
Contemplation: A Cycle of Love 800 800 SVDP USA

Contemplation: A Cycle of Love

By Timothy Williams, Senior Director of Formation and Leadership Development  We serve, our Rule reminds us, for love alone. [Rule, Part I, 2.2] This does not mean we do it in exchange for love, but rather that our works are motivated by love, and freely given as acts of love. Our own hearts, aflame with…

Contemplation: Joy In Gratitude 800 800 SVDP USA

Contemplation: Joy In Gratitude

By Timothy Williams, Senior Director of Formation and Leadership Development  In the times that our work seems difficult, and the problems of the neighbor or our Conference seems overwhelming, there is one thing that should fill our hearts and minds, bringing us to a state of peace and good cheer in serving: gratitude. It is…

Encountering Our Neighbor -Video- 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Encountering Our Neighbor -Video-

Encountering Our Neighbor Hear what three Vincentians – John, Dr. Ken, and Marge – have to say about their heartfelt experience serving a neighbor, and how that has shaped their time with the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. John Berry, National President:   We had opened up a brand new food pantry in Atlanta where…

08-08-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1200 1200 SVDP USA

08-08-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

The human head has between 80 – 90,000 hairs. That’s roughly the number of Society of St Vincent de Paul members in the United States. In 11 years as your national CEO, my hair has become increasingly greyer. Coincidence? Many people share with me that I always appear calm, especially when events crash around us.…

Contemplation: One Who Lives Differently 800 800 SVDP USA

Contemplation: One Who Lives Differently

By Timothy Williams, Senior Director of Formation and Leadership Development  Serviens in spe, reads the Society’s motto, Serving in Hope. Hope can be a powerful feeling, a state of mind that keeps us going through great difficulties. It is a light at the end of the tunnel, the silver lining behind the cloud, and the…

Michael Acaldo to Helm the Society of St. Vincent de Paul USA as Next Chief Executive Officer 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Michael Acaldo to Helm the Society of St. Vincent de Paul USA as Next Chief Executive Officer

After an extensive nationwide search led by executive search firm BoardWalk Consulting, we are proud to announce that the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) has chosen its next National CEO from our own SVdP USA family. Michael Acaldo, the CEO of the SVdP Diocesan Council of Baton Rouge, will become our new CEO…

08-01-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1200 1200 SVDP USA

08-01-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

The miracle of the loaves and the fishes and the parable of the Judgment of the Nations offer profound insights into faith, generosity, resourcefulness, and service. These lessons are particularly relevant for us, especially in the context of fundraising and adapting to a changing world. By examining these stories, we can draw valuable lessons that…

Contemplation: Providing What is Needed 800 800 SVDP USA

Contemplation: Providing What is Needed

By Timothy Williams, Senior Director of Formation and Leadership Development  One of the central tenets of Vincentian spirituality is trust in Divine Providence. We are called to trust that God will provide what is needed for things to work out for the best. In theory, this sounds quite simple, because we know that God is…

07-25-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1200 1200 SVDP USA

07-25-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

The Moments That Make Us Who We Are “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born, I dedicated you.” – Jeremiah 1: 5 Wow! God knew that I would travel a road that would lead me to a Vincentian vocation, devoted to serving in my Conference, Council, and region.…

Contemplation: The Bashful Poor 800 800 SVDP USA

Contemplation: The Bashful Poor

By Timothy Williams, Senior Director of Formation and Leadership Development  Effective Conferences, our manual explains, are “reachable.” [Manual, 26] While most Conferences make every effort to ensure that their phone number, along with perhaps a website and email address, are well-publicized and shared with other community organizations for referrals, our Rule calls us to do…

07-18-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1200 1200 SVDP USA

07-18-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

Recently, at the Midwest Regional Meeting, I had the great pleasure of meeting and listening to The Most Reverend William Joensen, Ph.D, the Bishop of Des Moines, Iowa. In his after-dinner remarks, Bishop Joensen spoke about Frédéric Ozanam and the idea of “charitable disruption.” It was a fascinating talk (as you would expect from a…

Contemplation: The Way to Peace 800 800 SVDP USA

Contemplation: The Way to Peace

By Timothy Williams, Senior Director of Formation and Leadership Development  Our little human minds and hearts can sometimes become so bound up in worry and anxiety that we find it difficult to act, difficult even to know what actions to take. We pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and then wonder, with even…

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