Daily Prayer

Prayer for Giving Tuesday

Prayer for Giving Tuesday 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Lord Jesus, by Your great sacrifice,
You offered the greatest love
That anyone can offer to another.
Help me to love.
Help me to give.
Help me to share of myself.

Lord Jesus, you healed the sick,
Gave sight to the blind,
And multiplied scraps to feed thousands.
Lead me to help.
Lead me to give.
Lead me to share what I have.

Lord Jesus, You call me to see You
In the hungry, the poor, the forgotten,
And all those who suffer.
Inspire me to hope.
Inspire me to give.
Inspire me to lift up the despairing.

With abundance, O Lord,
You have graced my life;
My time, my talents, my possessions,
My very self, the gift of life;
All this and more You have given me
Not to be hidden under a bushel,
But to shine forth upon all.

It is only through my sharing
Of all that I’ve received
That Your gifts remain as gifts.
May my sharing be my prayer,
May my giving be my thanks,
And through my love
May You be known.


A Week in Prayers September 18 – September 22

A Week in Prayers September 18 – September 22 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Monday, September 18

I sit silently, Lord, in Your presence,
My mind and my spirit kept still.
Speak to my soul if You wish it.
I seek only to do Your will.

Tuesday, September 19

Unburden me, Lord, of my worries.
Free me, O Lord, from my cares.
Wash away all the sorrows,
And all of the pride,
That crowd You out from
My mind and heart.
Fill me, O Lord, with Your Spirit.
I am Yours.

Wednesday, September 20

Help me to see You, Lord,
In the shivering neighbor,
Created in Your image,
Created by Your hand.
Help me to give, O Lord,
My time, my possessions, myself;
Given to me to share, Lord,
Given from Your hand.

Thursday, September 21

Lord, in my heart,
Lord, in my mind,
Lord, in my soul I love You.
Lord, in my words,
Lord, in my thoughts,
Lord, in my acts I love You.
Lord, in my family,
Lord, in my friends,
Lord, in the neighbor I love You.

Friday, September 22

Help me to walk the narrow path, Lord,
My eyes upon Your kingdom.
Help me to walk in faith.
Ease my concerns and worries, Lord,
About all the things of this world.
Help me to see with hope.
Help me to make more room for You, Lord,
Fill my heart ‘til it overflows.
Help me to share Your love.

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

A Week in Prayers August 14 – August 18

A Week in Prayers August 14 – August 18 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Monday, August 14

Awaken me, Lord, from my slumber.
Lead me from night into day.
You are the Word of everlasting life,
Through Whom all my sins are repaid.

Tuesday, August 15

Mary Immaculate, pray for me,
That the Father may grant me patience.
Mother of God, pray for me,
That the Holy Spirit may grant me peace.
Queen of Angels, pray for me,
That Your Son Jesus Christ
May enter my heart, and I His,

Wednesday, August 16

Heavenly Father,
I set aside preoccupations,
I set aside myself,
To go and serve the neighbor.
This I do for You.
I set aside this worship,
But leave God only for God,
So my actions become my prayer.
This I do for You.

Thursday, August 17

Lord Jesus, awaken me from slumber,
Open my eyes and heart,
Lead me from darkness to light.
You are my strength in weakness,
My joy in sorrow,
And my life beyond life.

Friday, August 18

Lord in Heaven,
Lord on Earth,
Lord in my living heart,
In Your image
And by Your will
I live and move and am.

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

A Week in Prayers August 7 – August 11

A Week in Prayers August 7 – August 11 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Monday, August 7

Each day, Lord, and every night,
Your presence and Your love
Are the warmth within my heart.
Help me nurse into flame
This ember of faith.
Help me to spread it
Heart to heart, soul to soul,
To all Your children
Throughout the earth.

Tuesday, August 8

O Lord, make me Your instrument,
Make me the one You send;
One servant’s work divided
Among all the sheep You tend.
Yet all may know completely
Your grace from up above;
From a single loaf, a single fish,
A single act of love.

Wednesday, August 9

Heavenly Father,
I enter this day with gratitude,
In the light of the hope
Of eternal union with You.
Help me to share Your light
Through my actions
And my manner today.

