
12-12-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

12-12-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1200 1200 SVDP USA

“Christmas came without ribbons!

It came without tags! It came without packages, boxes or bags!” These words, from Dr. Seuss’s classic tale How the Grinch Stole Christmas!, place the upcoming Christmas Season into proper perspective.

As Vincentians, we all know that it is not the decorations, the gifts, or the glitz that are essential for Christmas. Jesus’ birth is the reason for the season and the time to celebrate the beginning of our faith!

Who would ever want to be a Grinch during this most wonderful time of the year? Well, many of the general public might be shocked that St. Vincent de Paul had a temper and anger that would have made the Grinch proud!

Deacon Omar Gutierrez wrote this about our beloved saint, “Chesterton once said that the difference between a sinner and saint is not that the saint doesn’t sin. The difference is that the saint knows they’re a sinner. This is what strikes me with St. Vincent de Paul. You might expect, and certainly you will get to some degree, a listing of all the amazing charitable works this grand saint of seventeenth century France undertook. However, what is seldom mentioned in the popular accounts about St. Vincent is his bad temper.”

He goes on to write, “St. Vincent de Paul, the irritable saint, was not driven by anger at the injustices of the world…Rather, he was driven by his deep love for Christ, who taught him how to get over himself and his anger.”

St. Vincent de Paul realized that what Christ asks of all of us is these important questions: What are we going to do with our priceless gift of faith? How are we going to put it into action? How are we going to see the face of Christ and be the face of Christ?

Everyone should love the Advent and Christmas Seasons! Christmas is truly a Vincentian celebration because we are the gift givers of love to those in need.

Every day of the year, Vincentians share the Christmas Spirit of love with those who need it most. St. Vincent de Paul Conferences and Councils throughout our country do so much to ensure those experiencing poverty feel Christ’s loving touch.

Together, we will provide food baskets so those we serve have a Christmas meal, distribute coats and gloves to keep people warm, fill prescriptions that save lives, and provide a myriad of services to help people avoid homelessness.

This time of year allows us to focus on what is really important in our lives. For us, it is our spiritual journey as Vincentians. Where has Christ led us thus far and where is He going to lead us next?

This week, Tim Williams and I had the great honor of visiting Father Ron Ramson, CM, at the National Shrine of the Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. Wow, what a blessing for Tim and me to spend time with this extraordinary priest!

At 92, Father Ron will amaze you with his energy and knowledge of our beloved Blessed Frédéric Ozanam. As many of you know, he published a book entitled, I, Frederic…In His Own Words, and he is working on getting it made into a movie. More information on the book and movie can be found here.

I have known Father Ron for decades, and he called me right after I was blessed to be named the incoming National CEO. Father Ron has impacted my spiritual journey and continues to do so. He is an example of our Vincentian virtues of Simplicity, Humility, Gentleness, Selflessness, and Zeal.

St. Vincent was not perfect, like all of us, but like the classic Christmas cartoon, his spiritual journey led his heart and soul to grow, but much more than the “three sizes” in the classic.

As Vincentians, every day is an opportunity for us to grow spiritually in the tradition of our patron St. Vincent de Paul and our founder Blessed Frédéric Ozanam. As One Society, what a wonderful time to grow together in our Conferences, Councils, and National Council.

I hope on that this day of the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, you feel our Blessed Mother’s loving hand in your spiritual journey.

May you and your family feel the Christmas Spirit of love and hope during Advent and our upcoming Christmas Season. With deep appreciation for your support, we wish you and your loved ones a blessed and wonderful Christmas and a new year filled with blessings.

Merry Christmas,
Michael J. Acaldo
National CEO

11-21-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

11-21-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1200 1200 SVDP USA

“God knows the sufferings of his children because he is an attentive and caring father. As a father, he takes care of those who are most in need: the poor, the marginalized, the suffering and the forgotten. No one is excluded from his heart, for in his eyes, we are all poor and needy.”
World Day of the Poor Message, 2024

On Sunday, November 17, Pope Francis declared the 2024 World Day of the Poor. It was the eighth declaration of a World Day of the Poor, something that began under the Pontificate of Francis. In his message for 2024, the Pope declared the World Day of the Poor with the theme “The prayer of the poor rises up to God.” The expression that gives the 2024 World Day of the Poor its theme is taken from the Book of Sirach (21:5), which Pope Francis says is not sufficiently known and deserves to be discovered for the richness of its themes.

