Devastating Wildfires Heighten Importance of Homelessness Prevention in California

Devastating Wildfires Heighten Importance of Homelessness Prevention in California 2048 1536 SVDP USA
by David Garcia, Executive Director, The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Los Angeles

The recent wildfires that have devastated Los Angeles and its neighboring communities bring the threat of homelessness ever closer to countless doorsteps.

I’m not just talking about the tens of thousands of people that have been displaced due to the fires, many of whom face the awful challenge of finding a place to live and rebuilding their lives after their home was destroyed. All sorts of establishments have also been destroyed — offices and shops, restaurants and schools, parks and recreation centers. According to Morgan Stanley, an estimated 20,000-40,000 jobs have been lost from the fires — another devastating and long-term impact. For many Californians, this job loss and profound disruption pushes them closer to the brink of homelessness. Effective, preventative intervention needs to happen now — before it’s too late.

Make no mistake: Even before the fires, California residents have been struggling. The average median rent in California is already $2,763 — 38% higher than the national average, according to Zillow — and that was before the housing supply in Los Angeles took a catastrophic hit. Many Californians need to find a new job, a new home, or both – when they were already struggling to keep up with rent and feed their families. That situation puts far too many California families far too close to the edge of homelessness.

Responding to this situation effectively means responding to it proactively. While many homelessness services organizations focus on what happens after someone becomes homeless, homelessness prevention is at once far more effective and humane. It involves identifying and supporting people who are on the verge of losing their homes – assessing their underlying threats to homelessness and taking preventative measures that will keep them housed.

This is our approach at the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. We administer Home Visits to those seeking assistance to meet them where they are and learn the best ways, tailored to their specific situation, to help keep them in stable housing and off the streets.

Since the fires broke out, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Conferences in the neighborhoods that were affected by the fires have been tirelessly active in addressing the critical needs of their communities. Conferences and the Los Angeles Council have hosted fire relief distributions. Items given out include shoes, clothing, food, water, towels, pet supplies, and baby essentials. In addition, gift cards were distributed, and immediate financial assistance was offered. We continue to work with the fire victims once they move into new housing by providing move-in assistance and home furnishings through St. Vincent de Paul’s National Disaster Services Corp’s House in a Box program.

New research indicates how well these preventive measures work. According to a recent study conducted by Notre Dame’s Lab for Economic Opportunities (LEO), persons who received an average of $2,000 in emergency financial assistance were 81% less likely to become homeless within six months of enrollment and 73% less likely within 12 months.

The state of California has spent $24 billion on homelessness in the past five years. Granting that much of that money is well spent, consider how acute the crisis remains. How much farther could that spending go if we invested some of it in preventing homelessness rather than ameliorating its worst effects? As we look to help those who lost their livelihoods in the fires, it’s time to find out just how effective prevention can be. I am confident it will alleviate a much higher long-term housing crisis in the future.

Homelessness isn’t going away in California. The aftermath of the wildfires in Los Angeles is a stark reminder of that. There is a pressing need to step in and intervene now, before the demand for affordable housing becomes too great and more families are forced out of their homes. By turning our attention to prevention, we can work together to stop the future scourge of homelessness in Los Angeles.

Disaster Services Success Story: Rest for the Weary

Disaster Services Success Story: Rest for the Weary 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Dear Vincentians,

We are all familiar with the startling and isolating dread that can overwhelm us when the unthinkable happens, and our Vincentian principles call us to action. In the wake of a Midwestern tornado, Vincentian friendship and service shines in the story of a neighbor in need of a place to rest.

As an aging member of the Seminole tribe, living alone in a rented house in Shawnee, Oklahoma on a fixed income, Jane was getting by. But disaster struck in 2023, when a spring tornado blew out her bedroom window, bringing devastating damage to the house and everything inside.

Although her landlord repaired the damage to the house itself, Jane had no renter’s insurance, so she couldn’t replace the furniture and personal items destroyed by the tornado. With FEMA funds exhausted on temporary housing and personal funds spent on other clean up, Jane had no way to obtain a new mattress, and she was left sleeping fretfully on her couch.

