
04-25-2024 A Letter from Servant Leaders 1200 1200 SVDP USA

04-25-2024 A Letter from Servant Leaders

By Pauline S. Manalo National Vice President of Vincentian Programs and Services Christ is Risen! We continue to celebrate our Lord’s Resurrection for 50 days. The Easter season is an opportunity for us to reflect on what Easter means to our Vincentian vocation. Finding the tomb empty Mary Magdalen “raises the question that Christians are…

Contemplation: Chosen From All Eternity 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Contemplation: Chosen From All Eternity

By Timothy P. Williams National Director of Formation Virtue, our catechism teaches, is a “habitual and firm disposition to do good.” [CCC: 1833] The good deeds themselves are not the virtue; they are, or should be, the fruits of our virtue. From our virtue of charity comes our practice of generosity; from our virtue of…

04-18-2024 Letter from Servant Leaders 1200 1200 SVDP USA

04-18-2024 Letter from Servant Leaders

By John Berry National President Over the last few months, as we’ve launched our VisionSVdP initiative and begun to conduct our ‘family conversations’ regarding how the Society of St. Vincent de Paul USA will adapt to a changing world, the feedback I have received from Vincentians across the country has been overwhelmingly positive and excited.…

Contemplation: To You Alone 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Contemplation: To You Alone

To offer the benefit of the doubt is to assume the best of somebody even when you are uncertain of the truth. Is this not what we are called to do in our encounters with the neighbor? Thomas, we are told in John’s gospel, would not believe Christ had risen until he had first seen…

04-11-2024 Letter from Servant Leaders 1200 1200 SVDP USA

04-11-2024 Letter from Servant Leaders

We take ZIP codes for granted as a mechanism to get our mail from one place to another more efficiently. What started as five numbers to remember later became nine for presumably better service. Recently, I learned that a ZIP code can say quite a bit about you, and even predict how long you will…

Contemplation: Happy Travelers 497 497 SVDP USA

Contemplation: Happy Travelers

Our Vincentian formation, we are taught, is a lifelong process of becoming. Like all of God’s people, our lives are not simply a series of events, but a journey – a spiritual journey towards perfection in union with our Creator. For us, this journey follows the Vincentian pathway, our special way of living our faith,…

In Tragedy, Homes Represent Hope 1292 802 SVDP USA

In Tragedy, Homes Represent Hope

In March of 2023, devastating tornadoes hit the town of Rolling Fork, MS. In the wake of a natural disaster, families living in poverty are often the most impacted, with fewer resources to rely upon. According to Elizabeth Disco-Shearer, CEO of SVdP USA Disaster Services Corporation (DSC), disasters often hit hardest those who are already…

04-04-2024 Letter from Servant Leaders 1200 1200 SVDP USA

04-04-2024 Letter from Servant Leaders

It has been six months since I assumed the office of National President of the Society. The time has flown by, and it is hard to believe that it has been that long (although to be honest, sometimes it feels like it has been six years!). I have been truly blessed to meet so many…

04-03-24 VisionSVdP Update 8335 2555 SVDP USA

04-03-24 VisionSVdP Update

Dear Fellow Vincentians, Now that the Midyear Meeting, where we rolled out VisionSVdP, is over, I want to give you a report on how things went at the meeting and let you know about the next steps in this important ongoing national initiative. You will be hearing much about VisionSVdP over the next two plus…

Contemplation: Seeking His Will Together 1080 1080 SVDP USA

Contemplation: Seeking His Will Together

“Life,” the old saying goes, “is what happens to us while we are making other plans.” There is a deeper truth captured in this witticism, one that St. Vincent often repeated. It is not that we should make no plans and simply wait for things to happen, but rather, that we should take time not…

The VisionSVdP Prayer 8335 2555 SVDP USA

The VisionSVdP Prayer

The VisionSVdP Prayer Come, Holy Spirit, open our eyes, our hearts, and our imaginations to Your inspiration as we embark on our VisionSVdP journey and seek to discern the Father’s holy will for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul and how it will adapt to a changing world. Come, Holy Spirit, transform our doubts,…

Update on Haiti 421 421 SVDP USA

Update on Haiti

By Pam Matambanadzo, International Territorial Vice President – America 1 We have been receiving calls seeking some guidance on the situation in Haiti. Vincentians want to know if they can send funds to help. It is difficult to answer this without first giving some background to fully understand the magnitude of the reality on the…

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