
Society of St. Vincent de Paul USA climbs Forbes’ Top 100 Charities List 1920 1920 SVDP USA

Society of St. Vincent de Paul USA climbs Forbes’ Top 100 Charities List

Society of St. Vincent de Paul USA climbs Forbes’ Top 100 Charities List The Society of St. Vincent de Paul USA earned a second consecutive appearance on Forbes magazine’s annual list of Top 100 Charities in the United States, climbing to #59 this year from #75 last year. SVdP USA received a high charitable commitment…

NFL Players wear custom cleats to support St. Vincent de Paul USA 750 1075 SVDP USA

NFL Players wear custom cleats to support St. Vincent de Paul USA

NFL Players wear custom cleats to support St. Vincent de Paul USA During Weeks 13 & 14 of the National Football League games of the 2024 season, NFL players are wearing custom designed cleats in honor of a cause near and dear to their heart. This initiative is through the My Cause My Cleats campaign.…

12-12-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1200 1200 SVDP USA

12-12-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

“Christmas came without ribbons! It came without tags! It came without packages, boxes or bags!” These words, from Dr. Seuss’s classic tale How the Grinch Stole Christmas!, place the upcoming Christmas Season into proper perspective. As Vincentians, we all know that it is not the decorations, the gifts, or the glitz that are essential for…

A Homelessness Agenda for the Incoming Administration 1080 1080 SVDP USA

A Homelessness Agenda for the Incoming Administration

By John Berry, President of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul USA America is facing a homelessness crisis. In some respects, the issue is politicized (and thus vulnerable to partisan gridlock) — particularly regarding law and order, drug policies, and how best to address inequalities. But here’s the good news: This is a crisis…

Contemplation: A Fine Soul 800 800 SVDP USA

Contemplation: A Fine Soul

By Timothy Williams, Senior Director of Formation and Leadership Development  Blessed Frédéric, who is for us a model of lay holiness, fully lived his faith in every part of his life. He served the poor as a lifelong member of the Society he founded. He believed the time spent with friends was “all in order…

CEO Michael Acaldo featured on Yes Catholic podcast 1440 1440 SVDP USA

CEO Michael Acaldo featured on Yes Catholic podcast

Embracing Faith and Service: Michael Acaldo’s Journey with the Society of St. Vincent de Paul The Society of St. Vincent de Paul USA’s CEO Michael Acaldo was recently featured on the weekly podcast Yes Catholic. “During my 34 years of being a Vincentian in the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, I have met so…

12-05-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1200 1200 SVDP USA

12-05-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

My dear Vincentian Brothers and Sisters, As we enter this sacred season of Advent and prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ, we are reminded that this is a time of joy, love, and celebration. Yet, for many among us, the holiday season can also be a time of profound difficulty and pain. It…

Contemplation: Be Quite Cheerful 800 800 SVDP USA

Contemplation: Be Quite Cheerful

By Timothy Williams, Senior Director of Formation and Leadership Development  The Lord loves a cheerful giver, we are taught, and yet, when a friend needs a favor that seems inconvenient, when a call to the Conference helpline disrupts our plans for the evening, or whenever the needs of others call us to give not only…

Contemplation: Keep Your Heart Ready 800 800 SVDP USA

Contemplation: Keep Your Heart Ready

By Timothy Williams, Senior Director of Formation and Leadership Development  When driving on a long trip, we can easily let our minds become distracted by the radio, a phone call, or just our own thoughts and worries, causing us to miss a turn or an exit. We suddenly find ourselves in an unfamiliar place, wondering…

11-27-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1200 1200 SVDP USA

11-27-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

The Beautiful Exchange In early 1997, I was in the final stages of my reconciliation with the Catholic Church, a process that had begun in earnest eight years earlier and which would be consummated at the Easter Vigil that year. During those months, I had a spiritual director, a Carmelite hermit named Fr. John of…

11-21-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders 1200 1200 SVDP USA

11-21-24 A Letter From Our Servant Leaders

“God knows the sufferings of his children because he is an attentive and caring father. As a father, he takes care of those who are most in need: the poor, the marginalized, the suffering and the forgotten. No one is excluded from his heart, for in his eyes, we are all poor and needy.” –…

Contemplation: When Will That Day Come? 800 800 SVDP USA

Contemplation: When Will That Day Come?

By Timothy Williams, Senior Director of Formation and Leadership Development  “When I am formed,” a teenaged Frédéric lamented, having been assured by his spiritual director that his many doubts would be eased at that time, “When will that day come?” [13, to Materne, 1830] He might as well have asked when the Grand Canyon would…

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