Instead of reading my words this week, I think it is more important that you read Pope Francis’s words on the poor, our obligation to the poor, and our way forward. These are excerpts from his Homily on Sunday and his message leading up to World Day of the Poor. I encourage you to go the Vatican website and read more from this year and prior years World Day of the Poor messages.

In his message for this World Day of the Poor, the Holy Father reiterates that “the poor hold a privileged place in God’s heart” and invites everyone to learn to pray for the poor and to pray together with the poor, with humility and trust. Let’s listen to his words.

The World Day of the Poor has now become a fixture for every ecclesial community. It is a pastoral opportunity not to be underestimated, for it challenges every believer to listen to the prayer of the poor, becoming aware of their presence and needs. It is an opportune occasion to implement initiatives that concretely help the poor and to recognize and support the many volunteers who dedicate themselves passionately to those most in need. We must thank the Lord for the people who make themselves available to listen to and support the poorest among us. They are priests, consecrated persons, lay men and women who, by their testimony, give voice to God’s response to the prayer of those who turn to him. This silence, therefore, is broken every time a person in need is welcomed and embraced. The poor still have much to teach us because in a culture that has placed wealth at the forefront and often sacrifices the dignity of people on the altar of material goods, they swim against the tide, highlighting that what is essential for life is something else entirely.

Prayer, then, is verified by authentic charity that manifests itself as encounter and proximity. If prayer does not translate into concrete action, it is in vain; indeed, “faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead” (Jas 2:17). However, charity without prayer risks becoming philanthropy that soon exhausts itself. “Without daily prayer lived with fidelity, our acts are empty, they lose their profound soul and are reduced to being mere activism” (BENEDICT XVI, Catechesis, April 25, 2012). We must avoid this temptation and always be vigilant with the strength and perseverance that comes from the Holy Spirit, who is the giver of life.

As we journey towards the Holy Year, I urge everyone to become pilgrims of hope, setting tangible goals for a better future. Let us not forget to keep “the little details of love” (Gaudete et Exultate, 145): stopping, drawing near, giving a little attention, a smile, a caress, a word of comfort. These gestures are not automatic; they require a daily commitment and are often hidden and silent, but strengthened by prayer. In this time, when the song of hope seems to give way to the clamor of arms, to the cry of many innocent wounded, and the silence of the countless victims of wars, we turn to God with our plea for peace. We stretch out our hands to receive peace as a precious gift for we are “poor” in this regard, while at the same time committing ourselves to weave it back into daily life.

 We are called in every circumstance to be friends of the poor, following in the footsteps of Jesus who always began by showing solidarity when dealing with the least among us.

Peace and God’s blessings,

John Berry
National President

11-14-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

11-14-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1200 1200 SVDP USA

Thankful for You!

As Thanksgiving approaches, our Vincentian family has so much to be thankful for. This time of thankfulness is a wonderful opportunity for all of us to do an inventory of the blessings in our lives. Recognizing all of our blessings assures us of God’s love for ourselves and the important work we do in serving those in need.

As your new CEO, I have been blessed with the opportunity to witness our Vincentian family in action around the country. I have seen our members putting their faith and love into action in an extraordinary way.

This week, Vincentians from around the nation gathered in St. Louis for our Invitation for Renewal leadership retreat. When the retreat kicked off, I visited with attendees and saw the Vincentian spirit of friendship with a rich desire to grow and spread the charism of the Society throughout our great country.

In last week’s e-Gazette, John Berry reminded all of us of the importance of everyone taking part in Vision SVdP. Again, this year his invitation to us has been to participate in a “A conversation guided by, blessed by, and driven by God through the Holy Spirit.”

Next year, we will celebrate the 180th anniversary of our Society in the United States. The ongoing national conversation will fuel our adaptation to the ever-changing world we live in.

In 20 years, at our 200th anniversary celebration, it is our hope that our Society’s leaders will look back at 2025 as the year we ignited our organizational rocket engines and propelled our Vincentian efforts to a whole new level, built on all the wisdom you have shared with our National Council through Vision SVdP.

