National Council

A Midyear Meeting to Remember in St. Louis

A Midyear Meeting to Remember in St. Louis 2560 1707 SVDP USA

Vincentians from all across the United States gathered together March 5-8 in downtown St. Louis at the Midyear Business Meeting of SVdP USA. While in attendance, leaders learned about governance, leadership, advocacy, and finance, while renewing and deepening shared spirituality and friendships with one another. More than 200 leaders were in attendance, representing all nine regions and hundreds of SVdP Conferences.

National President John Berry welcomed members with his Presidential Address on Thursday with this speech. He began his address in this way: “Every night, more than a half a million people in America experience homelessness. Imagine walking past them knowing they are someone’s mother, father, or child. As Vincentians, we cannot simply walk by — we are called to act. As Vincentians, and as Christians, we understand our profound responsibility to act boldly in service to others.”

Other highlights included Director David Garcia’s update on the SoCal wildfire relief efforts, Archbishop Andrew Bellisario CM’s spiritual retreat,Good Governance workshop with John Hallissy, and a Finance Presentation by Ed McCarthy.

To make our meeting times together more effective, SVdP USA is moving away from the Midyear Meeting starting in 2026. Instead, SVdP will focus on regional meetings and meetings of other affinity groups, including Executive Directors, Stores, Spiritual Advisors, Conference Presidents, and more.

See below for highlights of last week’s Midyear Meeting, and view video presentations here.

01-09-25 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

01-09-25 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1200 1200 SVDP USA

5 Great Virtues to Center Our Lives On!

As we enter a new calendar year, many of us embrace resolutions or new goals to better ourselves. The focus is usually on the mind, body, and spirit. As a Vincentian family, we have five great virtues to center our new year on — Simplicity, Humility, Gentleness, Selflessness, and Zeal.

Every new year is an opportunity to embrace our Vincentian Virtues. When I undertake a new resolution or change in my life, I often find it difficult to keep my full attention on it throughout the course of a year.

We are thrilled to announce this first publication of our new Frédéric’s Five newsletter, which is built on our five virtues. Every week, you will receive this email, which will be an ongoing reminder to grow and live by these essential elements of our Vincentian life.

This new publication will be shorter, more focused, and much easier to get through in today’s busy world. We will continue the popular Servant Leader column written by our Vincentian leadership. This will be followed by a Feature section highlighting newsworthy content, a compact Q&A section, a Calendar of Events section, and a Faith in Action section. Quick links to important Vincentian resources have also been added.

Our goal is that, by highlighting the five virtues, we help readers to keep each virtue close to their hearts and minds as they read the content.

Where did all these wonderful ideas to change the format of our membership newsletter come from? They came from you, our Vincentian family. Over time, we heard your feedback about the things you loved about the e-Gazette, and the things that you felt could be improved.

I would like to give a shout out of appreciation to Jill Pioter, National Director of Marketing and Communications; Pam Hudson Johnson, National Director of Membership Services; Kristen Blacksher, Digital Communications Manager; Tim Williams, Senior Director, Formation & Leadership Development; and the other Vincentian leaders that took all these thoughts and put them together in this wonderful new format.

As I mentioned above, these changes are from input we have received over time, and we want you to continue to give us input by commenting on this article or emailing us at Your input will be a gift to us to share through this new publication.

In my past columns, I have talked about my love and admiration for the many Vincentians that I have been blessed to observe, who live lives full of spirituality, friendship, and service. We are so blessed to have so many Vincentians emulating St. Vincent de Paul in their commitment to the five Vincentian Virtues. For a Fred Talk and more information on our Virtues, visit

I know all of you are keeping those in California devastated by the wildfires in your thoughts and prayers. Be assured that our National Council and our SVdP USA Disaster Services Corporation will respond with a Vincentian compassionate hand of hope to those impacted by this terrible disaster.

Thank you for making 2024 a great year for our Society, and I wish you and your family a 2025 filled with blessings!

