
I Am a Vincentian (Spanish version) -Video-

I Am a Vincentian (Spanish version) -Video- 1080 1080 SVDP USA

¡Gracias vicentinos!

During this Hispanic Heritage Month, we give a special shout to our Hispanic and Latino American Vincentians, celebrating the special contributions and talents that they bring to SVdP Conferences across the country. Our Spanish-speaking and bilingual Vincentians are indispensable in serving our neighbors in need. ¡GRACIAS for all that you do!


Translation: Our Vincentians are saying “I Am _(name)_, and I Am a Vincentian.”



Erika Aldana, SVdP Long Island NY

Javier Lerch, PhD, National Homelessness Committee

Lalo Rodela, Formation Renewal and Delivery Committee

Claudia Ramirez, CEO of SVdP Contra Costa CA

Julie Bennett, CEO of SVdP Madison WI

Luis Gonzalez, CEO of SVdP North Texas / Dallas

09-12-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

09-12-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1200 1200 SVDP USA

Our Vincentian Reality

I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to serve as your new National CEO. I look forward to growing with you spiritually, in friendship, and in service to our neighbors in need!

I thank John Berry and the National Board of Directors for blessing me with this opportunity. I also want to recognize Dave Barringer for his 11 years of dedicated leadership to our Society.

As Vincentians, our focus on spirituality is what I find so inspiring. Each and every one of us is on a spiritual journey of our own, and we’re all at different stages. As Vincentians, we embrace the Beatitudes, just as when Christ said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” [Matthew 5:3]

We all understand that we need to have a spirit of poverty in relation to our spiritual growth. We all know that the more we grow spiritually, the more we realize that we need to grow. I remember St. Mother Teresa talking about how much she needed to grow spiritually. If St. Mother Teresa needed to grow, we all need to grow!

It can be very challenging in trying to be more Christ-like because we are so imperfect. Sometimes as we get older, we find it harder to measure growth than when we were younger.

It may be harder for us to see our growth, but our Vincentian friends and those we are blessed to serve, not only see our growth, but are inspired by it! Think about your own spiritual growth, and recognize how far you’ve come, and how much opportunity we all have to grow beyond any of our expectations.

The future is in front of our Society! Nothing is holding us back because we have the Holy Spirit behind us. Our Vision SVDP initiative allows each of us throughout the country to listen to what the Holy Spirit is telling us about what our Vincentian family can become. It’s not about me or you. It is about all of us!

Yes, we are called to see the face of Christ in those we are blessed to serve, but we are also called to be Christ’s voice in today’s world. Our Vincentian family is coming together in a remarkable way to face the future and to embrace our call to define what the future can be.

When we look at the world today, we see a reality that is hard to understand — division, hatred, conflict, and so many other negative things.

As Vincentians, we are called to leave this world behind, and to embrace our Vincentian Reality. A reality that is built on Christ’s commandment: “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another.” [John 13:34]

We can only be successful in our mission, if we take on the challenge of adapting to the changing world with great vigor and enthusiasm. Let me ask you, “What problem in our country and in our world cannot be solved by loving one another?”

I am honored to embrace our Vincentian call to love one another with you. The world is counting on us to see the face of Christ, and to make Christ’s Love come to life for our neighbors in need!

Best wishes in Christ,

Michael Acaldo
Incoming National CEO

SVdP National President Featured in National Catholic Register

SVdP National President Featured in National Catholic Register 398 398 SVDP USA

“To address the homelessness crisis, we must encounter those on the brink.” So writes SVdP National President John Berry, in his latest op-ed for the National Catholic Register.

Here’s an excerpt:

“To understand why prevention programs are so critically needed, we must first understand why so many people are becoming homeless. According to Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies, the number of Americans experiencing homelessness has risen almost 50% over the past eight years. 12 million people are “severely cost-burdened,” and thus at risk of becoming homeless themselves. That massive increase can’t be attributed to drugs or mental illness (even if those ills affect the most visibly homeless). Instead, its main drivers are brute economic factors like skyrocketing housing costs and inflation. “A great river of poverty is traversing our cities and swelling to the point of overflowing,” Pope Francis said in his 2023 message for the World Day of the Poor. “It seems to overwhelm us, so great are the needs of our brothers and sisters who plead for our help, support and solidarity.””

