
09-05-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

09-05-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1200 1200 SVDP USA

Last Saturday, the Gospel reading for the day was Matthew 25:14-30. In that reading, Jesus tells the Parable of the Talents, illustrating the importance of utilizing and growing the gifts entrusted to us. In the Parable, a master entrusts his servants with talents (a form of money) before going on a journey. Two of the servants invest their talents and double their value, while the third buries his talent, fearing loss. Upon the master’s return, he rewards the first two servants and rebukes the third for his laziness.

While I’m not a theologian, I think that this Parable can provide us with great lessons in two areas that are very specific to the work of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. One is in the area of Fundraising and Development, and the other is in the area of Membership Recruitment and Development.

This Parable is more than a lesson about personal responsibility and risk-taking; it has great teachings for charitable organizations like ours in our approach to fundraising and development. Like the talents in the parable, we are entrusted with resources that must be used effectively to fulfill their mission of serving those in need. The way we manage these resources can significantly impact our ability to achieve our goals and expand our reach. And like the talents entrusted to the servants, we are given resources — donations, grants, and volunteer support — that are meant to be invested wisely. To effectively serve those in need, we must not only manage our resources, but actively seek to grow them.

The lesson from the Parable is the importance of investing in fundraising and development. As the first two servants invested their talents to increase their value, we must view fundraising not as a mere necessity, but as a strategic investment in their future. This involves creating and implementing innovative fundraising strategies that go beyond traditional methods. Investment in professional development, donor relations, and marketing is crucial. It means allocating resources towards hiring skilled staff, investing in training programs, and utilizing data-driven approaches to understand and engage with donors effectively.

Investment in fundraising is akin to the wise investments made by the first two servants. It requires a strategic vision and a willingness to take calculated risks. Charitable organizations should view fundraising not just as a necessity, but as an opportunity to expand their reach and impact. This involves innovative strategies, robust development plans, and continuous engagement with donors. By investing in these areas, organizations like ours can multiply their resources and enhance their ability to make a difference.

Moreover, the goal of these investments is to better serve those in need. Just as the master in the Parable rewards the servants who actively increased their talents, donors and supporters are more likely to invest in organizations that demonstrate effective use of resources. This not only ensures the sustainability of the organization, but also maximizes its impact on the community.

In essence, the Parable of the Talents encourages us to see resources as opportunities for growth and impact. By investing wisely in fundraising and development, we can better fulfill our mission and serve those in need. The challenge, then, is to embrace the responsibility of these resources and use them to their fullest potential, ensuring that the fruits of our labor reflect our ultimate goal: compassionate service and community transformation.

Furthermore, effective fundraising and development require a proactive approach. The third servant’s inaction led to his downfall, a stark reminder of the consequences of neglect. Charitable organizations must be proactive in engaging with potential donors, developing strong relationships, and continually assessing and refining our strategies. Regular communication with supporters, transparent reporting on the impact of their contributions, and showing appreciation for their support can build trust and encourage continued investment.

Another important aspect of this Parable is the alignment of resources with the mission. The master praised the servants who made the most of their talents, suggesting that effectiveness is measured by how well resources are used to advance the mission. Charitable organizations should ensure that their fundraising efforts are directly aligned with their mission and goals. This involves clearly communicating how funds will be used and demonstrating tangible outcomes from donations. By showing donors the real impact of their contributions, we can foster a deeper sense of connection and commitment.

The second area, Membership Recruitment and Development, is not just about filling positions; it’s about fostering growth and ensuring sustainability. The third servant’s decision to bury his talent represents a failure to engage with the resources available, driven by fear or complacency. Similarly, organizations that neglect recruitment may find themselves stagnant, unable to adapt to new challenges, or missing out on innovative ideas. By continually bringing  in new people, we can infuse our efforts with renewed passion, diverse skills, and innovative approaches, all of which are crucial for adapting to changing needs and achieving long-term success.

Moreover, recruitment should be seen as an investment in our future. The master in the Parable expects that the talents entrusted to the servants will grow. In the same way, we must view recruitment as an investment in our capacity to serve. New Vincentians bring not only immediate benefits — but also long-term potential. Whether it’s a new fundraiser with a talent for engaging donors, a volunteer with a passion for ENCOUNTER with those we serve, or a board member with strategic expertise, each new person contributes to our ability to make a greater impact.

Effective recruitment also involves communicating our vision and demonstrating the value of contributing to the organization’s mission. Just as the master’s expectations and rewards motivated the servants, making sure that the Society’s mission and vision are understood by those who join with us is critical to attracting and retaining the right individuals to SVdP.