As Thanksgiving draws near, Vincentians around the country are responding to need in many ways that prevent homelessness and unnecessary suffering. We are bringing food boxes filled with Thanksgiving meals to those who suffer from food insecurity, serving hot meals to those in need, making Home Visits to those who may be facing eviction, and providing countless other services. Last year, our Society responded to need by providing over $1.7 billion in services to those who desperately needed to feel God’s love through us.

We continue to see the need growing throughout the country, and we expect the higher demand to continue in 2025.

Those we serve need the bright light of hope and compassion, and that is what we are giving every time we have the blessing of an encounter where we provide food, clothing, rent, prescription assistance, or other critical help. We are showing that everyone we serve is important to us, and we care about them.

Every time you help someone in need, you are following your heart, and we are so thankful for every Vincentian and supporter of our Society.

During these tough economic times, we appreciate your support more than ever. Please accept our heartfelt thanks for all you do. May God bless you and your family this Thanksgiving and may the blessings you share with others come back to you a thousand times over.

At this special time of year, we should remember we are One Society, and together pray for the continued success of your Conference, your local Council, and our National Council!

Best wishes in Christ,
Michael J. Acaldo
National CEO

11-07-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

11-07-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1200 1200 SVDP USA

The other day, I was speaking to one of our Vincentians and she asked me, “Hey, what ever happened to VisionSVdP?” I must say I was a little taken aback by the question, and I asked her why she was asking. I told her that VisionSVdP was going full speed ahead and that we were in the final two months of Phase I, with many local Conferences and Councils holding listening sessions (as a matter of fact, my own Conference just held our listening session at the end of October). She said, “OK, but you haven’t been saying much about it lately. Maybe it’s time for an update?” Great idea! So, here we are.

Over the last year, you have heard and read about VisionSVdP, our “family conversation” that we are using to answer the call in our Rule to ‘Adapt to a Changing World.’ I first spoke about this after my Installation as National President in St. Louis in October 2023, and I have written about it often in the e-Gazette Servant Leader column and other places. We officially kicked off VisionSVdP at the 2024 Midyear Meeting, and since that time, we have held literally hundreds of listening sessions at Regional meetings, Council meetings, Conference meetings, and the National Assembly in Phoenix.

In case you are new to the Society, or you’ve been hiding under a rock for the last year (only kidding), you might be asking, “What is this VisionSVdP he is talking about?” Let me start by telling you what it is NOT: It’s not a program, it’s not a strategic planning process, it’s not a reorganization, it’s not a fundraising campaign, it’s not a make-work effort for already burdened Vincentians trying to serve people in need.

Well then, WHAT IS IT? you ask. Well, it’s a conversation. A Synodal (from the Greek for “journeying together”) conversation about the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. What’s good about it? What’s not so good about it? What are we doing right? What might we be doing better? What are we doing that we don’t need to be doing? What aren’t we doing that we should be doing? What’s enriching your spiritual life as a Vincentian? What’s stressing your spiritual life as a Vincentian? Why are we getting older and greyer, even though we are trying to bring young people into our membership? Why can’t we move the needle on increasing diversity despite years of trying? Why are we still using pen and paper to complete casework forms when our grandkids are using tablets to do their homework in first grade?

Get it? A conversation guided by, blessed by, and driven by God through the Holy Spirit.

The next question on your mind is probably, “Why are we doing this?”

There are a lot of reasons! As I mentioned above, The Rule, written in 1836, call us to periodically ‘Adapt to a Changing World.’ In Part I, 1.6 The Rule says: “Faithful to the spirit of its founders, the Society constantly strives for renewal, adapting to changing world conditions. It seeks to be aware of the changes that occur in human society and the new types of poverty that may be identified or anticipated. It gives priority to the poorest of the poor and to those who are most rejected by society.”

The last few decades have brought changing conditions in the U.S. and around the world that demand we look at how we must adapt and renew. Those changes were accelerated and exacerbated by the pandemic and the economic challenges faced here and abroad. We must look at the Society in the light of the realities of today and tomorrow, and we must change where change is called for.

So, for the last eight months we have been talking, listening, and through it all, respecting every person’s views. That is Phase I, which will end December 31. If your Conference or Council has NOT held a Listening Session yet — you need to. Because EVERY VOICE MATTERS and we want to hear from you!

