
Devastating Wildfires Heighten Importance of Homelessness Prevention in California

Devastating Wildfires Heighten Importance of Homelessness Prevention in California 2048 1536 SVDP USA
by David Garcia, Executive Director, The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Los Angeles

The recent wildfires that have devastated Los Angeles and its neighboring communities bring the threat of homelessness ever closer to countless doorsteps.

I’m not just talking about the tens of thousands of people that have been displaced due to the fires, many of whom face the awful challenge of finding a place to live and rebuilding their lives after their home was destroyed. All sorts of establishments have also been destroyed — offices and shops, restaurants and schools, parks and recreation centers. According to Morgan Stanley, an estimated 20,000-40,000 jobs have been lost from the fires — another devastating and long-term impact. For many Californians, this job loss and profound disruption pushes them closer to the brink of homelessness. Effective, preventative intervention needs to happen now — before it’s too late.

Make no mistake: Even before the fires, California residents have been struggling. The average median rent in California is already $2,763 — 38% higher than the national average, according to Zillow — and that was before the housing supply in Los Angeles took a catastrophic hit. Many Californians need to find a new job, a new home, or both – when they were already struggling to keep up with rent and feed their families. That situation puts far too many California families far too close to the edge of homelessness.

Responding to this situation effectively means responding to it proactively. While many homelessness services organizations focus on what happens after someone becomes homeless, homelessness prevention is at once far more effective and humane. It involves identifying and supporting people who are on the verge of losing their homes – assessing their underlying threats to homelessness and taking preventative measures that will keep them housed.

This is our approach at the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. We administer Home Visits to those seeking assistance to meet them where they are and learn the best ways, tailored to their specific situation, to help keep them in stable housing and off the streets.

Since the fires broke out, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Conferences in the neighborhoods that were affected by the fires have been tirelessly active in addressing the critical needs of their communities. Conferences and the Los Angeles Council have hosted fire relief distributions. Items given out include shoes, clothing, food, water, towels, pet supplies, and baby essentials. In addition, gift cards were distributed, and immediate financial assistance was offered. We continue to work with the fire victims once they move into new housing by providing move-in assistance and home furnishings through St. Vincent de Paul’s National Disaster Services Corp’s House in a Box program.

New research indicates how well these preventive measures work. According to a recent study conducted by Notre Dame’s Lab for Economic Opportunities (LEO), persons who received an average of $2,000 in emergency financial assistance were 81% less likely to become homeless within six months of enrollment and 73% less likely within 12 months.

The state of California has spent $24 billion on homelessness in the past five years. Granting that much of that money is well spent, consider how acute the crisis remains. How much farther could that spending go if we invested some of it in preventing homelessness rather than ameliorating its worst effects? As we look to help those who lost their livelihoods in the fires, it’s time to find out just how effective prevention can be. I am confident it will alleviate a much higher long-term housing crisis in the future.

Homelessness isn’t going away in California. The aftermath of the wildfires in Los Angeles is a stark reminder of that. There is a pressing need to step in and intervene now, before the demand for affordable housing becomes too great and more families are forced out of their homes. By turning our attention to prevention, we can work together to stop the future scourge of homelessness in Los Angeles.

Loving Our Homeless Men: We Have Succeeded and Failed

Loving Our Homeless Men: We Have Succeeded and Failed 2560 1707 SVDP USA
by Michael Vanderburgh, Executive Director, Dayton District Council

Dayton, Ohio is nationally known for a lot of things: invention, innovation, military heft, a massive water supply — and the largest homeless shelters anyone has ever seen.

For the past 40 years, we have succeeded in providing shelter, food, and clothing. But we have also failed. We have failed to solve homelessness.

Sure, I can tell you success stories of individuals who have triumphed over adversity out of homelessness. Some of them work with me at SVdP Dayton. But the City of Dayton and Montgomery County are beset with stories of suffering met by a ballooning human services industrial complex, growing since the Great Society, launched in 1964 by President Lyndon Johnson. No program, and no amount of money spent, addresses the root cause of chronic homelessness: ruptured relationships in a culture that does not encourage us to love one another.

In 1984 there was an evident need in Dayton for emergency shelter. SVdP sometimes allowed men to stay the night in our downtown thrift store during extreme weather. Led by Tony Staub and Jim Butler, we came up with the idea of a “hotel” for homeless men. The City of Dayton formed a committee, and in 1985 a former fire station at 212 W. Fifth Street was designated. Many Dayton residents were against the project, but as then-City Commissioner Pat Roach said, “If we don’t have [St. Vincent de Paul] doing this, we’ll end up having to do it ourselves.”

On December 15, 1985, SVdP Dayton began its focused ministry of emergency shelter for men, which was later expanded to include women and children.

That first year, we sheltered an average of 60 people per night at a cost of $300,000 for the year. Only 1% of that $300,000 came from the government — 99% was from private funding. Within a few years, shelter was already operating at or near capacity.

In July 2005, SVdP Dayton closed the Fifth Street shelter and opened the Midtown Apple Street shelter out of a former furniture warehouse location. In December 2009, pressure from Midtown neighbors led SVdP Dayton to open the Gettysburg Shelter for Men in the long-shuttered City of Dayton prison (euphemistically known as The Workhouse). It sits on Prison Road, surrounded by prisons, near Dayton’s Waste Management Landfill and wastewater treatment plant — not a place any person can reasonably expect to heal, recover, or feel valued as a human being.

Recently, SVdP Dayton announced that we will cease operating the Gettysburg Shelter on June 30, 2025, a decision driven by the reality that we can no longer afford it. But the hard truth is that our homeless men deserve a better environment of care.

In 40 years, our sheltered homeless population has increased nearly 1,000%, and our costs to serve them have increased over 2,200%, even though the overall population of Montgomery County has decreased over that time.

The good news is that for the past 15 years we have always had “room at the inn” for our homeless brothers and sisters; we have managed to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and shelter everyone from frigid wind and searing heat. The bad news is that all these years we have been alleviating symptoms of an ever-growing problem without addressing its primary causes: separation, division, resentment, bitterness, unforgiveness, selfishness.

Yes, the choices that you and I make in pursuit of our own pleasure and individual desires are the same choices others struggle to manage to the point of homelessness.

What can you and I do? We need to love one another at some basic level. A level that shows dignity for each other, respect for humanity as a social enterprise, and honor for the social fabric that makes us human — not objects of each other’s desires. Listen to a chronically homeless person, and you will hear a story of unwillingness or inability to love relatives and friends through suffering, theirs and ours.

Show up. Love your family members. Accompany them through their sufferings, and yours. Reconcile. Kindly acknowledge a stranger. And join with nearly 90,000 Americans in more than 4,000 communities who are part of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul to love your homeless neighbors. Love one another.

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