Finally, the Parable underscores the necessity of managing resources wisely. The master praised the servants who used their talents to create more, indicating that success comes from effective and strategic use of what we have. In recruitment, this means not only attracting new talent, but also integrating and supporting them effectively within the organization. Proper onboarding, training, and engagement are crucial to ensuring that new recruits are empowered to contribute meaningfully and feel valued in their roles.

The Parable of the Talents is one that we probably listened to many times. But putting it in the context of our work at SVdP might give you a different perspective.

Peace and God’s blessings,

08-29-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

08-29-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1200 1200 SVDP USA

“Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow. Don’t stop. It’ll soon be here.”
– Fleetwood Mac

If you missed the National Assembly in Phoenix a few weeks ago then I can promise you a few things. 1) You missed one of the best National Assemblies in recent memory, 2) We missed YOU, and 3) You missed the closing of the President’s Welcome Address where I quoted the line above from the 1970’s rock band Fleetwood Mac. (It was probably the first time in the history of an SVdP USA General Assembly that a 70’s rock band was quoted in the President’s address!) If you want to understand the context, the full address is available on the SVdP website. They tell me it was pretty good.

Today, I want to share with you a message about what inspired me to use the theme “Don’t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow” in that address. Actually, it was a theme that I used with the very first Board meeting held in October 2023, after my term as National President began. And that theme, in various forms and various words, is my vision for the six years of my National Presidency. The National Assembly in Phoenix was, in many ways, the formal ‘launch’ of that vision.

This theme calls us to look forward with hope and faith, to embrace the future with a spirit of charity, and to adapt to the changes that lie before us and ahead of us.

In the book of Jeremiah 29:11, we read, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” This verse reminds us that God has a plan for each of us, a plan filled with hope and promise. As Christians, we are called to trust in God’s plan and to look forward to the future with confidence.

Charity, or love in action, is at the heart of our Christian faith. In 1 Corinthians 13:13, Paul writes, “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”

Love is the foundation upon which we build our lives and our communities.

Charity is not just about giving money or material goods; it is about giving ourselves for others. It is about being present for others, offering a listening ear, a comforting word, or a helping hand. It is about seeing the face of Christ in everyone we meet — and responding with compassion and kindness.

Pope Francis, in his reflections, reminds us that material things do not lead to the fullness of life, but rather, it is in taking the path of charity which keeps nothing for itself and shares all. He emphasizes that true charity comes from God and is directed towards God, enabling us to love our neighbor as God loves them.

In his May 15, 2024, General Audience address:

“Recalling the Sermon on the Mount, the Holy Father showed that Jesus revealed love ‘as a theological that assumes the name of charity.’ It is a difficult virtue to practice, even an impossible one, ‘if one does not live in God.’ But beyond the normal loves and affections of the human heart, he said, ‘Christian love embraces what is not lovable, it offers forgiveness, blesses those who curse. It is a love so ardent that it seems almost impossible, and yet it is the only thing that will remain of us.’ And he concluded with the warning that, in our final moments, ‘we will not be judged on generic love, but precisely on charity,’ and quoted the words of Jesus, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.’” (Vatican News, May 15, 2024)

This is the essence of charity.

In Matthew 25:35-40, Jesus tells us, “For I was hungry, and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.”

When we serve others, we are serving Christ Himself. This is the essence of what we do as Vincentians.

As we look to the future, we must also be prepared to adapt to change. The world around us is constantly evolving, and we must be willing to grow and change with it. This does not mean abandoning our core values or beliefs, but rather, finding new ways to live out those values in a changing world.

In Isaiah 43:19, God says, “Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” God is always at work, creating new opportunities and possibilities. We must be open to these new things and willing to step out in faith.

Pope Francis has also spoken about the need for the Church to change in favor of human dignity. He reminds us that adapting to change is not about losing our identity but about growing and ennobling our mission. We must be willing to embrace new ways of thinking and acting that reflect the love and compassion of Christ.

Adapting to change also means being willing to learn and grow. In Proverbs 1:5, we read, “Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance.” We must be lifelong learners, always seeking to grow in our understanding of God’s word and His will for our lives. We must learn from each other, from the thousands and thousands of Vincentians who are serving our neighbors in need every day, in cities large and small, across this great country of ours.

As we think about tomorrow, we must do so with hope. Hope is a powerful force that can sustain us through difficult times and inspire us to keep moving forward. In Romans 15:13, Paul writes, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.”