If you need help getting started, contact Jill Pioter at the National Council and she’ll get you everything you need.

Phase II begins next year. It’s the hardest and most complicated part. Because that’s when we start going through the thousands of comments we’ve received, then work on planning how we move forward. We are going to talk for a LONG TIME. We are going to talk about that planning for another year at least at every level in the Society — because EVERY VOICE MATTERS.

And then we’re going to assimilate it and put together an Action Plan.

We’re gonna talk together! A lot!


Peace and God’s blessings,

John Berry
National President

10-31-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

10-31-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1200 1200 SVDP USA

BOO! I am your scariest trick-or-treater! Yes, I’ve been told that I have a face for radio.

It’s that time of year, and today’s the day that we’re going to see the little gremlins coming to our door, yelling “trick or treat.” I can’t wait for it to get started. Much like our upcoming elections, it’s exciting and scary at the same time.

We are in the midst of a chaotic, tumultuous time in our nation. We need the Society of St. Vincent de Paul more than ever. No matter what the outcome of the upcoming elections, we will be called upon to be the face of Christ amidst the exuberance of winning, the depression of defeat, celebrations, anxieties, and anger. As Vincentians, we need to be the hopeful voice and the peaceful face.

Like you, I am weary of all the focus and hype surrounding the election. The never-ending television commercials, the mudslinging in social media, and the talking heads who continue to hype the contests. In the spirit of full disclosure, I am a political junkie, but even I have reached my limit. I am ready to cast my vote and wish that Election Day would be over.

Depressed yet? Fear not! On November 6, the Vincentian mission will be needed more than ever. Regardless of the election outcome, our calling is to See the Face of Christ and Be the Face of Christ: to help our friends, neighbors and family realize a better, brighter future with God’s help. We can be that model of Faith, Hope, and Charity to feed their souls. The good news is that we are well trained, Home Visit veterans, and we are ready for this challenge. If anybody can do it, we can!

I recently attended the National Board of Directors’ retreat. The experience was inspirational, filled my heart with joy, and prepared me to go out to spread the Word as part of the St. Vincent de Paul mission. Like my fellow Vincentians, I’ve had the opportunity to visit those with corporal needs and have had the blessing to be able to provide for them. The time will soon be here when we will all have many relationship opportunities to act: calming the emotional highs and lows, toning down the rhetoric while lifting up those around us.

Remember to put on your spiritual armor. Don’t forget that we need to be centered on our own inner peace first before we can help others. Consider this Bible verse as a prayerful way to prepare:

Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7)

Lastly, I strongly encourage you to vote, but just as important, to stock up on candy treats for all those happy little monsters, princesses, and superheroes coming to our doors. Happy Halloween!

Thank you for all you do in His Name — may God bless you,

Michael Pazzaglini
National Vice President, South Central Region

10-24-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

10-24-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1200 1200 SVDP USA

My Vincentian Journey: Finding My Place in the Plan

God has a plan for all of us. He knows how we fit into His plan long before we do. Sometimes our own plans for life might not go the way we expect, and we may even feel confused or alone. I have learned that if we trust God and look for ways to be of service to Him, He will guide us. I never thought my life would look the way it does today, but I am grateful! When I was lost, I turned to God, tried to act with love, and found my purpose and direction by serving others. Each challenge in my life prepared me in some unique and important way for my calling as a Vincentian, illuminating a part of the path God laid out for me.

Growing up, my parents were very involved in church and set good examples of service. My mother brought me along when she took food to families going through hard times. We shared support and friendship with them while visiting their homes, casually but in a way very similar to the Home Visits that Vincentians do. I remember bringing toys to poor communities as a part of my time in the Girl Scouts. When we needed help, our neighbors and friends were there for us as well. These early memories remain with me as guiding examples of Christian charity and neighborly love. God prepared me to become a Vincentian from the start!

When I left my little island, Puerto Rico, to attend college in California, I felt alone for the first time. I was in the big city of LA, surrounded by strangers who only spoke English. I was looking for friends and saw an opportunity to meet people at community service projects on campus. I got involved by joining a group that needed Spanish speaker to help students seeking political asylum at my university. Some of the students I served there are still very close friends to this day! I learned much about the needs of those seeking political safety in the USA. I also gained experience in case management and helping others navigate complicated government processes. When I thought I was alone, God was there guiding me towards new lifelong friendships. I connected with clients and God opened my eyes to the immense blessing of growing up in the sheltered safety and stability of a loving family in Puerto Rico. No longer naïve, I became an activist for the poor and powerless.