Click here to read John’s full article.

Encountering Our Neighbor -Video-

Encountering Our Neighbor -Video- 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Encountering Our Neighbor

Hear what three Vincentians – John, Dr. Ken, and Marge – have to say about their heartfelt experience serving a neighbor, and how that has shaped their time with the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.

John Berry, National President:  

We had opened up a brand new food pantry in Atlanta where I’m from and we had a woman that was coming through and it was a client choice food pantry, so we were walking with her and helping her choose. And we had a refrigerator cabinet that we had cakes and those kind of things in because the local supermarket had donated them to us and we always made those available to people. And this woman came up to the refrigerator cabinet and she started crying. And we were like “Oh You know what happened. What did we do?” And she started sobbing and she said “Tomorrow is my daughter’s birthday and I never thought I would be able to afford to have a cake for her birthday.” So we got her the cake and then we went to the warehouse and we got a bicycle for her to give her daughter for her birthday and it was just something that, you know, when she left, we all looked at each other and said this is what it’s all about. This is what it’s all about.

Dr. Ken Snider:

Well, one little girl, she came up when she was 10 years old and she had a cleft lip and a cleft palate. And I wish I could say if I have the before and after pictures. So when I examined her, I didn’t want to hurt her feelings by bringing notice to the cleft. So when I I finished examining her, I said “Honey, have you ever heard of braces?” You know, she shook her head. And I said “Well, we can do that. I said we can’t, you know, take everyone. But if you’re interested, I might be able to get you in.” Well I’m the dental director I can get them in, but if the kids aren’t interested, even if the parents want it, they’re not going to maintain it and everything. You know, there’s limited resources. And so she started to cry. And I thought I hurt her feelings. And the staff person said no, she said those are tears of joy. She thought this would never be possible for her. Then her mother came in, and her mother started to cry. We were all crying.

Marge McGinley:

So I met this beautiful person who was in need and when we got to her home we could tell she was conserving every penny, because each room had a curtain to conserve the air conditioning in that room. And we visited with her and she said “You know everybody that I’ve dealt with from Saint Vincent de Paul has been so kind. Like the people that answer your phones, everybody is so kind.” And I said, “Well, of course we are. Because for us, you are the face of Christ. We’re meeting Jesus when we meet you.”  And she started to cry. And she said “No one has ever talked to me so kindly.” As we were leaving, she said “I just have one more question.” And I said OK, and she said, “Can I join you? Can I can I help other people? I know I need help but can I help somebody else because I want to be able to see Jesus.”

Dr. Ken Snider:

Yeah, I mean it’s priceless. When you put your head on the pillow at night and you think, wow, you know. How did I? How did God grant me the blessing to be part of this, you know. And it truly is a blessing.

John Berry, National President:  

I mean the encounters run the gauntlet from the Home Visits that we do, the thrift stores that we operate, the food pantries that we operate. Each one of those is an opportunity for us to touch humanity and for humanity to touch us, because our growth through that service is really the ultimate most important thing that we do is grow spiritually.

Michael Acaldo to Helm the Society of St. Vincent de Paul USA as Next Chief Executive Officer

Michael Acaldo to Helm the Society of St. Vincent de Paul USA as Next Chief Executive Officer 1080 1080 SVDP USA

After an extensive nationwide search led by executive search firm BoardWalk Consulting, we are proud to announce that the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) has chosen its next National CEO from our own SVdP USA family.

Michael Acaldo, the CEO of the SVdP Diocesan Council of Baton Rouge, will become our new CEO of the National Council of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, effective October 1.

A native of Baton Rouge, Michael has been a member of the Vincentian Family since 1990. He received both his Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management and his Master of Business Administration from Louisiana State University.

In his tenure in Baton Rouge, Michael has led that St. Vincent de Paul Council to incredible growth. In 1991, he oversaw the founding of the Bishop Ott Shelter Program, which has since grown to five emergency shelters serving men, women, children, and families, and which provided more than 31,000 guest nights of shelter in 2023. In 1995, he helped establish the St. Vincent de Paul Community Pharmacy, the first SVdP Charitable Pharmacy in the nation. The Baton Rouge St. Vincent de Paul Dining Room served over 300,000 meals to neighbors in need in 2023. And if that weren’t enough, he’s also the creator, host, and executive producer of the SVdP Beacons of Light television show, which has been on the air since 2006.