Happy New Year,
Michael J. Acaldo
National CEO

In the Spotlight: Young Vincentians John Paul and Francis Brissette

In the Spotlight: Young Vincentians John Paul and Francis Brissette 500 500 SVDP USA


“Frédéric founded the Society of St. Vincent de Paul when he was just a student,” Francis says. “He and his friends ignored people who said young people couldn’t make a difference and they got to work serving the poor.” Motivated by Ozanam’s example, John Paul and Francis helped start “Necessities for Neighbors” through the SVdP Rhode Island Council. Youth volunteers fill bags with essential items like soap and shampoo, and a handwritten note of encouragement. These bags are distributed by Vincentians on their Home Visits to individuals and families in need.

“We saw how SVdP Vincentians throughout America share the same heart for service.”

But the brothers wanted to do more. “We had a unique set of skills to offer SVdP,” John Paul says. “We could help spread their message
more effectively on social media, especially to people of our generation.”

The brothers’ @Franchismo10 account was already well-established on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube, and their creative videos regularly garnered millions of views. “We partnered with SVdP USA to highlight their work on social media,” Francis explains. “We pretty much lived on a plane for a year and a half, visiting Councils around the country and telling their stories to an online audience.”

The brothers knew they could help SVdP, but they had no idea how much they would learn along the way. “We saw how SVdP Vincentians throughout America share the same heart for service,” John Paul says. “But communities are unique, and it was incredible to see each Council tailoring its activities to meet the specific needs of their neighbors.”

“In Arizona, we helped Vincentians hand out water, something our Conference in Rhode Island doesn’t do,” Francis continues. “But that was a pressing need for that community. In Baltimore, they offer culinary lessons to help people build skills for employment. We saw firsthand how SVdP Councils have the flexibility to do what is necessary for the people they serve.”

Though they’re relatively young, John Paul and Francis are long-time Vincentians — “It was our dream!”— and are working to connect
young people to the organization. John Paul was recently given the SVdP Youth Service award and is Vice Chair of his Conference.

“There is a misconception that today’s youth won’t get involved,” Francis says, “but our generation is passionate about developing creative solutions to meet the needs of those around us. People our age need to be invited to share their time and talents. We can’t write big donation checks, but we can carry boxes of supplies up three flights of stairs!”

“SVdP gave us a reason to serve,” John Paul says. “We saw the face of Christ in all the Vincentians we worked with, and we want to share that opportunity with our peers. Christ calls people of every age to put their faith into action by serving their neighbors in need.”


National Council Welcomes International Twinning Coordinator

National Council Welcomes International Twinning Coordinator 400 400 SVDP USA

The National Council of the United States Society of St. Vincent de Paul is excited to welcome the new International Twinning Coordinator, Valeria Vlasich.

Valeria will focus on managing the International Twinning program. She will continue to connect Conferences and Councils across the United States with Conferences in need in other countries.

Valeria is from Mexico City, Mexico. She attended Sacred Heart School and earned her Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations and Global Affairs from Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico.

Valeria has always been passionate about nonprofits and volunteering. She was very interested in diplomacy which drove her to take an internship at the Mexican Embassy in Budapest, Hungary.

“I think I’m most passionate about connecting cultures through service and building bridges to connect people instead of separation,” said Valeria. “I love the idea of community and support, and that’s the reason I’m especially excited about joining SVdP.”

She got married in February 2022 and currently lives in St. Louis with her husband.

If you would like to contact Valeria, she can be reached at (314) 576-3993 ext. 225 or by email at

SVdP National Council Welcomes National Director of Poverty Programs

SVdP National Council Welcomes National Director of Poverty Programs 1080 1080 SVDP USA

The National Council of the United States Society of St. Vincent de Paul is excited to welcome the new National Director of Poverty Programs, Steve Uram.