When I graduated, I entered the world of financial planning. I quickly threw myself completely into the financial world. It was challenging to be a Latina woman on Wall Street, but it became my plan to rise up and become a financial planning superstar. I felt independent, invincible, and unstoppable. Then an accident left me paralyzed from the neck down. I went from running towards my career goals to having to learn how to walk again. But God sends us angels in challenging times. My “roommate” at the hospital prayed, cried, and laughed with me. Her Christian devotion helped me learn to love and believe in God again. We still share a deep relationship founded on God’s love, and support each other through the hard times. The man who helped me learn to walk again would eventually become my husband. Without knowing it, I met the best example of Vincentian values ever: supportive, loving, accepting, compassionate, and free of judgement. When I felt most lost and thrown off course, God put angels in my life that exemplified faith, love, devotion, and compassion.

Being a mother is not always easy. I traded the hustle and bustle of my Wall Street career for the challenge of juggling the demands of motherhood, community service, and my neck and my lingering back condition. Back in 2010, I again found myself very scared and lost. One son was fighting in the war in Iraq, the other was about to move away for college, and I had lost both my parents and my brother in rapid succession. While praying after Mass one morning, our parish pastor noticed me grieving alone. Father John sat with me for a while, then told me to follow him. We walked into the parish offices, and I found myself in a small room with files and supplies strewn about. I met a Vincentian who said they could use some help. I didn’t know at the time how much of an influence that Vincentian would have on my life and my spiritual journey.

I began my (volunteer) Vincentian service by translating for clients and supporting the casework of other Vincentians. I initially struggled and was not good at conducting interviews at all. My financial planning background caused me to instruct and command clients rather than listen and support them. They “fired” me from case management, leaving me very heartbroken and quite sad. I was very good at organizing the messy office, and a few weeks later Father John called me and insisted I go back to the offices and lend a hand. Some of the long-term Vincentians grumbled after I filed away their forms and organized all the file cabinets. Soon those that had grumbled began appreciating the increases in efficiency and process improvements, they asked me to stay and get more involved. Being “fired” taught me to use my strengths, and I helped improve the finances of the counsel as a whole and organized the offices to help case managers accomplish more. When I lost my family and my home was empty, God provided a new family and a new home in need of love and guidance.

Father John called to insist I represent my conference at the National Assembly meeting. There I saw examples of Vincentians “embracing the world in a network of charity and friendship. These examples of leadership and service drove me across the border from volunteer to Vincentian. My unique experiences as a Latina, a woman in finance, a mother, and a woman with disabilities all aligned to prepare me to be a unique voice for those in the community who lacked one. God helped me overcome all those challenges to prepare me for my role as a Vincentian.

Meditating on this journey has helped me appreciate God’s loving guidance and increased my gratitude for the angels He has sent to help me along this path. The challenges I’ve faced have not only shaped who I am but have also deepened my understanding of Christian love and compassion. Each step of the way, God placed the right people, the right experiences, and the right opportunities in my path, reminding me that we are never alone in our service or our struggles.

Every Vincentian has their own unique journey, marked by moments of grace, growth, and faith. Whether it’s organizing, visiting homes, or offering counsel, each one of us plays a vital role in this beautiful network of charity. Countless small humble acts of service combine to make meaningful impact in the world.

As we continue this path together, I encourage each of you to take a moment and reflect on your own Vincentian journey. What challenges or blessings have brought you closer to your mission? Let’s share these experiences, learn from each other, and deepen our commitment to serving those in need.

Please continue the conversation!

Yours in Christ,
Isabel Darcy
National Vice President, Southeast Region

10-17-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

10-17-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1200 1200 SVDP USA

Today, the world seems to be constantly shifting beneath our feet. The political turmoil surrounding the 2024 presidential election, the ongoing wars and conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine, the destruction wrought by Mother Nature by hurricanes and fires, and the relentless barrage of distressing news can leave us feeling overwhelmed and uncertain. In these challenging times, it is our faith that serves as an anchor, grounding us and providing the strength we need to navigate through the stormy seas of life.

