I Am a Vincentian (Spanish version) -Video-
¡Gracias vicentinos!
During this Hispanic Heritage Month, we give a special shout to our Hispanic and Latino American Vincentians, celebrating the special contributions and talents that they bring to SVdP Conferences across the country. Our Spanish-speaking and bilingual Vincentians are indispensable in serving our neighbors in need. ¡GRACIAS for all that you do!
Translation: Our Vincentians are saying “I Am _(name)_, and I Am a Vincentian.”
Erika Aldana, SVdP Long Island NY
Javier Lerch, PhD, National Homelessness Committee
Lalo Rodela, Formation Renewal and Delivery Committee
Claudia Ramirez, CEO of SVdP Contra Costa CA
Julie Bennett, CEO of SVdP Madison WI
Luis Gonzalez, CEO of SVdP North Texas / Dallas