Thanks to support from donors like you, and a collaboration between an SVdP Disaster Representative, the Oklahoma City Archdiocesan Council, and disaster case managers at Oklahoma City Catholic Charities, Jane connected with the St. Andrew Conference in Moore, Oklahoma. The OKC Council purchased a new mattress using funds from a SVdP Long-Term Disaster Recovery Grant and mobilized St. Andrew Vincentians to deliver the mattress to their neighbor in need.

Jane was delighted to receive the final item necessary to put her home back in order and comfortably rest again, thanks to the help of dutiful Vincentians in collaboration with their community partners.

Identifying and fostering relationships with other local organizations empowers your Conference to better serve your neighbors when disaster strikes. Who do you know in your area involved in emergency management? Where are the gaps in community response that your Conference can help fill?

When Vincentians pursue these collaborative relationships, we strengthen our community bonds to the benefit of our Conferences, our neighbors, and our community partners.

In Christ,
The SVdP USA Disaster Services Corporation Team

A Christmas Blessing for Disaster Survivors

A Christmas Blessing for Disaster Survivors 2000 1045 SVDP USA

In Florida recently, St. Vincent de Paul Disaster Services Corporation and local Vincentians worked together to bring a Christmas blessing for a family who really needed one.

Already facing a series of unforeseen challenges when Hurricane Idalia struck, an undocumented family was hit hard. And when a FEMA check was written to their infant child, the prospect of a homeless Christmas became a harsh reality.

Using funds from a Rapid Response Grant given to the Gainesville District Council, DSC and Vincentians sprung into action, quickly providing a 7-day hotel stay that ensured the family had immediate shelter and would not spend Christmas on the streets. With short-term housing secured, the team was able to get the family’s FEMA check into a credit union, giving them essential resources for survival. We then helped them get into a FEMA-provided trailer, providing a home base for the family as they rebuild their lives.

Thanks to your generosity and the collaborative efforts of SVdP, DSC, and FEMA, we were able to restore stability and hope for this family and so many others like them. Your support makes stories like these possible.

Thank you for being the heart and soul of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Together, we are creating a world where compassion reigns, and hope flourishes for disaster-impacted survivors.

With gratitude,
Elizabeth Disco-Shearer
CEO, Disaster Services Corporation, SVDP-USA

St. Vincent de Paul Continues to Serve 2021 Tornado Survivors

St. Vincent de Paul Continues to Serve 2021 Tornado Survivors 2554 2560 SVDP USA

On November 11, St. Vincent de Paul of Western Kentucky hosted 50 families who survived the 2021 tornadoes with a pre-Thanksgiving celebration in Mayfield, Kentucky.

Many survivors expressed their gratitude for St. Vincent de Paul Disaster Services Corporation’s national House in a Box™ program. One survivor, Tommy Jackson, singled out SVdP Community Liaison, Vicki Duncan: “Miss Vicki was so helpful through it all. When I didn’t know where to go or what to do, she gave me direction. She is truly a blessing.” When he left, Jackson shared with Miss Vicki a handmade afghan and several scripture quotes that are dear to him.

Survivors had a chance to visit with SVdP Diocesan Council Board Members: President Nancy Harris and Vice President Harry Bellew. Harris reflected, “Journeying with the survivors in their recovery is essential so they know they’re not forgotten. We as Vincentians are the long-term recovery people. When everyone else is gone, we’re still here to help. Western Kentucky is our home.”

She continued, “I was humbled by their gratitude — their stories made it so real for me. It was also a great opportunity for us to visit with our special Mayfield Vincentians, they are our local boots on the ground.” The St. Joseph Conference from Mayfield provided the survivor families with fellowship and wonderful hospitality, including delicious food and refreshments.