The Bible tells us in Philippians 4:6-7, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” This passage reminds us that in the midst of chaos, we are called to turn to God in prayer, to lay our burdens at His feet, and to trust in His divine plan. It is through this act of faith that we can find peace, even when the world around us is in turmoil.

Faith is not just a passive belief; it is an active trust in God’s goodness and sovereignty. It is the assurance that, no matter how dire the circumstances, God is with us, guiding us, and working all things for our good. This assurance allows us to face the uncertainties of life with courage and hope. It is this faith that empowers us to rise above our fears and to be a light in the darkness for others.

One of the most profound ways we can live out our faith is through service to others. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a shining example of how acts of service can transform lives and bring hope to those in need. Our organization, inspired by the life and works of St. Vincent de Paul, is dedicated to serving the poor and marginalized, providing not only material assistance but also compassion and love. We know that when we serve others, we are serving Christ Himself. This service not only meets the physical needs of those we help, but also affirms their dignity and worth as children of God.

Service to others has a remarkable way of shifting our focus from our own worries and anxieties to the needs of those around us. It reminds us that we are part of a larger community, interconnected and interdependent. When we reach out to help someone else, we are reminded of the power of human connection and the importance of solidarity. This sense of community can be a source of great comfort and strength, especially in times of stress and uncertainty.

Moreover, serving others can be a powerful antidote to the feelings of helplessness and despair that often accompany difficult times. When we take action to make a positive difference in someone else’s life, we are reminded that we have the power to create change, no matter how small. This can be incredibly empowering and can help to alleviate the stress and anxiety that come from feeling powerless in the face of global events.

The work of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul and similar organizations is a testament to the transformative power of service. By providing food, clothing, shelter, and support to those in need, we are not only meeting immediate needs but also offering hope and encouragement. We are living out the Gospel message of love and compassion, and in doing so, we are helping to build a more just and compassionate world.

As we navigate these challenging times, let us remember the words of Jesus in John 16:33, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Our faith in Christ gives us the strength to face the troubles of this world with confidence and hope. It reminds us that, no matter how dark the night, the dawn will come, and God’s light will shine through.

Let us also remember that we are called to be the hands and feet of Christ in the world. Through acts of service, we can bring His love and light to those who are struggling. Whether it is through our work with St. Vincent de Paul, reaching out to a neighbor in need, or simply offering a kind word to someone who is hurting, we can make a difference.

We need to hold fast to our faith in these turbulent times. Let us turn to God in prayer, trusting in His goodness and sovereignty. And let us commit ourselves to serving others, knowing that in doing so, we are serving Christ Himself. May our faith and our acts of service bring us peace and hope, and may they be a beacon of light to those around us.

Peace and God’s blessings,

John Berry
National President


10-03-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

10-03-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1200 1200 SVDP USA

Last Friday, September 27, we celebrated the Feast Day of St. Vincent de Paul. On that day, we, along with the whole Catholic Church, honored the life and legacy of a man whose name has become synonymous with charity and service to the poor. St. Vincent de Paul dedicated his life to helping the marginalized.

Most of us know about St. Vincent de Paul. He was born on April 24, 1581, in Pouy, France. From humble beginnings, he pursued an education and was ordained as a priest in 1600. Initially, Vincent sought a comfortable ecclesiastical position, but his life took a transformative turn when he encountered the profound poverty and suffering of the people around him. This experience ignited a deep sense of compassion and a calling to serve the poor.

St. Vincent de Paul’s commitment to charity led him to establish several organizations that continue to impact the world today. In 1625, he founded the Congregation of the Mission, also known as the Vincentians, a society of priests dedicated to preaching to and serving the poor. Later, in collaboration with St. Louise de Marillac, he co-founded the Daughters of Charity, a community of women devoted to caring for the sick and impoverished.

St. Vincent de Paul’s legacy is marked by his innovative approach to charity. He believed in addressing both the immediate needs and the systemic causes of poverty. His initiatives included establishing hospitals, orphanages, and schools, as well as organizing missions to rural areas. Vincent’s work extended beyond France, influencing charitable practices across Europe and inspiring countless individuals to dedicate their lives to service.