Hope is not just wishful thinking; it is a confident expectation of good things to come. It is rooted in our faith in God and His promises. When we have hope, we can face the future with courage and confidence, knowing that God is with us every step of the way.

Let us NEVER stop thinking about tomorrow. Let us embrace the future with a spirit of charity, always seeking to love and serve others. Let us be willing to adapt to the changes that come our way, trusting that God is doing a new thing in our lives. And let us look forward with hope, confident in the promises of God.

Peace and God’s blessings,

John Berry
National President

08-22-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

08-22-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1200 1200 SVDP USA

“As it is, there are many parts, yet one body.” 1 Corinthians 12:20

As Vincentians, we are still facing the challenges and issues of diversity along with all our personal challenges. And of course, this makes it difficult to increase membership, but in no way does it stop us from doing what we are called to do and to be — ONE SOCIETY.

Yes, when we speak of diversity, we mean more Hispanics and more African Americans but, we also mean more Asians, more youth, more women, more disabled people, and greater regional diversity. A natural phenomenon is that people attract others who look like them. Therefore, it is incumbent upon each Vincentian to seek out people who are different from themselves. Yes, this can be uncomfortable, but it can be done and is likely to be a good learning experience for everyone involved. It sets an example that is self-replicating.

Diversity in membership creates a more innovative and successful organization. Bringing together different perspectives, experiences, and talents, creates a dynamic environment that fosters growth and success for both individuals and the organization. Since the Society wishes to grow its membership, diversity is one way to make that happen. In a recent commentary on VisionSVdP, the question was asked, “why can’t we move the needle on increasing diversity in our membership despite years of trying?” I challenge us to say and believe “Yes We Can.”

As Vice President of Friendship and Community, our committee has the charge to continue the dedicated efforts of building awareness, bridging abilities, embracing diversity, and broadening friendships and community. We are to take bold and courageous steps toward weaving the threads and strengthening the bonds between different groups in a fragmented and divisive culture. As we focus on these goals and take the necessary action, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul will reflect more beautifully the Multicultural Diversity Committee’s guiding principle, known as EMBRACE: Every Member Belongs, Respects, Accepts, Cares, and Empathizes with each other and with those we serve. This will allow us to strengthen ourselves within and go forth to build a dynamic, diverse, and dedicated Society.

We invite you to open again your heart to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and be inspired to join hands and make a personal commitment to move the “diversity needle.” Again, this is one way we can grow our Society. Here are a few tips on how you can help us meet these lofty goals:

  1. Get to know individuals who are different.
  2. Show and promote the works of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul
  3. Discern their interest and invite them to join the Society
  4. Mentor and demonstrate the MCDC guiding principle – EMBRACE
  5. Assess your Conference as to its “welcoming culture”
  6. Accompany new members as you teach and live the essential elements of the Society: – Spirituality, Friendship and Service.

All these things are important as the Society moves the “diversity needle” and becomes a place where individuals from all backgrounds are welcomed, and a place where good continues to flow outward with ever-increasing effectiveness. Can we move the ‘diversity needle”? Yes We Can!!!

Yours in Christ,
Connie Steward
National Vice President of Vincentian Friendship and Community


08-08-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

08-08-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1200 1200 SVDP USA

The human head has between 80 – 90,000 hairs. That’s roughly the number of Society of St Vincent de Paul members in the United States. In 11 years as your national CEO, my hair has become increasingly greyer. Coincidence?

Many people share with me that I always appear calm, especially when events crash around us. That’s because I am a constructive worrier, although some might call it simply anticipative. Chances are that the outcome I imagined, and planned for, was worse than what actually happened. Hope for the best, expect the worst, and you are rarely surprised.

What do I worry about in this role? There are big things, but mostly small things. I worry that the right person is at the right time and place, saying the right things. I worry about national event attendance. My largest worries are that whatever we are doing is not enough to help every family out there who needs us. I worry that there is some solution to poverty that we haven’t found yet, despite our best efforts. I worry about a shrinking Church in some parts of our country, limiting the recruiting pool for new Society members. Finally, I worry that our members need something from “National” that we can’t provide.

You might find this strange, but I don’t worry about money too much. We are blessed with generous donors, and many more people we haven’t yet reached with our story, because when they know our story and impact, they respond with financial resources. No, we usually suffer more from a lack of people and organization than a lack of funds.

