I still remember my mother’s favorite prayer, “God grant me patience…. And grant it to me right now!”
My mom needed to have a lot of patience in her life. My father had passed away at the age of 33 from an aggressive form of lung cancer, leaving my 29-year-old mother with four children under the age of 7. I would like to say that us children were models of good behavior…but that was not always the case. We were normal, rambunctious children with typical sibling rivalries and behaviors. Our mother showed us immense love, grace, and patience, even as she was struggling with raising a family without her husband.
My mother loved us, raised us with expectations for leading a good life and grounded us in our Catholic faith. My mother was the role model for my faith journey. I have memories as a child of seeing her kneel at her bedside saying her nighttime prayers after a long day of chasing her children. Although things were difficult, she relied on her faith to guide her through the ups and downs of her life. She was patient and let God’s plan for her life unfold over time.
I would like to say that I inherited my mother’s virtue of patience — but regrettably, I did not. Too often I have found myself to be impatient about delays, mix-ups, long lines, or computer glitches. I show little patience for people who are late to appointments, tardy in getting assignments done, or meeting obligations either large or small.
We live in a technologically advanced society where we travel across the country in hours, talk directly to people around the globe in seconds, and have packages arrive at our doorstep from around the world within a day or two from ordering them online. We are irritated at the slightest delay in traffic. We are short on patience and short on grace.
In the last few years, with the help of prayers, spiritual reflection, and the guidance and example of my fellow Vincentians, I have started to work on my sin of impatience, albeit slowly. Being a Vincentian has taught me that God reveals His plan on His time and at His pace. We cannot and do not change the world. Only God possesses that Power of Change. It is up to us to be patient and listen to God through our prayers and our interactions with our neighbors in need. As Vincentians, we can get overwhelmed by the sheer number of neighbors in need or by the finite limit of our resources. We must be patient and know that God is always present, and His plan is unfolding as He wills.
As I look back at the difficult times throughout my life, I realize that God always answered my prayers — not on my timeline or my wants, but on His timeline and what I truly needed. In all cases, God’s plan and timing was exactly what I needed in my life.
Our Vincentian vocation calls us to a deeper relationship with God through our service to our neighbors. We realize that when we do His work as He commanded us, we supply the effort — but it is God who supplies the result. As we go about our mission as Vincentians, let us show patience to the people we serve, patience with the slow process of change, patience to our fellow Vincentians and finally, patience to ourselves. After all, we all are works in progress. God is not finished with working miracles in our lives or in the world!
Yours in Christ,
Chuck Korte
National Vice President, Midwest Region