Michael is well respected within the Society, and within the larger Catholic community. He has received various honors for his work with the Society in Baton Rouge, including receiving the Benemerenti Medal from Pope John Paul II in 2002 for service to the Catholic Church; serving as a John W. Barton, Sr. Fellow for excellence in community nonprofit leadership, also in 2002; being inducted into the Catholic High School Hall of Fame in 2009; and receiving the inaugural St. Joseph’s Cathedral Community Award in 2013.

Of his new role, Michael had this to say: “I feel so blessed and honored to be chosen for this leadership position during such an exciting time in our Society’s history. Our National Board’s launching of VisionSVdP focuses on listening to every voice in our Vincentian Family, which is so powerful! I believe that the Holy Spirit will speak through Vincentians around the country, and provide a roadmap for our bright future. Plus, I cannot wait to join our talented and dedicated National Staff in St. Louis.”

National President John Berry notes, “This is a great day for the Society. Michael has been a friend and a colleague for almost 20 years and I can say without hesitation that he is an amazing leader, a consummate professional, and the kind of visionary that the Society needs to help take us into the future. Michael has a deep commitment to the essential elements of spirituality, service, and friendship. The Board of Directors and I look forward to working with Michael.”

Michael and Paula, his wife of 32 years, are the proud parents of adult twin daughters. They are thrilled and looking forward to the arrival of their first grandchild this November.

SVdP’s National CEO search was overseen by a committee of eight current and former Board members from across the country, and the search encompassed sources and prospects from at least 28 states and the District of Columbia. The committee was advised throughout by BoardWalk Consulting, an executive search firm specializing in the recruitment of CEOs for nonprofits and foundations.

Vincentian Embarks Upon Eucharistic Pilgrimage

Vincentian Embarks Upon Eucharistic Pilgrimage 540 552 SVDP USA

Voice for the Poor Chair Bobby Kinkela recently participated in one of four Eucharistic Pilgrimages making their way across the United States as part of the National Eucharistic Congress. He shared his story with us, and urges his fellow Vincentians to participate in the Pilgrimage as it winds across the country:

At Midyear this year, National CEO Dave Barringer asked us to support the Eucharistic Pilgrimages which are leading up to the National Eucharistic Congress later this month.

As Vincentians, we always need to focus on our faith because it’s our faith that allows us to do the work that we do.  Even as chair of Voice for the Poor, which deals with advocacy and politics, I see the Eucharist, politics and service as connected… or at least they should be!  I recently served on the panel for a USCCB sponsored event about bringing together the Eucharist and social action.

Back to the Pilgrimage, though.

A group of 55 of us left from my home parish of St. Ann in Michigan by bus to travel to Notre Dame, IN for the Eucharistic Pilgrimage!  I was happy that my three children came with me. We had a good day touring the Notre Dame basilica and viewing their art museum.

We connected with the rest of the pilgrims at the church of St. Therese of the Little Flower and our numbers swelled to thousands!  I had some SVdP signs made for the Eucharistic Procession, so I was greeted by Vincentians from all over who saw the sign, and even connected with Monika Uriel, a Voice for the Poor rep from Detroit.  We just happened to find each other in Indiana during the Eucharist Pilgrimage!

We then gathered in the Notre Dame basilica for a standing-room-only Mass and then dinner afterwards before heading home.

I encourage all Vincentians to support and get involved in the Pilgrimages and the revival that will come next year. You can learn more at the National Eucharistic Congress website. More Catholics in the U.S. means more Vincentians — and more Vincentians can only enhance our goal to serve those in need.  Serve God, be friends to one another, and serve the face of Christ.

John Berry: How Can We Help Families on the Brink of Homelessness?

John Berry: How Can We Help Families on the Brink of Homelessness? 1080 1080 SVDP USA

“Many…people at risk of homelessness today would have been, in simpler times, ‘the working poor,'” writes SVdP National President John Berry.