It would be wonderful if I could worry about not meeting our mission because we have served everyone in need we can find. Unfortunately, this may never happen. The Poor, as we know, will always be with us. And so, too, will there be people who need to grow in their own holiness. We will have important Society work for a lifetime!

As I depart next month through my retirement from this CEO position, I also don’t worry too much about the Society’s future. We are blessed with many great leaders, who have learned from those who served previously and who continue to elevate our work. We also have a new generation or two behind them, learning as they serve as good followers. My successor, Michael Acaldo, is a proven servant leader. He will build upon whatever good, bad, or just plain nutty practices I have put in place to lead our wonderful National Council staff and serve our ambitious, dedicated Board of Directors. We have money in the bank to fuel dreams of growth and innovation, a solid Vincentian formation platform, and plenty of heart, brains, and desire to do good. There are genuinely exciting times ahead of us!

My wife Mary Ellen and I are moving to suburban Phoenix next month. The plan is to write some books, including perhaps a collection of these Servant Leader columns, join some neighborhood hobby clubs, serve in my parish and Conference, support the National and local SVdP Councils as they see fit, and finally to learn some new skills. These are the new interests I’d like to turn my worries to soon. I can’t see myself doing little or nothing. I certainly have so many Vincentian friends in their 60s and above who serve as role models for fruitful, active retirements!

Maybe I’ll become a keyboard warrior, go to some ballgames, take more naps, and squirt a water hose in fun at passing children from my front yard. After 40 years of professional nonprofit service, a little more personal, even wasted, time might be fun!

Before I leave, I want to thank you for reading these columns over the years. This is my last Servant Leader column, at least as your national CEO. It’s gratifying when someone says they read my work. It’s even more fulfilling when a member says that they brought my column to a Conference meeting to initiate a conversation of substance. Maybe I couldn’t provide an answer, but framing the right question is also important.

Thank you as well for your patience, friendship and lessons learned through our worshiping and serving together. I have grown as a person, a servant leader, and as a faithful Catholic through our relationships over a decade. I can leave my Society job and my career with gratitude, confidence in our efforts together, adequate retirement savings, and an abundance of friendships. And even most of my hair.

Yours in Christ,
Dave Barringer
National CEO


08-01-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

08-01-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1200 1200 SVDP USA

The miracle of the loaves and the fishes and the parable of the Judgment of the Nations offer profound insights into faith, generosity, resourcefulness, and service. These lessons are particularly relevant for us, especially in the context of fundraising and adapting to a changing world. By examining these stories, we can draw valuable lessons that guide us in our mission to serve others and sustain our organization.

In the miracle of the loaves and the fishes, Jesus is confronted with a large crowd of hungry people. Despite having only five loaves of bread and two fish, He performs a miracle, multiplying the food to feed thousands. This story teaches us several key lessons that are highly relevant to our efforts in fundraising.

First, the miracle underscores the importance of faith and trust in Divine Providence. Just as Jesus trusted that God would provide for the needs of the crowd, we too must have faith that our efforts in fundraising will be blessed. But this faith is not passive; it requires us to take action, just as the disciples did when they distributed the loaves and fishes. In a changing world, where economic uncertainties and shifting donor priorities can make fundraising challenging, maintaining faith in our mission and in God’s providence is crucial. We must believe that our efforts, no matter how small, can be multiplied by divine intervention. But we must also adapt our actions to the changing world we face.

Second, the miracle highlights the power of generosity and the impact of small contributions.

The boy who offered his loaves and fishes did not have much, but his willingness to give what he had made a significant difference. In fundraising, we often focus on large donations, but this story reminds us that every contribution, no matter how small, is valuable. Encouraging a culture of generosity within our communities can lead to collective impact, where many small gifts combine to create substantial support for our mission and the combined efforts of many can achieve great things.

Third, the miracle teaches us about the importance of adaptability and resourcefulness. Jesus and His disciples did not have a detailed plan for feeding the crowd, but they adapted to the situation and used the resources available to them. In today’s rapidly changing world, we must be flexible and innovative in our fundraising strategies. This might involve embracing new technologies, exploring diverse funding sources, or finding creative ways to engage with donors. By being adaptable, we can respond to new challenges and opportunities as they arise. And we must be open and willing to invest in fundraising, spending appropriately on ways that will allow us to grow our fundraising income.

The parable of the Judgment of the Nations, found in Matthew 25:31-46, complements these lessons by emphasizing the importance of serving others. In this passage, Jesus speaks about the separation of the sheep and the goats, highlighting that those who serve the least of these — feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and imprisoned — are serving Him. This story teaches us that our work in fundraising is not just about raising money; it is about fulfilling our mission to serve others and make a positive impact in their lives. Our fundraising efforts should always be aligned with our core mission of service and compassion.