Thursday, August 10

Praise to You, Lord Jesus!
My heart is filled with joy!
You are with me on the journey,
You await me at its end.
Through You, I am not weary.
With You, I am not alone.
In You, I shall live.

Friday, August 11

Each day, O Lord, I seek You,
In the neighbor, in the poor.
Each day, O Lord, I serve You,
In my actions, in my words.
Each day, O Lord, I give my life,
A little at a time,
With faith to move mountains,
With hope undiminished,
With love enough to share.

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

A Week in Prayers July 24 – July 28

A Week in Prayers July 24 – July 28 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Monday, July 24

Jesus, when the bread is broken,
When the wine is poured,
I am, just as You promised,
In the presence of my Lord.
And when the neighbor calls me,
When I visit as a friend,
There, too, just as You promised,
You are present once again.

Tuesday, July 25

O Lord, help me pour myself out
Until I am empty of ego,
Empty of worldly concerns,
Empty of myself.
O Lord, fill this empty vessel
Until it overflows,
So that I cannot help but share
The love that never fails.

Wednesday, July 26

Lord, lift me up
When my burden is heavy
And I cannot bear it alone.
Send me, then, Lord
To lift up my neighbor.
As You have done for me,
So I will also do.
As You have loved me,
So I will also love.

Thursday, July 27

I offer You, Lord, all my suffering,
And all of my worldly cares.
Enter my heart, Lord Jesus,
I have made room for You there.

Friday, July 28

Heavenly Father, I praise Your name,
Lifting my eyes and heart to You.
The beauty of Your creation
In the light of Your love
Fills me with wonder
And gratitude.

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

A Week in Prayers June 5 – June 9

A Week in Prayers June 5 – June 9 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Monday, June 5

Jesus Christ, Son of Man,
Through Your endlessly inventive love
You remain present
In the bread of the Eucharist
And in the person of the neighbor.
Heal my soul, O Lord,
So that I may be worthy to receive You
And to serve You.

Tuesday, June 6

Holy Spirit, Breath of God,
Present in the quiet hours,
Like the morning mist
Above the grass.
Fill me with every breath.
Remain present to me,
Just as the mist remains
When made clear
By the Light of the World.

Wednesday, June 7

Heavenly Father, I give You my heart.
Without hesitation,
Without reservation,
I pour myself out before You.
In the neighbor, O God, I will serve You,
In Your name,
And for Your love alone.

Thursday, June 8 

Help me to live my faith, Lord,
In every part of my life.
May my daily work glorify You.
May my family life be in Your name.
May I serve the neighbor for Your love.
May even my sleep be a prayer,
So I awaken each day in Your light.

Friday, June 9

In the name of the Father,
I rise from sleep
And face the day with joy.
In the name of the Son,
I bear my cross
And share His love with all.
In the name of the Holy Spirit,
My heart’s on fire
And I shall never tire.

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

A Week in Prayers May 8 — May 12

A Week in Prayers May 8 — May 12 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Monday, May 8

Throughout the hours and works of the day,
And whatever I think I’ve achieved,
Before You, Father, I place all my needs,
And the needs of the neighbor I serve.
I knock on Your door, I ask for Your mercy,
But Your will, not mine, be done.

Tuesday, May 9

How would my prayer be different, Lord,
How would I call out Your name,
If I had all the things I would otherwise ask,
Would my prayer to You still be the same?

How would I pray from a foxhole, Lord?
How would I pray in the rain?
How would I pray in my desperation?
How would I pray in my pain?

How would I pray when I have all I want?
Would my prayer still be shouted out loud?
Or would I sit satisfied here in my pew,
And just mumble along with the crowd?

For all that I have, and all I have not,
May I sing out in praise of Your name!
Fill me with love and with gratitude, Lord,
So that all of my prayers are the same.

Wednesday, May 10

Help me to love You more, Lord Jesus,
To give You my heart and soul,
To serve in Your name and for Your sake,
To bear my cross and follow You.

Thursday, May 11

All that I have is Yours, O Lord,
My time, my possessions, my talents,
And even my life is Yours,
Given to me only to share.
And the gift of Your love
Which I share without limit
Still fills me to overflowing.