The community still faces many unmet needs. SVdP Diocesan Council CEO Richard B. Remp-Morris says, “We are thankful for the resources to continue to help tornado survivors. We have seen such generosity from our donors, especially St. Vincent de Paul Disaster Services Corporation and the American Red Cross. However, the need is still so great. It has been a privilege — and at the same time personally rewarding — to be able to serve the western Kentucky tornado survivors.”

As families left the event, they were gifted a new microwave, a tin of holiday cookies, and a $50 gift card towards their Thanksgiving meal. All children received a small bag of candy.

Disaster Services Offers Aid to Northern California Fire Victims

Disaster Services Offers Aid to Northern California Fire Victims 938 943 SVDP USA

When massive wildfires hit Northern California without warning, entire towns were destroyed, thousands were left homeless, and 16 people were killed. But thanks to your generosity, the St. Vincent de Paul Disaster Services Corporation was there to help the Sacramento Diocesan Council respond and rebuild.

Survivors were living in RVs, leaving them vulnerable to the elements, while waiting for delayed state assistance to help them rebuild. Thanks to help from donors like you, DSC and the National Council were able to:

  • Assist 15 Households: The grant provided essential materials and supplies for survival and recovery.
  • Weatherize RVs: By equipping 10 RVs with roof coatings and caulking materials, the project protected families against the elements.
  • Solarize: Solar panels provided heating and cooling needs for a household living in an RV.
  • Provide Hot Water and AC: Families received hot water heaters and window AC units, restoring essential comforts.
  • Control Erosion: Supplies including paint rollers, caulking guns, gloves, fans, flashlights, batteries, and jack pads, were distributed to address pressing safety concerns.
  • Build Community: A poignant remembrance event connected 150 survivors with vital community resources and distributed 400 trees for reforestation and erosion control, fostering a sense of unity and renewal.

But the impact didn’t stop there. The second half of the grant helped volunteers complete vital solar repairs, bring damaged RVs up to safety standards, and distribute gravel, as well as providing fire extinguishers, carbon monoxide detectors, and smoke detectors.

Program Manager Simona Gallegos can’t thank donors enough. “Without this funding, these wildfire survivors would have remained stuck in a never-ending loop of destruction. This funding has equipped them to better deal with extreme weather situations and made them more sustainable in their recovery.”

To donate to the Annual Disaster Campaign, visit www.svdpusa.org/disaster

08-24-2024 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

08-24-2024 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Dear Vincentian Friends,

Disasters have made the headlines frequently this year.  Fires, floods, earthquakes, and hurricanes have left suffering and damage in their wake in the United States and throughout the world. We are being told that this will be a very intense hurricane season, which is following a very active summer of fires. I ask you, your Conference and Council to consider contributing generously this month to our National Council Annual Disaster Appeal. This is the best and most effective way to get disaster aid to our members working in the United States, in cooperation with our Disaster Services Corporation and to provide disaster relief throughout the world through our international structure. This appeal allows us to respond quickly to requests. It also provides funds for disasters that may not make the headlines in your local media. Our Conferences in those areas often need our help just as much as those located where a major hurricane strikes.

We all have been saddened by the devastation left by the fire in Maui this month and the earthquakes in Syria earlier this year. Many Vincentians inquired about providing funding for these disasters but we have no Vincentian presence in those locations. However, there was a major hurricane in Florida, record setting floods in Nigeria, and major flooding in eastern parts of the United States. We have Conferences and Councils present in these locations and they did receive our help. This illustrates the reason why we need to have one annual collection that can then be used as we learn the actual needs our Vincentians identify after disasters.

The Society’s Disaster Services Corporation (DSC) gives us excellent capacity to serve after a disaster. DSC constitutes a knowledgeable team to provide training for our members and to secure private and governmental grants that greatly expand the ability of the Society to serve in these situations. The support the National Council provides for DSC’s efforts is largely funded by this Annual Disaster Appeal. In the past year, DSC has helped Councils in every region of the country respond to floods, tornadoes, wildfires, and hurricanes. The success of this appeal last year meant that we did not have to keep sending out fundraising requests for every one of these efforts. I suspect you would become annoyed with the National Office if we did that.