In the context of fundraising, these lessons are particularly relevant. Just as Jesus multiplied the loaves and fishes, we can multiply our efforts by leveraging the power of community, collaboration, and wise fundraising investment. By building strong relationships with donors, volunteers, and community members, we can amplify our impact and achieve our goals more effectively. This might involve creating partnerships with other organizations, engaging with professional fundraising experts, and mobilizing others to support our mission. Collaboration and partnership can lead to a multiplication of resources and efforts, enabling us to reach more people and make a greater difference.

Furthermore, the parable of the Judgment of the Nations reminds us of the ultimate purpose of our work. Our fundraising efforts are not just about sustaining our organizations; they are about serving others and fulfilling our mission. This perspective can inspire and motivate us, even in the face of challenges. When we remember that our work is ultimately about serving Christ through serving others, we can find the strength and determination to persevere.

In conclusion, the miracle of the loaves and the fishes and the parable of the Judgment of the Nations offer timeless lessons. By maintaining faith, fostering generosity, being adaptable, and focusing on serving others, we can navigate the challenges of a changing world and continue to fulfill our mission. Let us take these lessons to heart as we work together to make a positive impact in the lives of those we serve. Through faith, generosity, adaptability, and service, we can multiply our efforts and achieve great things!

Peace and God’s blessings,

07-25-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

07-25-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1200 1200 SVDP USA

The Moments That Make Us Who We Are

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born, I dedicated you.”
– Jeremiah 1: 5

Wow! God knew that I would travel a road that would lead me to a Vincentian vocation, devoted to serving in my Conference, Council, and region.

There have been many turning points in my life that have shaped me to be who I am today. Though I may not have acknowledged these turning points when they occurred (or even knew that I needed to make a change), I know that these moments were filled with meaning and transformation. These moments exposed my vulnerabilities, my strengths and weaknesses, and my spirituality.

The Directory for Catechesis tells us, “Formation is an ongoing process that, under the guidance of the Spirit and in the living womb of the Christian community, helps the baptized person take shape, unveiling our deepest identity as children of God in profound communion with others.” (DC 131)

Vincentian formation means being shaped through the Holy Spirit, for and by our Vincentian work, into useful vessels God needs for the poor. “As Vincentians, our vocation is one in which we are called to live as Christ lived; to model our lives on the life of Jesus and making our hearts freer for prayer and service.” (The Rule)

Reflecting on my journey to my Vincentian vocation and how my heart has been formed to serve our neighbors in need takes my back to the late 1950s and a grandmother, Julia Jander Fallwell, who shared a loving and unselfish heart to serve the poor of Palestine, Texas. So, let me set the stage of one impactful moment.

My grandmother was born in 1891 and a lifelong resident of Palestine. She was a faithful member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church. Her presence is still in this church with the two beautiful side altars that are in memory of the Jander family. Palestine was most known as a railway transportation hub, and the train station was four blocks from my grandmother’s home on the corner of Howard and Lacey.

One Thanksgiving in the late 1950s, our large family was gathered, enjoying a traditional turkey dinner. There was a knock on the back door. My grandmother answered, turned around, walked to the dinner table, grabbed one of her best china plates and loaded it with turkey and all the trimmings. She returned to the back doorstep and handed the plate to an itinerant worker traveling the country by train who had walked from the train station. It became obvious that it was widely known that travelers could come to this generous and caring woman’s home for a hot meal. This single event has always been with me, and I often look back and thank my grandmother for her example of kindness and selflessness.

It took many years to hear and respond to His calling. God has orchestrated my life for maximum benefit. He has put me in the right places at the right time. My formation brought me to a place and time where I share with our friends in need suffering in solidarity. I have always gone back to this Thanksgiving to remind myself what I am called to do. This was my transformative moment. And, so, it has continued through to the present time.

“We need markers of development to assure us that we are making progress and that we are indeed on the same path of faith our spiritual role-models walked.”
– Corella Roberts

My grandmother would be so happy to know that Sacred Heart Catholic Church now has a St. Vincent de Paul Conference, founded in 2008 and aggregated in 2011 to serve the Palestine community. I know if she were here, she would be an active member of this Conference.