Steve will be work as the Society’s representative among Catholic groups including the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, and other national nonprofit groups regarding public policy. He will serve as the national staff support person for national committees including Systemic Change, Voice of the Poor, Housing, Immersion / Reentry, Back2Work / Workforce Development, Bridges Out of Poverty, and others.

“As a life-long Catholic, I am truly excited to join the National Council where I can live my faith and make a difference each and every day,” said Steve.

Prior to joining the National Council, Steve spent 15 years in the Washington, D.C. area serving as a Senior Advisor for Grassroots Advocacy for the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA). He also served as a legislative aide to Illinois Congressman, John Shimkus. Upon his return to the St. Louis area in 2014, Steve served as the manager for Grassroots Advocacy and Leadership Programs for the National Corn Growers Associate.

Steve has his master’s degree in Communications from the University of Illinois and a bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Southern Illinois University.

Steve is part of a big, Catholic family and is a die-hard St. Louis Cardinals fan!

If you would like to contact Steve, he can be reached at (314) 576-3993 ext. 215 or by email at

SVdP USA Releases Impact Report

SVdP USA Releases Impact Report 870 1125 SVDP USA

The National Council of the U.S., Society of St. Vincent de Paul has released its 2022 Impact Report to donors.

Donors make possible the work done by Vincentians across the country. Through their generosity to the National Council, they are supporting our vast network of volunteers as they share the love of Christ with neighbors in need.

Titled “Seeing and Being the Face of Christ,” this year’s report features stories of how SVdP’s national network of Vincentian volunteers provides urban, rural, and even suburban communities with resources and compassion. So neighbors living in the foothills of Appalachia or in Florida’s Everglades can receive the same level of assistance and care as those living in bigger cities.

The National Council serves nearly 90,000 Vincentian volunteers representing almost 4,500 parish-based Conferences. Recently, the Do Good Institute and Independent Sector reported that the value of one volunteer hour is estimated to be $29.95. In 2021, Vincentians around the country contributed a total of more than 7.3 million volunteer hours. Last year, Vincentians served more than 3.3 million neighbors in need across the country. That puts the total annual value of the Society’s in-kind labor at over $218 million last year alone!

Click here to read this year’s Impact Report.

National Council Building Dedication Renews Faith and Friendship

National Council Building Dedication Renews Faith and Friendship 633 277 SVDP USA

The sun burned bright in St. Louis on June 11, with temperatures nearing 100 degrees. But it paled in comparison to the outpouring of faith and friendship that flowed out of the National Council office during the dedication of our new headquarters at 66 Progress Parkway.

Though staff began working from the building shortly after its purchase last summer, the pandemic had prevented the larger SVdP community from visiting until now. The day marked a joyous reunion, as Board members and staff came together in person after a year a half filled with many Zoom meetings and a fair amount of uncertainty.

National Council President Ralph Middlecamp noted that the building actually opened in March 2020, but due to COVID restrictions, no one could enter for many weeks.

Ralph Middlecamp

Once it was safe to enter last summer (socially distant and with masks), a team of staff members, led by Chief Operating Officer Nancy Pino, worked tirelessly to create a space that is reflective of Vincentian values. “Our goal when designing our new space was not only to make it a productive, comfortable, and welcoming environment for our staff, but for all Vincentian visitors,” she said. “The History Wall and Chapel help express the story of beginnings, who we are, and who we aspire to become.”

SVdP History

President Ralph Middlecamp and CEO Dave Barringer welcomed guests to the new headquarters, then Spiritual Advisor Bishop Donald J. Hying and Deacon John Heithaus of the Archdiocesan Council of St. Louis performed the first Mass in the National Council Chapel. Said Barringer, “We have intentionally designed the building to reflect the Society’s mission. Upon entry through our front door, within 25 feet you will see our logo, a statue of St. Vincent de Paul, our Mission statement, a video of Society activities, a wall dedicated to our history and values, and a chapel. Yes, we want to lead with our faith, so a chapel space was forefront in our design plans.”

