And face the day with joy.
In the name of the Son,
I bear my cross
And share His love with all.
In the name of the Holy Spirit,
My heart’s on fire
And I shall never tire.

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

A Week in Prayers May 22 – May 26

A Week in Prayers May 22 – May 26 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Monday, May 22

O my Jesus, I love You.
I love You in my actions,
I love You in my prayer,
I love You in my heart and soul.
When all else is abandoned,
Or has abandoned me,
From an empty room alone,
I love You, Lord.

Tuesday, May 23

You have called me, Lord,
Here I am.
You have called me from my slumber,
Here I am.
You have called me to the neighbor,
Here I am.
You have called me to my cross,
Here I am.
You have called me to Yourself,
Here I am.

Wednesday, May 24

Holy Spirit, live within me,
Guide me and move me.
Help me to know the will
Of the Father,
And to follow the way
Of the Son.

Thursday, May 25

How can I serve You,
My Lord and my God?
How can I do Your will?
Help me to set aside
Childish things,
To trust You more fully,
And love You more deeply.
Help me to serve in hope.

Friday, May 26

Lord, may Your Will, not mine, be done.
I will accept it in faith.
Lord, if Your will for me is hardship,
I will bear it in hope.
Lord, Your will for all is eternal life.
I will seek it and share it with love.

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

A Week in Prayers May 1 — May 5

A Week in Prayers May 1 — May 5 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Monday, May 1

Open my heart, Lord Jesus,
Empty me of myself.
Take away all that worries me,
And all that troubles my mind.
Take away all of my triumphs,
And all victories of this world.
Empty me of myself, O Lord,
That You may live in me,
And I may live in You.

Tuesday, May 2

Heavenly Father,
Your love is like the dewfall,
Covering the earth like a blanket
During each night’s darkness,
And rising in the growing light
To be the very air I breathe.
On this path, O Lord,
May Your light guide me
And Your truth lead me,
As I seek to follow Your way.

Wednesday, May 3

In everything I do, O Lord,
In everything I say,
Let me be Your instrument.
Do not let my own hesitation,
Selfishness, or worry
Stand in the way of Your love
Shining forth through my smile
My manner,
And my actions.

Thursday, May 4

Lord, help me to bear wordless witness;
To proclaim Your truth by living my faith.
May my neighbor come to know You
Through my acts of mercy and love,
In the name of Your son Jesus Christ.

Friday, May 5

O my Jesus, forgive me.
In Your mercy, make me whole.
Measure out Your mercy,
As I have measured mine,
Knowing, as I do, that it is You
I serve in the neighbor.

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

A Week in Prayers April 10 – April 14

A Week in Prayers April 10 – April 14 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Monday, April 10

Help me to see the neighbor, Lord,
Help me to see the friend.
Help me to see the face of Christ.
Make me the one You send.

Help me to serve the neighbor, Lord,
Help me to serve the friend.
Let me bear wordless witness
Through the love that I extend.

Help me to love the neighbor, Lord,
Help me to love the friend.
May we be saved together
In Your loving arms, amen.

Tuesday, April 11

For the poor and the hungry,
The thirsty, the cold,
Extend Your loving hand, O Lord.
For the lonely and mourning,
The prisoner, the sick,
Extend You loving heart, O Lord.
For all those who suffer,
For all those who weep,
Make me Your hands and heart, O Lord.

Wednesday, April 12

Deep in my heart, O Lord.
Through each day’s troubles
I trust in You, God.
Deep in my heart lies faith.

Deep in my heart, O Lord.
Though darkness may fall,
Lord, You are my light.
Deep in my heart lies hope.

Deep in my heart, O Lord.
Only there to be shared
For Your sake, my God.
Deep in my heart lies love.

Thursday, April 13

Holy Spirit, Breath of God,
Live within me, fill my soul,
Light my heart on fire.
Help me to know
The will of the Father
Help me to see
The face  of the Son
Help me to share
The Flame of Your love.

Friday, April 14

Lord, clear my eyes
With the light of Your truth.
Clear away sleep,
Wipe away tears,
Help me see through
The fog of the day’s troubles.
Help me walk with my neighbors,
Still lost in the fog,
Until you clear their eyes, too.

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

A Week in Prayers March 13 — March 17

A Week in Prayers March 13 — March 17 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Monday, March 13

Holy Spirit, live within me
Fill me with the breath of God
So that every movement is for You
Every moment is for You

Tuesday, March 14

Grant me mercy, Lord,
Mercy enough to share.
Help me to forgive fully,
In my heart and in my actions,
Even as I ask Your forgiveness.

Wednesday, March 15

Lord Jesus,
Lord in the street
On the park bench
In the doorway
In the rain
I will find You, Lord
And serve You
As You asked.

Thursday, March 16

Help me to see You, Lord,
Even in angry faces.
Help me to greet them
With love, with patience,
And with understanding.
Help me to share Your peace.

Friday, March 17

Bless me with the faith, O Lord,
To know and do Your will,
Unspoiled by worldly desire,
Not only desire of wealth
Or achievement,
But even desire for health,
Or for freedom from pain
In body and heart.
All this shall pass, and I sing
In the hope of union with You
Desiring only what You desire
Even when I do not fully understand.

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

The Week in Prayers: October 3 – October 7

The Week in Prayers: October 3 – October 7 940 788 SVDP USA

Monday, October 3

Lord, I have seen You
In the ones who stop,
The ones who serve,
The ones who show mercy.
With Your help
I will go and do likewise.

Tuesday, October 4

Lord, strengthen me in conviction.
Grant me the vision to see You
In the poor, the suffering, and the deprived.
Help me to nurture the seed of sanctity
That You planted in my heart
I seek only to do Your will.

Wednesday, October 5

Father in heaven,
Fill me with the joy
Of making Your will my own
I give myself to You fully
As You gave Your Son to me

Thursday, October 6

Lord Jesus, I stand before the door.
I pray that You hear me knocking,
For You have invited me here.
Like the neighbor who invites me,
To give and receive,
In the great hope
That cannot be destroyed.
Lord Jesus, I stand before the door.

Friday, October 7

Lord, in Your name
Help me to cast out poverty
To cast out hunger
To cast out suffering
To cast out doubt and fear
To cast out all that separates
Your people from You
Replacing it with hope
And with the love of God
Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

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