Friday, May 12

Christ my Lord and Savior,
I raise my eyes
And raise my prayers to You.
My feet are firmly planted,
As I work in Your Holy Name,
But my eyes are not cast downward
For my hope does not lie
In the things of this world.

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

A Week in Prayers May 1 — May 5

A Week in Prayers May 1 — May 5 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Monday, May 1

Open my heart, Lord Jesus,
Empty me of myself.
Take away all that worries me,
And all that troubles my mind.
Take away all of my triumphs,
And all victories of this world.
Empty me of myself, O Lord,
That You may live in me,
And I may live in You.

Tuesday, May 2

Heavenly Father,
Your love is like the dewfall,
Covering the earth like a blanket
During each night’s darkness,
And rising in the growing light
To be the very air I breathe.
On this path, O Lord,
May Your light guide me
And Your truth lead me,
As I seek to follow Your way.

Wednesday, May 3

In everything I do, O Lord,
In everything I say,
Let me be Your instrument.
Do not let my own hesitation,
Selfishness, or worry
Stand in the way of Your love
Shining forth through my smile
My manner,
And my actions.

Thursday, May 4

Lord, help me to bear wordless witness;
To proclaim Your truth by living my faith.
May my neighbor come to know You
Through my acts of mercy and love,
In the name of Your son Jesus Christ.

Friday, May 5

O my Jesus, forgive me.
In Your mercy, make me whole.
Measure out Your mercy,
As I have measured mine,
Knowing, as I do, that it is You
I serve in the neighbor.

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

A Week in Prayers April 10 – April 14

A Week in Prayers April 10 – April 14 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Monday, April 10

Help me to see the neighbor, Lord,
Help me to see the friend.
Help me to see the face of Christ.
Make me the one You send.

Help me to serve the neighbor, Lord,
Help me to serve the friend.
Let me bear wordless witness
Through the love that I extend.

Help me to love the neighbor, Lord,
Help me to love the friend.
May we be saved together
In Your loving arms, amen.

Tuesday, April 11

For the poor and the hungry,
The thirsty, the cold,
Extend Your loving hand, O Lord.
For the lonely and mourning,
The prisoner, the sick,
Extend You loving heart, O Lord.
For all those who suffer,
For all those who weep,
Make me Your hands and heart, O Lord.

Wednesday, April 12

Deep in my heart, O Lord.
Through each day’s troubles
I trust in You, God.
Deep in my heart lies faith.

Deep in my heart, O Lord.
Though darkness may fall,
Lord, You are my light.
Deep in my heart lies hope.

Deep in my heart, O Lord.
Only there to be shared
For Your sake, my God.
Deep in my heart lies love.

Thursday, April 13

Holy Spirit, Breath of God,
Live within me, fill my soul,
Light my heart on fire.
Help me to know
The will of the Father
Help me to see
The face  of the Son
Help me to share
The Flame of Your love.

Friday, April 14

Lord, clear my eyes
With the light of Your truth.
Clear away sleep,
Wipe away tears,
Help me see through
The fog of the day’s troubles.
Help me walk with my neighbors,
Still lost in the fog,
Until you clear their eyes, too.

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

A Week in Prayers January 16 – January 20

A Week in Prayers January 16 – January 20 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Monday, January 16

My Lord and my God
My light and my hope
My rest and my strength
I give You my heart
I give You my life
I give You this day

Tuesday, January 17

Lord Jesus, strength of my arms,
I will share the neighbor’s burden
In Your name and for Your sake,
With no motive but God’s love,
With my gifts from You alone,
Filled with hope that I can share.

Wednesday, January 18

Lord, I lift my heart to you.
Who I am today is for You,
What I do today is for You,
When my day begins it’s for You,
Where I go today is for You,
Why I live today is for You.

Thursday, January 19

Lord, I bring my needs to you.
Protect me from harm,
Bless my efforts and my work,
Help me to be better,
In big things and small things,
For nothing is too small
For Your blessing
Or my prayer.

Friday, January 20

Lord, in serving the neighbor
I seek to serve You
With faith that reflects
Your abiding faithfulness,
In hope that is shared
With all who are hopeless,
For love of the neighbor,
In Your love alone.

Daily Prayers are written by Tim Williams, National Vincentian Formation Director.

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