The Feast Day of St. Vincent de Paul is not only a celebration of his humanitarian efforts, but also a reflection on the spiritual dimensions of charity. Vincent’s life exemplifies the Christian virtues of humility, compassion, and selflessness. He taught that true charity involves seeing Christ in the faces of the poor and serving them with love and respect. This spiritual perspective continues to inspire the faithful to engage in acts of kindness and social justice.

Today, we, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, carry forward Vincent’s mission. SVdP operates in over 150 countries, providing assistance to millions of people in need. The Society’s work includes food programs, housing assistance, disaster relief, and advocacy for social justice. The Feast Day serves as a reminder of the ongoing need for compassion and action in addressing the challenges of poverty and inequality.

St. Vincent de Paul left behind a legacy of profound wisdom and compassion that continues to inspire and guide the Society of St. Vincent de Paul today. Some of his well-known quotes encapsulate principles that are as relevant now as they were during his lifetime, providing a moral and spiritual compass for those dedicated to serving the poor and marginalized.

“Charity is the cement which binds Communities to God and persons to one another.”

This quote underscores the foundational role of charity in building strong, compassionate communities. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul embodies this principle through our extensive network of volunteers, who provide direct assistance to those in need. By offering food, clothing, shelter, and emotional support, we foster a sense of community and solidarity, binding people together in mutual support and love.

“We should assist the poor in every way and do it both by ourselves and by enlisting the help of others.”

St. Vincent’s call to action is reflected in the collaborative efforts of our work. The Society not only engages our members in charitable activities but also partners with other organizations, businesses, and government agencies to amplify our impact. This collaborative approach ensures that resources are maximized and that a broader range of services can be provided to those in need, from emergency relief to long-term support programs.

“Go to the poor: You will find God.”

This profound statement highlights the spiritual dimension of serving the poor. For Vincentians, charity is not just a social duty, but a spiritual practice. By seeing Christ in the faces of those we serve, we are reminded of the sacredness of our mission. This perspective encourages us to approach our work with humility, respect, and a deep sense of purpose, transforming acts of charity into encounters with the divine.

“The poor have much to teach you. You have much to learn from them.”

St. Vincent de Paul believed that serving the poor was a reciprocal relationship, where both the giver and the receiver are enriched. This philosophy is integral to our approach, which emphasizes listening to and learning from those we serve. By understanding the unique challenges and strengths of individuals and communities, we can provide more effective and empathetic support, fostering empowerment and resilience.

“Let us love God, but let it be with the strength of our arms and the sweat of our brow.”

This quote encapsulates the Vincentian commitment to practical, hands-on service. Vincentians are known for our tireless dedication, often going above and beyond to meet the needs of those we serve. Whether it’s through Home Visits, running thrift stores, or any of our many special works, Vincentians put our faith into action, demonstrating love through tangible deeds.

In today’s world, the principles articulated by St. Vincent de Paul are more relevant than ever. We continue to adapt to contemporary challenges, such as homelessness, food insecurity, and social isolation, while staying true to our Vincentian values.
St. Vincent de Paul’s timeless wisdom provides a guiding light for us in the modern age. His quotes remind us that charity is not just about giving but about building relationships, learning from one another, and finding God in the service of others. As we continue our mission, the words of St. Vincent de Paul inspire and challenge us to create a more just and compassionate world.

Peace and God’s blessings,

John Berry
SVdP National President

09-19-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

09-19-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1200 1200 SVDP USA

Last Sunday, the second reading at Mass was the Letter of St. James, Chapter 2, Verses 14 – 18. This scripture challenges us to examine the authenticity of our faith through our actions. St. James writes, “What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,’ but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.”

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul embodies this call to action through our work, reflected in the essential element of service. Service is at the heart of the Society’s mission and founding, reflecting the very essence of St. James’ message. We dedicate ourselves to serving those in need, providing practical assistance to the poor, the hungry, the homeless, and the marginalized. This service goes beyond mere charity; it is about restoring dignity and hope to those who are often forgotten by society.

In this service, we are called to be the hands and feet of Christ. We are called to see the face of Jesus in every person we serve. This means going beyond giving material aid and striving for justice. It means advocating for systemic change that addresses the root causes of poverty and inequality. The work of the Society is a powerful witness to the transformative power of faith in action.