This appeal will also support the international relief provided by the Society through the Commission for International Aid and Development (CIAD). My position as a vice president on the International Board of Directors is responsible for these grants, and I can assure you that this assistance is very much needed to support the work of our members throughout the world. I also can assure you that the use of the funds is monitored closely, with appropriate reports for accountability. Again, a single appeal allows us to fund response to many disasters you will never hear about. The single appeal also avoids funds being designated to a country without the capacity of members there to use donations that well-meaning Councils might otherwise send.

Before committing funds to a particular disaster, it is important to be certain the local councils have the people and capacity to put our donations to work. When major disasters strike, the need for assistance can last for many years. Long after the reporters have left, our Vincentians will be there helping their neighbors.

Please be generous in supporting this campaign. Frédéric Ozanam saw the Society as a network of charity. The network he envisioned has come to embrace the world. It is at its strongest and most caring when we support the work of Councils and Conferences of our Vincentian sisters and brothers faced with relieving the unforeseen suffering of a natural disaster.

Serviens in spe,
Ralph Middlecamp
National Council President

Disaster Services Update — Empowering Hope: Rebuilding Lives Beyond Hurricane Ida’s Wake

Disaster Services Update — Empowering Hope: Rebuilding Lives Beyond Hurricane Ida’s Wake 615 218 SVDP USA

When Hurricane Ida slammed the East Coast in 2021, Passaic County, New Jersey bore the brunt of the storm.

In the wake of devastation, the heart of Passaic County was witness to both the impact of destruction and the incredible power of community coming together.

This is a story of resilience, strength, and the transformative impact of generosity – a story that speaks to the mission of Disaster Services Corporation, a subsidiary of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.

Imagine a single parent courageously navigating life with four precious children. When Hurricane Ida’s fury struck, their world was turned upside down. The family was forced to leave their home and  seek refuge in a shelter in nearby Bergen County. But amidst the chaos, their determination and love for each other remained unshaken.

In collaboration with The Salvation Army and Compass 82, DSC was able to give this family more than $13,000 to help them find permanent housing, stability, and hope.

The family’s resilience and hope captured the attention of Disaster Services Corporation. And thanks to compassionate donors like you, a chain reaction of support helped give this family a path to recovery.

When you donate to Disaster Services Corporation, you become an integral part of stories like this. You help us restore hope and rebuild lives. Together, we help families overcome the challenges that disasters can bring.

Thanks to your support, stories of disaster recovery can become stories of resilience and hope. Together, we can give families the strength to rebuild, the courage to overcome, and the hope to thrive.

For more information about DSC please visit: www.svdpdisaster.org.

Conference Assists Survivors of Recent Tornado

Conference Assists Survivors of Recent Tornado 1568 882 SVDP USA

Written by: Mike Smith
Vice President, St. Elizabeth of Hungary Conference
Annunciation Catholic Church, Columbus, MS

The following is a heartwarming update regarding one Conference’s ongoing efforts to support those affected by the recent tornado in Amory, Mississippi.

In a recent meeting, our dedicated team, led by Conference Treasurer Rosemary Payne and myself, had the privilege of sitting down with Fr. Joseph, the Pastor of St. Helen’s Catholic Church in Amory, along with around ten other parishioners and community members. The primary objective of this meeting was twofold: to review the progress made in utilizing the funds generously provided to St. Helen’s by SVdP (Society of St. Vincent de Paul), and to discuss the future assistance that might be required.

Thanks to the unwavering support from SVdP, approximately $18,100 has been provided to St. Helen’s so far, enabling them to offer much-needed assistance to the affected individuals and families in the community. Additionally, 750 hygiene kits were sent to Life Springs Ministry, making a significant impact on the lives of those who received them.

During our meeting, we learned that around 75-100 families are still displaced, currently residing in hotel rooms located over 30 miles away from Amory. The lack of available apartments or permanent housing options in the area has posed significant challenges to their recovery. Fortunately, FEMA plans to provide temporary trailers to accommodate some of the displaced individuals, and Franklin Graham’s Samaritan’s Purse is generously donating several permanent trailers to the community. 