65 years after this one life-changing event, poverty is still with us. As with all things, over time we need to consider how we can adapt to our changing world to better serve those in need and to continue the relevancy of the Society. We now have an opportunity over the next several months to listen to all Vincentian voices on ideas how we might adapt with the introduction of Vision SVDP. Consider it a family conversation around a Thanksgiving table.

Yours in Christ,
Susan Wiland

Vincentian Embarks Upon Eucharistic Pilgrimage

Vincentian Embarks Upon Eucharistic Pilgrimage 540 552 SVDP USA

Voice for the Poor Chair Bobby Kinkela recently participated in one of four Eucharistic Pilgrimages making their way across the United States as part of the National Eucharistic Congress. He shared his story with us, and urges his fellow Vincentians to participate in the Pilgrimage as it winds across the country:

At Midyear this year, National CEO Dave Barringer asked us to support the Eucharistic Pilgrimages which are leading up to the National Eucharistic Congress later this month.

As Vincentians, we always need to focus on our faith because it’s our faith that allows us to do the work that we do.  Even as chair of Voice for the Poor, which deals with advocacy and politics, I see the Eucharist, politics and service as connected… or at least they should be!  I recently served on the panel for a USCCB sponsored event about bringing together the Eucharist and social action.

Back to the Pilgrimage, though.

A group of 55 of us left from my home parish of St. Ann in Michigan by bus to travel to Notre Dame, IN for the Eucharistic Pilgrimage!  I was happy that my three children came with me. We had a good day touring the Notre Dame basilica and viewing their art museum.

We connected with the rest of the pilgrims at the church of St. Therese of the Little Flower and our numbers swelled to thousands!  I had some SVdP signs made for the Eucharistic Procession, so I was greeted by Vincentians from all over who saw the sign, and even connected with Monika Uriel, a Voice for the Poor rep from Detroit.  We just happened to find each other in Indiana during the Eucharist Pilgrimage!

We then gathered in the Notre Dame basilica for a standing-room-only Mass and then dinner afterwards before heading home.

I encourage all Vincentians to support and get involved in the Pilgrimages and the revival that will come next year. You can learn more at the National Eucharistic Congress website. More Catholics in the U.S. means more Vincentians — and more Vincentians can only enhance our goal to serve those in need.  Serve God, be friends to one another, and serve the face of Christ.

07-11-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

07-11-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1200 1200 SVDP USA

At a recent leadership development retreat for our national Youth, Young Adult and Emerging Leaders group, I provided a session on leadership lessons I have learned (some painfully!) over 11 years as the Society’s National CEO and more than 40 years leading mostly nonprofits.

It became apparent in our conversation that these lessons don’t benefit just young leaders, but to a great extent all leaders. Some take on Society leadership because they were good followers and workers, or because they were the first to raise their hand and volunteer. Neither of these guarantee that a person will, or won’t, lead others well. I wonder sometimes if some of our new leaders have ever led anywhere before now! So, whether you are reading this column at 16 or 60 years old, perhaps these lessons can benefit you on your own leadership learning journey. Here they are, briefly:

  1. Don’t confuse Leadership with Money or Fame. Leadership may be thankless.
  2. Anyone can be a Leader — start now! You can begin from anywhere — no excuses.
  3. Hire/recruit people smarter than you, then let them flourish. Always scout for talent.
  4. Use your entire “leadership toolbox”; apply lessons learned from anywhere and anytime.
  5. Use mentors, and then become one. No one is an island! Pay it back.
  6. Don’t let Perfect be the enemy of Good. Keep moving ahead, and adjust as you go.
  7. Always see and play the long game. Think months, even years ahead.
  8. Your job as a leader is not to Do, but to Get Things Done. (And to Keep the Group Together.)
  9. Work to be a good Follower. It helps you understand how to be a better Leader.
  10. Listen, then speak. Listen more than you speak.

I’m sure that a leadership author could write a separate book on each of the above lessons, and in some cases they probably have. I assume that Vincentians are too busy serving people to read 10 books! Therefore, please make do with just the list. You might choose just five that you need to work on to sharpen your skills. Master those, and recruit for the other five!

Here are some characteristics of Good Leaders. They:

  1. Keep learning, formally and informally. Read constantly — trends, different perspectives, etc. that may inform their work.
  2. Find ways to elevate others and help them to grow.
  3. Know a little about a lot, instead of a lot about a little.
  4. Constantly connect the dots. Everything can relate to, and possibly support, everything else if you look hard enough.