St. Vincent de Paul himself said, “Charity is the cement which binds communities to God and persons to one another.” This important truth reminds us that our service is not just about meeting physical needs, but about building a community of love and support. By serving others, we fulfill the commandment to love our neighbor and draw closer to God, who is the source of all love.

But service is only one of the three essential elements of the Society. It is deeply connected to the element of holiness. Holiness is not merely about personal piety or private devotion; it is about living out our faith in tangible ways. As members of the Society, we grow spiritually through acts of service and charity. When we serve the poor, we encounter Christ in them, and this encounter transforms us. It deepens our relationship with God and helps us to become more Christ-like.

St. Vincent de Paul said, “Go to the poor: you will find God.” This statement highlights the transformative power of service. By reaching out to those in need, we not only fulfill our Christian duty but also embark on a journey of spiritual growth. Our acts of service become a path to holiness, drawing us closer to God and helping us to reflect His love in the world.

The third essential element is friendship. This element emphasizes the importance of building relationships with each other, and with those we serve. This is not about a one-time act of charity, but about walking alongside people in their struggles and joys. It is about listening, understanding, and offering support in a spirit of genuine friendship.

In our fast-paced and often disconnected world, the gift of friendship is more important than ever. By forming authentic relationships with those in need, we create a sense of community and belonging. We show that they are not alone and that they are valued and loved. This element of friendship is crucial in the work of the Society. It transforms service from a mere transaction into a meaningful relationship, where both the giver and the receiver are enriched.

The Letter of St. James challenges us to live out our faith through our actions. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul provides a beautiful example of how we can do this through our essential elements of service, holiness, and friendship. As we strive to grow in holiness, let us remember that our journey is not complete without serving others. As we serve, let us do so with a spirit of genuine friendship, recognizing the dignity and worth of every person we encounter.

Let us continue to commit ourselves to living out our faith in action, knowing that in doing so, we draw closer to God and help to build His kingdom here on earth.

Peace and God’s blessings,

John Berry
National President

09-12-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

09-12-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1200 1200 SVDP USA

Our Vincentian Reality

I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to serve as your new National CEO. I look forward to growing with you spiritually, in friendship, and in service to our neighbors in need!

I thank John Berry and the National Board of Directors for blessing me with this opportunity. I also want to recognize Dave Barringer for his 11 years of dedicated leadership to our Society.

As Vincentians, our focus on spirituality is what I find so inspiring. Each and every one of us is on a spiritual journey of our own, and we’re all at different stages. As Vincentians, we embrace the Beatitudes, just as when Christ said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” [Matthew 5:3]

We all understand that we need to have a spirit of poverty in relation to our spiritual growth. We all know that the more we grow spiritually, the more we realize that we need to grow. I remember St. Mother Teresa talking about how much she needed to grow spiritually. If St. Mother Teresa needed to grow, we all need to grow!

It can be very challenging in trying to be more Christ-like because we are so imperfect. Sometimes as we get older, we find it harder to measure growth than when we were younger.

It may be harder for us to see our growth, but our Vincentian friends and those we are blessed to serve, not only see our growth, but are inspired by it! Think about your own spiritual growth, and recognize how far you’ve come, and how much opportunity we all have to grow beyond any of our expectations.

The future is in front of our Society! Nothing is holding us back because we have the Holy Spirit behind us. Our Vision SVDP initiative allows each of us throughout the country to listen to what the Holy Spirit is telling us about what our Vincentian family can become. It’s not about me or you. It is about all of us!

Yes, we are called to see the face of Christ in those we are blessed to serve, but we are also called to be Christ’s voice in today’s world. Our Vincentian family is coming together in a remarkable way to face the future and to embrace our call to define what the future can be.

When we look at the world today, we see a reality that is hard to understand — division, hatred, conflict, and so many other negative things.

As Vincentians, we are called to leave this world behind, and to embrace our Vincentian Reality. A reality that is built on Christ’s commandment: “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another.” [John 13:34]

We can only be successful in our mission, if we take on the challenge of adapting to the changing world with great vigor and enthusiasm. Let me ask you, “What problem in our country and in our world cannot be solved by loving one another?”

I am honored to embrace our Vincentian call to love one another with you. The world is counting on us to see the face of Christ, and to make Christ’s Love come to life for our neighbors in need!

Best wishes in Christ,

Michael Acaldo
Incoming National CEO

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