“But as families and communities have broken down, the burden of providing has shifted onto frailer, lonelier shoulders. And as inflation continues to wreak havoc on families’ budgets, more and more single-parent families stand on the brink of homelessness. One car wreck, hospital stay, or layoff can dislodge a family from a home and put them out on the streets.”

Read John’s full piece in Newsweek.

Society of St. Vincent de Paul Statement on Supreme Court Decision in Grant’s Pass Vs. Gloria Johnson

Society of St. Vincent de Paul Statement on Supreme Court Decision in Grant’s Pass Vs. Gloria Johnson 552 552 SVDP USA

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul expresses concern regarding the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in City of Grants Pass, Oregon v. Johnson. By ruling in favor of the plaintiff, the Supreme Court has signaled that local governments can make it a crime for someone to live outside and unsheltered if they have no home.

“Reasonable people may and will disagree about this decision, but the fact of the matter is it doesn’t get to the heart of the homelessness crisis,” said John Berry, National President at Society of St. Vincent de Paul. “Neither stricter nor more lenient criminal laws sufficiently address the problem — which has vastly more to do with skyrocketing housing costs and inflation than it has to do with how local governments regulate homeless encampments.”

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul currently maintains a network for homeless prevention through rent assistance with an outlay of over $60 million. These programs typically involve home visits, personalized resources, engagement with landlords, crafting a “Stability Plan,” and financial assistance in making rent and paying utilities. These programs usually work alongside local governments, putting homelessness prevention ahead of policing in addressing the roots of homelessness.

“These temporary assistance programs work — and produce long-lasting effects while reducing the economic and social strain of homelessness on cities, towns, and counties,” said Berry. “But more than dollars, homelessness prevention programs like ours save lives and dignity. While City of Grants Pass, Oregon v. Johnson helps call attention to the severity of our homelessness crisis, we must work together to restore stability and dignity to neighbors living on the edge of homelessness.”

According to a recent study conducted by Notre Dame’s Lab for Economic Opportunities (LEO), persons who received an average of $2,000 in emergency financial assistance were “81 percent less likely to become homeless within six months of enrollment and 73 percent less likely within 12 months.” In the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision, the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul will continue unabated to pursue positive outcomes like these across the country.

06-06-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

06-06-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1200 1200 SVDP USA

Over the last year, you have heard me speak and write often about the ‘Encounter.’ Regrettably, some people are uncomfortable about my use of that term, as they seem to feel that it takes away from the traditional emphasis of the Society on the term ‘Home Visit’ as what they perceive as the heart and soul of our Vincentian calling.

So, I think that it’s important to explore the term Encounter and hopefully put any concerns to rest. Let’s first look at The Rule.

In Part I of The Rule, under the first major heading “Purpose and Scope of Our Service,” Section 1.2, it is stated “Members show their commitment through person-to-person contact.’ Section 1.3 is titled “Any form of personal help.”

The third major heading under Section 1 of Part 1 of Our Rule is titled “Our Personal Encounters with the Poor.” Part I, Section 1.7 is titled “Prayer before Encounters or Visits.”

So, we’ve established from The Rule that our Founders envisioned an inclusive network of charity. (Hey, sounds like Frédéric!) We don’t see the restriction of “Home Visit” anywhere. Encounters are certainly visits, and visits are clearly a preferred way of meeting the poor, but Encounter can be more than a Home Visit, and a visit can take place anyplace — not just a home! The type of Encounters and the types of visits we are called to make are not defined in The Rule because the Founders were smart enough to realize that the face of poverty was constantly changing — and how we had to address poverty had to change, too.

Just look at Part 1, Section 1.6, Adaptation to a Changing World: “…new types of poverty that might be identified or anticipated.” Our Founders weren’t about to say you had to do X, Y, or Z to do Vincentian work’ because they didn’t know if things would be completely changed in the next 10 years — or even the next year.

That is why we must stop talking, judging, and labeling each other in language that is exclusive. We must start using language that is inclusive and true to the intent of the foundation of the Society. We need to stop saying that our ministry is rooted in the Home Visit. It is not. It is rooted in the Encounter.

Did Frédéric and the Founders do Home Visits? Yes! Were those Home Visits critical to their formation and the creation of the Society? Yes! Does that mean you can’t undergo formation as a Vincentian without doing a Home Visit? No!