SVdP National Council Chapel

Middlecamp was pleased with what the National Council team was able to accomplish. “Our new National Office provides a well-designed space for our staff and volunteers as we serve those who serve our neighbors in need,” he said. “It is attractive and functional, and we were able to make the move without any fundraising or decrease in support for the programs we offer. What a great new beginning for us as we look to the future after these months of isolation.”

As a special surprise, the day’s celebration included the dedication of the new Sr. Kieran Library, a fitting tribute to the National Council’s long-time Director of Formation, who gave so much to the Society. Current Director of Formation Tim Williams had this to say: “Friday’s Open House, Mass, and dedication of the new building seemed like a perfect way for us to emerge from the pandemic, and begin our return to in-person meetings. For me, personally, it was a great joy to see the unmasked smile of my predecessor and dear friend, Sister Kieran Kneaves, when we unveiled the name of our new Vincentian library, dedicated to her and to the many years she served us all in this vocation!”

Sr. Kieran KneavesTrue to the Vincentian value of prudence, the National Council did not use any dollars from member services to purchase the new building, which was funded through the sale of our old building and judicious savings of bequest funds over time. “Our most loyal donors contributed mightily to this day. We thank them,” Middlecamp said.

The new building will serve as a space for collaboration, faith, and friendship for the Society’s 100,000 Vincentian volunteers and the staff who support them, providing the technology and space to sustain our work now and well into the future. In his remarks, Barringer said, “To not only our staff, but also to our Board of Directors, and our Society members, Welcome Home!”


04-29-2021 Letter from Our Servant Leaders

04-29-2021 Letter from Our Servant Leaders 275 287 SVDP USA

We all learned something this past pandemic year. Individuals learned how much they can stand their family members in the house for long periods of time. They memorized the pizza carryout phone number. And they realized how much we miss airplanes, meetings with real, live people and the concept of breaking bread together – without a mask, closer than six feet apart.

Businesses and organizations such as the Society of St. Vincent de Paul are learning from the past year, too. Was it a better idea to have cubicles or private offices? Can workers be as effective, efficient, and even trusted when they aren’t in the office looking at each other every day? And we all learned new tech tools to bring us together — from a distance of course.

A painful lesson for some, including a few groups in the Society, is diversification of income streams. We learned the hard way. If all of our Conference revenues come from parishioners in the pews, and suddenly the parish is closed for public Mass, that income largely disappears. If a Council invested all their resources into thrift stores at the expense of fundraising and other incomes, and again, suddenly those stores can’t be open for business, that’s a serious scenario.

Costs don’t end when the income stops, unless you make intentional, serious decisions. This may involve staff layoffs, cutting programs, and otherwise reducing the footprint of the organization. Rent and utility bills, just as we see for those we serve, continue whether or not you have income. You may be a local restaurant or a multinational corporation, but having all of your income eggs in one basket was a painful place to be this past year.

The National Council has been blessed to be funded by member solidarity dues, and even more so this year when Councils continued to pay these funds amid their own uncertain incomes. Fortunately, the solidarity covers 30-40 percent of our operating budget, not all of it. Other income streams include traditional fundraising, bequests, member purchases of publications, event fees, and shared partnerships with vendors. That might seem an unwieldly combination of many inputs into an annual budget. The reality, though, is that this revenue diversification allows us to do much more on members’ behalf than permitted through only dues. Also, if the operating environment changes as drastically as it did this past year, some streams will fare better or worse, but we can manage through the challenging period.

As we all develop strategic plans and related financial conversations among friends, we should consider how this past year challenged our risk assumptions. Did we do well financially, but only because a major grant came out of nowhere? Many stores roared back to profits after the shutdown, in part due to federal stimulus payments and newly-cleaned closets full of material donations, but what if they hadn’t? How did our fundraising change, and perform, this past year? Overall, did we have a plan that worked, or were we simply lucky? In which ways did God bless our work and finances?