If you are the type that feels that you must read a book to learn more legitimately about leadership, here are my favorite books on the topic, all readily available and very readable:

In my upcoming retirement, maybe I’ll expound on all this with my own book. If I do, I know it will have plenty of great leadership examples from our SVDP Council and Conferences and the wonderful volunteers who step up to lead them in service to God and people in need. That should be a book worth reading!

Yours in Christ,
Dave Barringer
National CEO

06-20-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

06-20-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1200 1200 SVDP USA

My last Servant Leader column on Encounter generated quite a few comments and discussions. That is great, because these columns should be opportunities for us to exchange thoughts and ideas, not just read what someone else has to say.

I wanted to continue the discussion for another week, with a few thoughts and clarifications generated from the exchanges from two weeks ago.

Some people mistakenly got the impression that I was advocating the elimination of the term Home Visit completely and replacing it with Encounter. That is wrong. Home Visits are what they are: Home Visits. All Home Visits are Encounters with those we serve.

But not all Encounters are Home Visits, and that is the point. Our service to people in need goes well beyond the Home Visit, and therefore, we must speak in a more inclusive way about what we do to make sure that we make ALL Vincentians feel welcome and valued in the work they do.

Some people asked why I am even advocating for this new “weird” term. Why do we have to change?

This is my answer.

As Christians, we are called not just to act with charity, but to infuse our actions with the love and presence of Christ. This calling goes beyond mere acts of kindness; it requires us to engage deeply and spiritually with those we serve.

When we talk about charity, the first image that often comes to mind is giving: giving food to the hungry, clothes to the naked, shelter to the homeless. These acts are indeed vital, and Jesus emphasized their importance in the Gospel of Matthew 25. However, Jesus also calls us to a deeper level of engagement. He calls us to see His face in those we serve, to recognize the divine image in every person we encounter. This is the essence of a spiritual encounter in charitable relationships.

A spiritual encounter transforms charity from a transactional act into a relational and sacramental experience. It is not just about what we give but how we give it — and the spirit in which we engage with others. When we allow our acts of charity to be infused with prayer, compassion, and genuine love, we offer more than just material assistance; we offer the healing presence of Christ.

The spiritual encounter in charitable relationships also enriches the giver. When we open our hearts to truly see and engage with those we serve, we too are transformed. We begin to understand the depth of human suffering, resilience, and the beauty of human dignity. This transformation fosters a deeper connection with God, as we become more attuned to His presence in the world around us.

Spiritual encounters in charitable relationships help to break down barriers of prejudice and indifference. When we see others through the eyes of Christ, we can no longer categorize them as “the needy” or “the less fortunate.” Instead, we recognize them as brothers and sisters, equal in dignity and deserving of our love and respect. This recognition compels us to address not just the symptoms of poverty and suffering but their root causes, striving for justice and systemic change, as called for by Blessed Frédéric Ozanam.

In our work as Vincentians, we can engage in these spiritual encounters through all our many services (not just Home Visits) by being present, listening with empathy, and praying for and with those we serve.

We must understand that every act of charity, no matter how small, can be a conduit for God’s love if done with a pure heart. Blessed Frédéric said, “No act of charity is foreign to the Society.”

As Saint Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 13:3, “If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.” Love is the soul of charity, and it is through love that our actions become transformative.

We must strive to make our charitable actions more than mere transactions. We must seek to encounter Christ in those we serve and allow these spiritual encounters to deepen our faith and love. By doing so, we will not only fulfill our Vincentian vocation, but also become true bearers of God’s love in the world, creating a network of charity, grace, and compassion that embraces the world.

That is why I advocate for using the term Encounter when we refer to our work. By calling a meeting between two people an Encounter rather than a Visit, we highlight distinct nuances in the nature and impact of the interaction. An Encounter implies a deeper level of engagement, where the individuals involved might experience a transformative or enlightening moment. Encounters are often seen as pivotal, potentially altering perceptions, emotions, or relationships.

In contrast, a Visit denotes a more planned, routine, or casual interaction. Visits are typically structured and can be social, professional, or obligatory, often lacking the depth of an Encounter. While a visit can certainly be meaningful, it does not inherently suggest the same potential for profound impact or unexpected significance as an encounter. For instance, a visit to a friend’s house might involve catching up and enjoying each other’s company, whereas an encounter with a long-lost friend in an unexpected place might lead to a heartfelt reconnection and emotional revelations. Therefore, the word Encounter emphasizes the extraordinary and potentially transformative nature of the meeting, while  Visit emphasizes the intention, regularity, and social aspects of the interaction.