But does that mean you can undergo formation as a Vincentian without a Christ-centered, human-to-human interaction? Without Encounter with our Neighbors in need? NO! NO! NO!

Let’s go back to The Rule.

The Vincentian vocation is to follow Christ through service to those in need and so bear witness to His compassionate and liberating love. Members show their commitment through person-to-person contact. Vincentians serve in hope.

We have to understand that Encounter — the Christ-centered, person-to-person contact that is our vocation — can be conducted in many ways. There are many ways to conduct visits in different places. What characterizes a visit? Spirituality, friendship, listening, caring, support.

In today’s Society in the United States, Encounters can occur in someone’s home, in a special work, at a Parish, at SVdP offices, in a homeless shelter, and other places. But the need for valid, Vincentian, personal contact must be part of the Encounter for it to be appropriate.

Lining people up at the Parish in front of a table and collecting utility bills that the Conference is going to pay is not Encounter. That kind of interaction is degrading people in need.

Talking to people from behind glass walls is not Encounter, it is bureaucracy. Handing out a food bag without a private conversation and discussion of a neighbor’s situation and need is not Encounter, it is simply just another agency. Giving out clothes in the Thrift Stores is not Encounter; understanding why the person needs the clothes and what we can do to help them not need them next time is.

The most important thing that we must all remember is that we serve people — and our service to people is based on respect, love, and our knowledge that Christ sits in the middle of any relationship we have with another human being. Our Encounters with those we serve, and those we serve with, must always be based on those understandings.

Let’s lose the old language of exclusion and start using the new language of inclusion. But when we do, let’s make sure that we are using it to describe the true Vincentian Encounter that is our vocation, not a modern-day corruption of the beauty of the Christ-centered person-to-person Encounter that is the real heart and soul of our Vincentian calling.

Peace and God’s blessings,

In Memoriam: Roger Playwin

In Memoriam: Roger Playwin 459 649 SVDP USA

Roger T. Playwin
1941 – 2024

Former National CEO, beloved friend, and dedicated Vincentian Roger Playwin passed away last week at the age of 83.

The model of servant leadership, Roger’s long history with nonprofit organizations led him to become Executive Director of the St. Vincent de Paul’s Detroit Archdiocesan Council in 1998. Roger was named Executive Director of the National Council in April 2003; five years later, he became its first Chief Executive Officer, in recognition of the expanded duties and responsibilities of his position.

As a Society leader, he structured the National Council to include all aspects of diversity and better compliance in areas of governance. He served on the National Board of Directors and when he retired in 2013, he remained active with the Society at various levels and roles, including serving as Treasurer for the National Foundation Board, and stepping in for a time as an Interim Executive Director for the Detroit ADCC.

Passionate about serving families impacted by disasters, Roger was on the first Board of the Disaster Services Corporation in 2017, and stayed active with the Board as Vice Chair until the end of 2022. He continued to serve on the DSC Governance Committee, lending his expertise in NGO policies. While serving as CEO of the National Council, Roger was instrumental in getting the Katrina Aid Today Contract, which served Katrina survivors in 17 Councils across the United States. This was the largest contract of its kind for the Society and helped to keep thousands of displaced Katrina survivors from becoming homeless across the nation.

National President John Berry remarked, “Roger was a beloved friend to many people both in and out of the Society. He lived the virtues of being a Vincentian through his service, his friendship, and his deep spirituality. Roger mentored many of us when we came into the Society, and he was always there supporting us when we needed him. When I was elected National President, Roger was a trusted advisor helping me navigate my new role. I will miss him very much.”

Roger is survived by his wife, Sue, three children, four grandchildren, and all of us who knew and loved him well.

“Roger was a tremendous support and mentor to me in the role of National CEO,” noted National CEO Dave Barringer. “He continued to be available at any time for any reason for so many local Executive Directors as a great friend and coach in his retirement. He will be greatly missed.”

A visitation will be held today, May 16, from 4 to 8 PM at Chas. Verheyden, Inc. Funeral Home in Grosse Pointe Park, MI. Funeral Mass of Christian Burial will be held Friday, May 17 at 10 AM at St. Ambrose Catholic Church in Grosse Pointe Park.

Roger’s family has asked that memorial contributions be made to the National Council of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul at

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