With the new school year just around the corner, we discussed the various needs of the affected families, including school clothes, supplies, linens, furniture, and more. We aim to provide comprehensive support to help them rebuild their lives and regain a sense of normalcy.

As we look ahead, our hearts are filled with hope and determination to continue supporting the resilient community of Amory. We are now exploring the possibility of requesting additional funding from SVdP Disaster Services to further bolster our assistance efforts. Your continued support and generosity play a crucial role in making these endeavors possible.

If you are interested in contributing or getting involved, please reach out to us. Together, we can make a lasting difference in the lives of those who have endured the devastating effects of the tornado.

Let us stand united in compassion and solidarity, showing the true spirit of community and support.

DSC Collaborates to Better Assist Disaster Survivors

DSC Collaborates to Better Assist Disaster Survivors 946 860 SVDP USA

SVdP Disaster Services Corporation CEO, Elizabeth Disco-Shearer recently participated in a meeting with representatives from the Disaster Response Leadership Team with the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Organization. The focus of the meeting was “Orientation and Advocacy for Disaster Survivors.” This is a cause that is close to the hearts of both organizations. Throughout the meeting, various strategies were discuss to strengthen disaster relief efforts and amplify advocacy initiatives to ensure that disaster survivors receive the support and care that is so needed during difficult times.

Supporting disaster-affected communities is not only a charitable act, but a fundamental responsibility that requires collaborative efforts from multiple organizations and passionate individuals. DSC’s partnership with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance USA and the Presbyterian Office of Public Witness brings together a wealth of experience, knowledge, and resources, enabling DSC to be more effective in its work. Through the power of collective action and community involvement, a difference can be made in the lives of those who have faced the devastating effects of disasters.

To learn more about the mission of SVdP’s Disaster Services Corporation, visit www.svdpdisaster.org. Your support plays a crucial role in enabling us to respond promptly to disasters and advocate for better relief policies.

Let’s stand together in solidarity as we strive to build resilient communities and provide hope to disaster survivors.

Disaster Services Corporation Launches Kare Wallet at VOAD Conference

Disaster Services Corporation Launches Kare Wallet at VOAD Conference 2420 1816 SVDP USA

Recently, SVdP’s Disaster Services Corporation attended the National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD) Conference held in St. Louis. DSC had an exhibitor booth at the event where they were able to engage with the more than 800 attendees, and network with other organizations that work with those affected by disasters, including FEMA and DHS.

During the Conference, VOAD held elections for the their board and national committee. Elizabeth Disco-Shearer, SVdP DSC CEO, was re-elected as the Board Chairperson. Kevin Peach, SVdP DSC COO, was elected as Chairperson of the Advocacy Committee. Anthony Pluchino, SVdP DSC CPO, was elected as Chairperson of the Disaster Case Management Committee. In their work as members of the VOAD Board and various committees, these roles ensure that SVdP DSC is working collaboratively to provide disaster relief to those in need.

At the Conference, the Kare Wallet was unveiled. This is a collaborative effort between DSC, Algorland, AID:Tech, and Amazon Business. It introduces an innovative solution to streamline aid distribution to disaster survivors, saving both time and money. This partnership is vital to the success of this technology, as it has the potential to make a tangible difference in assisting those in need. Kevin Peach, the COO of the Disaster Services Corporation, SVDP-USA, represented the organization on a panel of partners from all the organizatiosn involved in producine the Kare Wallet where they explained the transformative impact the technology will have on the delivery of disaster assistance.

The Kare Wallet launch marks a significant achievement for DSC and its partners. We extend our gratitude to everyone involved in making this innovation possible. The Kare Wallet has the potential to revolutionize the way aid is distributed during disasters, and we are excited about the positive impact it will have on helping those in need.

Please visit www.svdpdisaster.org to learn more about how you can support our mission.

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