In the Catholic faith, the concept of an Encounter transcends mere physical meeting to embody a profound spiritual connection graced by God. This belief is rooted in the idea that when two people come together in faith, God’s presence enhances their interaction, transforming it into a sacred moment. This encounter is not just an exchange of words or gestures, but a divine engagement where God’s grace becomes manifest.

If we are honest, we will admit that many of our interactions with the people we serve have become transactions. They have lost all semblance of Encounter, becoming a purely obligatory visit to get in, find out how much the rent/utility/medical/insurance/ bill is, get it paid, and move on to the next one.

At the top of this column, I said all Home Visits are Encounters. The reality is, that is not 100% true. Far too many Home Visits and other special works services, have become no more than secular visits with the sole purpose of getting someone off the call list.

That is why I am so passionate about us understanding the term Encounter and using it to describe what we do.

Because if we do not, we are just going to be another social service agency doing good for people in need — but not doing much to grow spiritually in our service to those people.

Peace and God’s blessings,

John Berry
National President

05-29-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

05-29-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1200 1200 SVDP USA

Dear brother and sister Vincentians, greetings from Anchorage, Alaska!

I am delighted to introduce myself as Andrew Bellisario, C.M., the new National Episcopal Advisor for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. This year, I celebrate 40 years as a Vincentian priest. Next year commemorates the 50th anniversary of my entry into the Congregation of the Mission, founded by Saint Vincent de Paul in 1625. More importantly, next year also marks the 400th anniversary of the founding of the Congregation of the Mission.

I was born and raised in Alhambra, California, near Pasadena, of Rose Parade and Rose Bowl fame. I attended Vincentian seminaries from 1971 until my ordination in 1984. After ordination, I had the privilege of serving in Vincentian parishes, working with local Conferences of the Society, serving as provincial superior of the Vincentians in the western United States, and being the director of the Daughters of Charity. In 2015, my superiors sent me to Alaska to join the Vincentian International Mission, which serves Spanish-speaking people. To my surprise, Pope Francis appointed me the Bishop of Juneau, Alaska, in 2017 and then, the Archbishop of the newly constituted Archdiocese of Anchorage-Juneau in 2020.

Our president, John Berry, journeyed to Alaska last year to invite me to serve as the National Episcopal Advisor. Initially, I hesitated due to the distance from what we call “the Lower 48.” However, the Vincentian Family’s call is undeniable. I am here, filled with joy and eagerness, ready to serve you and the Society to the best of my abilities. I eagerly anticipate meeting many of you at the National Assembly in August and was pleased to meet some of you at the Mid-Year Meeting in March.

From Easter to Pentecost, it was my honor to visit numerous parishes in my archdiocese to administer the Sacrament of Confirmation. Traveling in Alaska can be challenging because of limited roads, accessibility, vast areas, and inclement weather. Outside the road system, boats, ferries, and planes of varying sizes are the norm for transportation. Everywhere travels took me this Easter season, I met parishioners excited and ready to “be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Whether it was a parish in Anchorage and Juneau or our many parishes and missions in smaller towns and villages across 125,000 square miles, our people were ready to allow the Spirit to transform their lives as fully initiated Catholics.

We just celebrated the Solemnity of Pentecost. Reading the second chapter of the Acts of the Apostles fills my heart with excitement. The powerful images of Pentecost remain with us to inspire us and give us hope: a strong driving wind, tongues as of fire, and bold preaching in many languages. The Holy Spirit transforms the once-frightened disciples into bold evangelizing preachers. What a difference the Holy Spirit makes!

The presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives, the divine gift of God’s love, not only guides us but also compels us to act. God’s love urges us to protect the lives of the unborn, children, the vulnerable, and all people. God’s love urges us to expose injustice and strive for justice vigorously. And as we know so well, God’s love compels us to see the face of our Lord in each person who suffers from poverty.

Working for justice in the service of persons who are poor may seem overwhelming. Still, the patroness of the missions and Alaska, St. Thérèse of Lisieux, knew that the love of Christ is our motivation and the answer to our woes. St. Thérèse reminds us: “You know well enough that Our Lord does not look so much at the greatness of our actions, nor even at their difficulty, but at the love with which we do them.”

When we love and serve our masters who are poor, we are following Christ the way Blessed Frédéric, Blessed Rosalie, Saint Vincent, and Saint Louise followed Christ. Our Founders were on fire with the Holy Spirit like those early apostles. May we, too, be on fire, and our flames burn forever intensely with love for Christ in his poor.

Many Blessings,
Archbishop Andrew Bellisario, C.M.

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