Looking at the present pandemic situation, we suddenly have millions of federal dollars available for rent and utility assistance due to COVID. By helping our friends in need to apply for these funds, we preserve our locally-raised dollars for other services, or we can help each person coming to us a bit more. Even though the Society does not receive these funds directly, this is revenue diversification to extend and expand our mission works.

We pray for God’s providence, and we trust Him to give us what we need. The first thing He gives us, though, is an ability to learn and adapt. What did we learn this year about our capacity to serve? What did we learn about our corporate, foundation, government, and other partners and collaborators? How much did our reputation grow, or get harmed, by our physical presence in our neighborhoods? How then did our reputation, mixed with prayer and respectful solicitation, help us raise the funds we needed to serve?

These questions could be ignored if we choose to try and forget the past year. Or, in response to God’s blessings and challenges to grow, we can assess, learn, and change. As with most Vincentian activity, this will be even better if we do it as friends serving in hope together.

Yours in Christ,
Dave Barringer


04-15-2021 Letter From Our Servant Leaders

04-15-2021 Letter From Our Servant Leaders 150 150 SVDP USA

The motivation not to speak up may be because one has nothing to say. It may, however, be because there is so much to say, but one represents so many different opinions.

An emerging and dangerous trend in America is for corporate CEOs to write opinion pieces and jump on television to comment on political and social issues. In apparent attempts at standing for social justice, advancing a cause, or simply to prove oneself relevant and engaged, mostly these executives are only proving the old adage that you can’t please everyone.

Every corporate position seems to bring a boycott, social media furor, and unequal and opposite reactions. Board members, stakeholders, and consumers all ask how the CEO could possibly speak for everyone when it seems that as a country we are divided on, well, everything. I’m not sure that even sliced bread, Mom, or apple pie could bring unanimous consent right now!

In the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, only the National President of a country can “speak for the Society”, and this can be prudently delegated for local issues, during crisis situations, or when the CEO (in countries that have them) is so allowed, usually on administrative issues. This is a precious, protected, and potentially dangerous responsibility. We have all seen instances when a reputation was harmed more by the response than by the originating action.

Our National President Ralph Middlecamp and I routinely get asked to speak up about an issue of great importance to the one making the request. Many such requests are in regard to valid concerns either to Americans, Catholics or Vincentians, and perhaps to all three. Ralph and I could distribute a scathing press release, get on Twitter, or hold a news conference almost daily. Here is why we don’t.

First, we try to “stay in our lane” as the Society. While there are many issues and causes that fall under Catholic Social Teaching, for example, the Society’s sweet spot is in matters that concern our friends in need. While a dotted line could be drawn from almost anything to how it more adversely affects people in poverty, we choose to focus on the more direct issues and impacts. Admittedly this can be a fuzzy line to draw.

Second, we recognize that while all of our members are united in their Vincentian spirituality, they are not so aligned in their politics, social causes, or even their views on the Church. We feel it is disingenuous to speak on matters without hearing from you, and we can for the most part be assured that there is no unified Vincentian opinion. You can speak for yourself without a Vincentian “tag” that inadvertently ties us together against your will.

Third, and just as importantly, when you stand for everything you stand for nothing. Not everything warrants a response. Responsible leaders, and usually the most effective ones, speak more rarely and thus are heard when they do speak. Think about the celebrities and political opinion givers: Are their comments sometimes above, or below, their jobs or relevance in our lives? Haven’t we all at one time asked why we should care about that actor’s opinion, or why the elected representative is commenting on an issue s/he clearly knows so little about? While it is our American birthright to be free to give an opinion, it doesn’t mean we should use it so darn often.

When you see that President Ralph (or me, or our national Voice of the Poor group) has commented publicly on an issue, know that it has been carefully considered in light of the above. Likely there was a discussion first about our specific Vincentian/SVdP stake in the game, our objectives in speaking, and how we think our members will respond. That’s what servant leaders do. Together we don’t want to be just another voice; we want to be your voice.

Yours in Christ,
Dave Barringer

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