
SVdP News Roundup April 1 – April 7

SVdP News Roundup April 1 – April 7 1080 1080 SVDP USA

With 100,000 Vincentians across the United States and nearly 800,000 around the world, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul provides person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering. Read some of their stories here:


Testimony for Vincentian Solidarity from the USA to Lebanon

Testimony for Vincentian Solidarity from the USA to Lebanon 960 1280 SVDP USA

Hearts are enlightened … darkness is behind us!

Since October 2019, Lebanon has been experiencing an unprecedented series of crises: economic collapse and monetary meltdown, political deadlock, Beirut explosion, on top of the worldwide sanitary pandemic.

In the last 4 years, the Lebanese Pound went from 1,500 to 109,000 to the dollar (USD). Lebanon registers the 3rd highest inflation rate in the world after Venezuela and Sudan.

As a result of the accumulating crises, electricity rationing worsened sharply with cuts for more than 20 hours per day, plunging all Lebanese homes into darkness.

The Saint Pierre home, like all other elderly homes, suffered from the severe power outages, making their lives more difficult and hampering the rights of the elderly to an adequate standard of living, protected by human treaties. Darkness rubbed off on all the residents and gnawed away at their hearts. This accentuated the stress that tormented them and became their shadow.

Your prompt response to our cry of despair was a heavenly sign: photovoltaic panels installation at the Saint Pierre spared the elderly from the darkness and harshness of their daily lives.

You have literally and figuratively, shed light in the darkness the residents were experiencing.

For that, Society of Saint Vincent de Paul Lebanon expresses its infinite gratitude towards your generosity.

Your empathetic gesture is a service to God’s Charity and Love.

“Kind words may be short and easy to say, but their echo is truly endless.” – Mother Teresa

SVdP News Roundup March 25 — March 31

SVdP News Roundup March 25 — March 31 1080 1080 SVDP USA

With 100,000 Vincentians across the United States and nearly 800,000 around the world, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul provides person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering. Read some of their stories here:



SVdP News Roundup March 18 – March 24

SVdP News Roundup March 18 – March 24 1080 1080 SVDP USA

With 100,000 Vincentians across the United States and nearly 800,000 around the world, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul provides person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering. Read some of their stories here:



SVdP News Roundup March 11 – March 17

SVdP News Roundup March 11 – March 17 1080 1080 SVDP USA

With 100,000 Vincentians across the United States and nearly 800,000 around the world, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul provides person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering. Read some of their stories here:



SVdP News Roundup March 4 – March 10

SVdP News Roundup March 4 – March 10 1080 1080 SVDP USA

With 100,000 Vincentians across the United States and nearly 800,000 around the world, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul provides person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering. Read some of their stories here:



Society of St. Vincent de Paul Gathers for Annual Midyear Meeting

Society of St. Vincent de Paul Gathers for Annual Midyear Meeting 2560 1702 SVDP USA

The National Council of the United States, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, will host its annual Midyear Business Meeting, March 16 – 18, 2022 at the Hilton at the Ballpark in St. Louis, Missouri.

About 200 Vincentian leaders and volunteers from across the country are expected to attend the event. The agenda is packed with education, spirituality, and best practice information about the Society’s work helping neighbors in need across the country.

Highlights of this year’s meeting include workshops on the Society’s recent work in the areas of safeguarding those we serve; growth & revitalization of the Society; and standards of excellence for local St. Vincent de Paul Conferences and Councils.

On Friday, March 17, Bishop John Quinn, recently retired as bishop of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, will lead a spiritual retreat reflecting on the power of the Sacred Scriptures to transform our everyday and ordinary lives and relationships into moments of grace and encounter with God. That afternoon, attendees will gather at the Old Cathedral in downtown St. Louis for a Recommitment Ceremony and Mass.

“With more than 200 of our leaders from across the country convening in St. Louis,” says National CEO Dave Barringer, “we can focus together on what must be done as our members help so many families in need facing inflationary pressures, higher costs for rent and utilities, and other post-pandemic challenges.”

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is the world’s largest Catholic lay organization, with nearly 90,000 members serving in more than 4,400 parishes across the country. The National Council of the United States is headquartered in Maryland Heights, MO. Originally founded in Paris in 1833, the Society’s roots in the United States trace back to 1845, when the United States Society of St. Vincent de Paul was established at St. Louis’ Old Cathedral.

For more information on the event, or to register, contact Manager of National Events Michele Schurk at (314) 576-3993 or

SVdP News Roundup February 25 – March 3

SVdP News Roundup February 25 – March 3 1080 1080 SVDP USA

With 100,000 Vincentians across the United States and nearly 800,000 around the world, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul provides person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering. Read some of their stories here:



SVdP News Roundup February 18 – February 24

SVdP News Roundup February 18 – February 24 1080 1080 SVDP USA

With 100,000 Vincentians across the United States and nearly 800,000 around the world, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul provides person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering. Read some of their stories here:



SVdP News Roundup February 11 – February 17

SVdP News Roundup February 11 – February 17 1080 1080 SVDP USA

With 100,000 Vincentians across the United States and nearly 800,000 around the world, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul provides person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering. Read some of their stories here:



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